Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Bar Code Scanning Maintenance

Quantum VS can be used as the basis of a WMS (warehouse management system) which processes the movement and storage of materials. Users may scan products using bar code scanners which send data to - and receive data from - the system in real time.


To set up bar code scanning you will need to:

See Setting Up Quantum VS For Bar Code Scanning.


Certain procedures may be performed by a remote warehouse-based operator, using a wireless RF scanner running the Quantum VS Warehouse System application. This user must be defined as a Scanner User in Quantum VS, and have appropriate scanner user permissions enabled in their User record. The 'scanner user' may log into the scanner device to perform a range of bar code scanning procedures (depending on the scanner user permissions enabled in their User record). See Remote Bar Code Scanning Procedures.


Note: Some bar code-related procedures may be carried out by an operator using a 'keyboard wedge' type scanner which connects between the user's keyboard and PC. Since this is carried out by a standard system-connected user, rather than a remote 'scanner user', these procedures are described on the relevant page within this User Help, rather than in a separate section. For example, Confirming Despatch Note Lines is a task which is typically carried out by a user at a workstation, rather than by a remote warehouse-based operator.


To facilitate bar code scanning, Bar Code records must be created in Quantum VS to cross reference your Product records with a bar code used by (a) the Customer, (b) the Supplier, or (c) by your own company/organisation. You may potentially create multiple Bar Code records of all types (i.e. Customer/Supplier/Our Code) against a single Product. You may then use a bar code scanner to perform a range of procedures. See Bar Code Record Maintenance.


Kanban Bar Code Scanning

If you will be operating a Kanban supply management system, in which you will be using a bar code scanner to scan - and subsequently replenish - the 'Kanban' bar codes of Customer's Product bins, you will need to set up Kanban records. See Kanban Maintenance.


This section covers:


NEXT: Setting Up Quantum VS For Bar Code Scanning