Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Import Scanned Stock Count Data

The Import Scanned Stock Count Data process imports the Stock Count data captured by hand held stock take scanning devices.


Note: This report is also included in the Stock Control tab for performing a bar coded 'stock take' - see Performing A Stock Take. The bar coded Stock Count procedure is explained in Running A Stock Take Using Hand Held Bar Code Scanners.


To run the Import Scanned Stock Count Data process:


1.      Either:


The Processes record opens in a new tab, listing all Processes by Name and Category.


2.      Use your mouse or [Tab] key to select the Import Scanned Stock Count Data process.


3.      Click Start on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to begin running the process.


4.      When the process has finished running, a Status message will be shown. Click OK to close this message. You may now close the Processes tab if you wish.


NEXT: Print Despatch Note Labels Process