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Credit Control Tab: Viewing A Customer's Credit Control Details

The Credit Control tab gives a breakdown of the selected customer's credit details and history, including credit limits and the dates they were applied to the account.


Note: To set up or edit/update a customer's credit control details see Recording A Customer's Credit Control Details.


To view a customer's credit control details:


1.      Find and open the Customer record for the required customer. See Finding Customers.


2.      Click the Credit Control tab:




The Credit Control tab is divided into various areas/groups of fields.


The Credit Control section shows the customer's credit terms, the current status and review date of the credit account, and the Credit Controller responsible for the account. These fields may be edited - see Recording A Customer's Credit Control Details.


The Credit History section (read-only) gives a breakdown of the customer's credit history, showing credit limits and the dates they were applied to the account. If there is more than one page of Credit History you may use the arrow keys to scroll forwards and backwards through the available pages.


The Credit Summary section (read-only) shows the customer's credit details, including:


NEXT: Recording A Customer's Credit Control Details