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Setting Up Quantum VS For Bar Code Scanning

Quantum VS can be used as the basis of a WMS (warehouse management system) which processes the movement and storage of materials. Users may scan products using bar code scanners which send data to - and receive data from - the system in real time.

Prerequisites For Bar Code Scanning: Scanners And Network

A prerequisite for the use of bar code scanners in a warehouse-type environment is the existence of a network, to which one or multiple bar code scanners are connected. Two basic types of scanner may be used in conjunction with available Quantum VS system software, depending on the type of scanning task to be performed:


RF Wireless System: Updates Quantum VS Remotely

An RF Wireless System is a system employing several radio-frequency scanning devices (transcievers) sending data wirelessly, via a private digital cellular network, to the central server computer running Quantum VS. The scanners are typically PDA-type devices with a keyboard and display screen for data input.


Wireless RF scanners are suitable for 'remote' warehouse-based tasks such as picking, where the user needs to be mobile and it is not convenient to enter data via a system-connected workstation. In this case the user will be required to launch the Quantum VS Warehouse System application on the scanner, then use the scanner to scan and enter information. Quantum VS - including product and stock records - is updated remotely via the wireless network.


Keyboard Wedge: Updates Quantum VS Directly

A Keyboard Wedge is a type of hardware scanner which plugs in between the user's keyboard and the PC using a Y cable, or via a USB connection. The device gives users the choice of entering a bar code manually using the keyboard or scanning it in using the scanner to update the system.


Because it connects to Quantum VS directly, any data inputted via a keyboard wedge device will update the system immediately, as if the user were using their PC keyboard. A keyboard wedge device is suitable for workstation-based scanning tasks such as despatch note checking and confirmation (as opposed to a warehouse-based task such as picking). Scanning via a system-connected 'keyboard wedge' type device may be carried out by a standard user, rather than a remote 'scanner user'.

Setting Up Quantum VS For Bar Code Scanning

To configure Quantum VS for product bar code scanning the System Administrator must set up the following documents/records:


Bar Codes

Bar Code records are created in order to associate your own existing Product records with a Bar Code used by your own company ('Our Code'), a Supplier ('Supplier Code') or a Customer ('Customer Code'). Once a Bar Code record has been created, users may scan in the product's bar code using a bar code scanner (or enter it manually) when carrying out a range of procedures and the bar code will be recognised by the system, updating stock records and related records in Quantum VS.


See Bar Code Record Maintenance and Creating A New Bar Code Record.



The WMS Settings tab of the Branch record contains fields for the recording of details relating to when goods are scanned using a bar code scanner. This tab holds the Picking Path Sequence to be used for the branch, plus email addresses to notify if there are shortages during picking, and faults in scanning when receiving goods into stock. You will need to add this information for each of your branches in which bar code scanning will be used in goods receipt and picking.


See Branch Maintenance and Adding Branch WMS Settings.


Branch Stock

Details relating to how a product is stocked at each branch, including its Picking Zone and Bin Location/alternative bin locations, are set up and maintained in Branch Stock Maintenance.


Once these details have been assigned to a product, stock may be scanned using a bar code scanner in procedures such as picking, put away and bin movement. Stock levels and locations will then be updated in real time for the Branch and Product in Quantum VS.


See Branch Stock Maintenance.


Users And Roles

Use of a 'keyboard wedge' type bar code scanner (see above) which connects to the system directly may be carried out by a standard Quantum VS User.


However, in order to carry out remote warehouse-based bar coding tasks (see above) a user must be defined as a 'scanner user' in their User record. This involves creating a specific User record for this person. This is created in the same way as a standard user, except: (a) the Scanner User field, in the GUI Fields tab of the User record, must be checked; and (b) the Scanner User Permissions fields (below) may be checked as necessary to enable the user to perform the following scanner-related procedures: 1 - Purchase Order Stock receipt; 2 - Branch Transfer Stock receipt; 3 - GRN Put-away; 4 - IBT Put-away; 5 - Bin Movement; 6 - Sales Order Pick; 7 - Branch Transfer Pick; 8 - Order Checking / Delivery Note Confirmation; 9 - Stock Take; 10 - Product Identification.


Note that any user defined as a scanner user may not log into Quantum VS as a standard user; they may only perform scanner-related procedures which update the system. The scanner user will need to log into the scanner device independently of Quantum VS.


It is recommended that you create a Role record specifically for 'remote' scanner users - see Creating Roles - in which all of the available features/modules in Quantum VS are disabled. This role may then be assigned to 'remote' scanner users when you create their user record.


To create Users see User Maintenance and Creating Users.


NEXT: Remote Bar Code Scanning Procedures