Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Viewing Price And Stock Details For A Product

When you add a Product line then click [Return], the line displays an Gen_iIcon.gif icon:




Click Gen_iIcon.gif to view price and stock details for that product. For example:




The Price Data section shows (up to) the last 10 prices paid for this product, plus the date and the relevant Sales Order (click to view in a separate tab).


The Stock Data section shows - for the whole Company and by Branch - the quantity of Free Stock and Physical Stock, plus the dates on which the product was last sold and last received into stock.


Finally, any Special Prices and Promotions are displayed for this product.


This information may be used in various ways, such as to give the Customer details of a forthcoming promotion, or to negotiate on price, in order to facilitate a sale.


NEXT: Entering Text, Manual And Special Line Details