Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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IBT Period End

The IBT Period End process deletes completed IBT records. IBT records will be deleted if they are flagged as either Fully Completed  (a Type R Record with status of 'C') or Cancelled (with a status of 'X') and their date is no later than the Period End Date.


To run the IBT Period End process:


1.      Either:


The Processes record opens in a new tab, listing all Processes by Name and Category.


2.      Use your mouse or [Tab] key to select the IBT Period End process.


3.      IBT records flagged as either Fully Completed or Cancelled will be deleted up to the Period End Date. This defaults to today's date, but you may select an earlier date if you wish.


There is an option to Include Unconfirmed IBTs if required.


4.      Click Start on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to begin running the process.


5.      When the process has finished running, a Status message will be shown. Click OK to close this message. You may now close the Processes tab if you wish.


NEXT: Purchasing Processes