Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Reviewing Purchase Order Progress And Supplier Delivery/Shipping Targets

There are various features available in Purchase Orders which enable you to review the order, record details relating to the order's progress and ultimately review how well the Supplier/shipping company met their Delivery/Shipping Targets. These include:


Purchase Order Date Fields

Purchase Orders have a series of date fields which enable you to:

See Purchase Order Date Fields And Supplier Delivery/Shipping Targets.


Note: For examples of how Purchase Order date fields can be used in reviewing Supplier delivery/shipping targets see Using Purchase Order Date Fields To Review Supplier Delivery/Shipping Targets: Examples.


Progress Notes

A Progress Note is a document which may be added to a Purchase Order or Goods Received Note to record the details of the order's progress and any changes to expected/target/ship dates. Progress Notes may be added for a whole Purchase Order or Goods Received Note, or for an individual line. You may add as many Progress Notes as necessary.


Progress Notes enable you to record the detail of contact between your own company and the Suppliers and additional shipping/haulage companies involved in the progress of a Purchase Order - and its related Goods Received Note. This contact might be in the form of a telephone call, a one-to-one conversation, email, letter, or fax.


Adding Progress Notes enables users in your business to keep tabs on an order's progress. This is especially useful if you have pending Sales Orders for these goods and it is vital that goods are shipped and received on time. They are also helpful in co-ordinating the receipt into stock of goods from large or multiple orders.


See Progress Notes.


Note: For examples of the type of detail you might wish to record in a Progress Note - and potential uses - see Using Progress Notes: Examples.


NEXT: Purchase Order Date Fields And Supplier Delivery/Shipping Targets