Quantum VS Help: System Administration

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Calculation Methods Maintenance

Many drop-down menus in Quantum VS allow the user to specify a calculation (or 'per') method. For example: each, per pair, per hundred, per metre, per square metre, per box, per sheet.


These units of measure are used in a variety of instances, such as setting up prices (e.g. price product by the metre/sheet/box etc.) and product records. See Understanding Calculation Methods below.


You may wish to add to and edit calculation methods to suit your business operations. See Adding And Editing Calculation Methods.

Understanding Calculation Methods

The Calculation Methods record contains all the units of measure relevant to your business. A number of these are supplied by default. However, you may wish to edit calculation methods and add your own.


When you open your Calculation Methods control record you will see the following:




The Calculation Methods table is made up of a series of rows and columns. Each row represents a unit of measure. These may be edited if necessary. New units of measure may be added to empty rows.


Units of measure are grouped together by number as follows:


Each row is made up of the following fields, grouped by column:


NEXT: Adding And Editing Calculation Methods