Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Remote Bar Code Scanning Procedures

The following procedures (except no. 8) are available to be performed by a remote warehouse-based operator, using a wireless RF scanner running the Quantum VS Warehouse System application.


This user must be defined as a Scanner User in Quantum VS, and have appropriate scanner user permissions enabled in their User record - see Setting Up Quantum VS For Bar Code Scanning. Providing the warehouse/scanner network is in place and the appropriate records have been configured, the 'scanner user' may log into the scanner device to perform bar code scanning as part of the following procedures, with real-time updating of Quantum VS:


1 - Purchase Order Stock receipt

2 - Branch Transfer Stock receipt

3 - GRN Put-away

4 - IBT Put-away

5 - Bin Movement

6 - Sales Order Pick

7 - Branch Transfer Pick

8 - Order Checking / Delivery Note Confirmation

9 - Stock Take

10 - Product Identification

Remote Bar Code Scanner User Login

To scan products and update Quantum VS via the network, the 'remote' Scanner User will need to:


1.      Launch the Quantum VS Warehouse System application on the scanner.


2.      The scanner will display the User Login screen. The Scanner User must then scan their warehouse ID badge representing their Quantum VS Warehouse User ID and Password.


3.      The system will log the Scanner User in and display an option screen showing their available roles/permissions. The Scanner User may then carry out bar scanning procedures in accordance with their available roles/permissions.


Note: A defined 'Scanner User' may log into the Quantum VS Warehouse System application on the scanner, but may not log into Quantum VS on the same User account. Therefore they will also require a standard Quantum VS User account in order to perform any tasks for which the main Quantum VS application is required, such as running the Pre Receipt Report.


NEXT: Bar Code Record Maintenance