Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Using Quantum VS Price Importer

Rather than updating product prices and/or Supplier costs manually within Quantum VS, you may use a separate add-on application - Quantum VS Price Importer - to import into Quantum VS a Supplier's new prices (i.e. Buying Costs). You may adjust/manipulate the prices/costs beforehand if necessary.

How Does Quantum VS Price Importer Work?

Price Importer is an Excel add-on which enables you to import price updates from Suppliers – in the form of Excel spreadsheets - into Quantum VS. This easy-to-use tool enables you to avoid the costly, time consuming and error-prone process of inputting Supplier price updates manually.


Price Importer enables you to:


IMPORTANT: You must then run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply, to the product record, the 'forward' prices/costs you entered using Quantum VS Price Importer.


Note: For details further details about Quantum VS Price Importer please contact Quantum VS Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk


NEXT: Using Forward Pricing Processes