Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Editing Aggregation Product Records

From time to time you may wish to amend existing Aggregation Product/Group records. To do this:


1.      Find and open the Aggregation Product record you wish to view.


To find Aggregation Product records you will need to have Products selected in the Finder. See Finding Products.


By default, aggregation products are not listed in the Product Finder.


To display Aggregate Products in the Finder, click Advanced on the Finder toolbar - the various available filters will be shown. Uncheck the Exclude Aggregate Products field to show aggregation products/groups in the results.


Aggregation Product records are identified as type 'A' in the Record Type column:




To open the Aggregation Product record, click the appropriate hyperlink within the Product Code column in the Finder.


Details of the selected Aggregation Product record are shown in a new tab.


2.      To make the record active for editing, click Amend on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


3.      Edit the record as necessary. For guidance on the various fields available see Creating A New Aggregation Product Record.


4.      Save the amended record by clicking Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


Alternatively, you may return to Enquiry (i.e. non-amendable) mode without saving any changes by clicking Enquiry on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


NEXT: Deleting Aggregation Product Records