Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Contact Group Maintenance

The Contact Group Maintenance control record is used to define and manage the fields available for recording the contact details of the following contact categories:


In a contact record the main Details fields are standard: Name, Company, Job Title, Address 1, Town and Post Code. However, you may also define the following:


To set up or edit the Contact Group Maintenance control record:


1.      Either:


Your Contact Group Maintenance control record will open in a new tab.


2.      To amend the record, select Amend from the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


3.      The record is now active and ready for editing.


The Contact Group Maintenance control record has a series of tabs/headers. Select one of the following contact categories to edit fields for that contact category (e.g. General):




4.      There are six available Additional Details fields. To define a field, enter a field name then use the corresponding drop-down menu to select the field Type (i.e. Date, Numeric or Text).


For example, you might wish to create a field called Birthday, in which you can record each contact's date of birth:




Note: You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


5.      There are also six Contact Point fields. To define a field, enter a field name then use the corresponding drop-down menu to select the contact Type (i.e. Phone, Email, Fax, Other).


For example, you might wish to create a field called Mobile, in which you record each contact's mobile phone number:




6.      Define Additional Details fields and Contact Point fields for your various contact categories (Branch, Customer, Supplier, General) as you wish.


When you have finished, click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the Contact Group Maintenance control record.


When you next create a new contact record, or select an existing contact record for editing, the defined contact fields will be available in order for users to enter details again the contact.


NEXT: Task, Note And Diary Maintenance