Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Recording A Customer's Credit Control Details

You will need to record a customer's credit control details - including their credit terms, limit and status - when creating a new customer account. You may also need to return to an existing customer record to edit the credit control details.


To set up or edit a customer's credit control details:


1.      Do one of the following:


2.      Click the Credit Control tab.


Note: If you are creating a new customer record and/or the record is in amendable mode, only the following tabs will be visible - General Details, Credit Control and (if you have saved the customer record) Billing.


3.      If you are setting up a billing address for an existing customer record: Click Amend on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to make the record editable.


4.      The following fields are displayed:




Record the customer's Credit Control details in the available fields, using the information below as guidance:



Definition (* = mandatory field)


Credit Control


Credit Controller


Select the Credit Controller responsible for this customer account from the drop-down menu.


Note: The Credit Controllers available in the drop-down menu must be set up in the table file CONT (Credit Controller Names) using Table File Maintenance.  

Review Type


Select the default Credit Review type which will apply to this customer account from the drop-down menu.


Note: The Credit Review types available in the drop-down menu must be set up in the table file CREV using Table File Maintenance.  

Credit Terms (Months)


Select the number of months worth of credit that this customer will be allowed.


Note: The selected value must either be zero or one of the values set up in the table file TMTH using Table File Maintenance.  

Credit Terms (Days)


Enter the number of additional days worth of credit that this customer will be allowed (from 0 - 31).


Credit Limit


Enter the credit limit that this customer will be allowed - in multiples of 100.


For example, a value of 1000 equals a credit limit of £1,000 (or alternative currency).


Note: The Credit Limit must be set to zero for Prepaid Account customers.



Select the status applicable to this customer account from the drop-down menu.


Note: The Status options available in the drop-down menu are set up and maintained in the Sales Ledger - Account Status record. A customer's status may be modified following a credit review.

Last Review Date


This read-only field shows the date on which the last Credit Review was run.



Note: * = mandatory field


5.      When you have completed the fields as required, select Save from the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the customer record.


The stored customer details will now be used in the system when creating sales documents, generating prices, processing credit details and more.


NEXT: Letters Sent Tab: Viewing A Customer's Credit Review Letters