Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Performing A Stock Take

Performing a 'stock take' - or Stock Count - is one of the main administrative tasks of any stock-holding business. For an overview of the full stock take procedure see Overview Of The Stock Take Procedure below.


If you will be using hand held bar code scanners to perform the Stock Count see Running A Stock Take Using Hand Held Bar Code Scanners below.


All of the main Processes and Reports involved in running a stock take using Quantum VS are grouped together under a single tab - Stock Control. See Opening The Stock Control Tab.


Note: A Stock Take can be performed at any time, provided it is done in a controlled manner and the implications of changing the Stock Count Active flag are understood by all those involved. For further advice please contact Quantum Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk.

Overview Of The Stock Take Procedure

The various stages involved in performing a 'stock take' are:


1.      Open the Stock Control tab in Quantum VS. For convenience, the various processes and reports involved in entering Stock Count details in Quantum VS have been grouped together in one tab - the Stock Control tab. See Opening The Stock Control Tab.


2.      Run the Stock Count Listing report. This will generate/print a list of products for inclusion in the Stock Count and activate the Stock Count Active flag for those products. You may perform the count on a selected Bin Location or Product Code range if required, or even a Bin Location or Product Code range within a selected stock count group or timber stock holding area. There are options to not print the product list or not activate the Stock Count Active flag. There is also the option to generate/print/reprint the product count list for the selected products to be scanned/counted using a remote Bar Code Scanner. See Running The Stock Count Listing Report.


3.      Enter a Stock Count Reference and enter counted values. The next stage is to select the Stock Counts tab/header, enter a Stock Count Reference (created in the previous step) then enter actual count figures for each product on the list. During the count you may 'skip' products, add products to be counted and edit count figures as required. You may also end the stock count early and resume it later as necessary. See Entering Stock Count Figures.


Note: The product count may be carried out by a remote 'scanner user' via an RF bar code scanner running the Quantum VS Warehouse System application. See Running A Stock Take Using Hand Held Bar Code Scanners below.


4.      Run the Stock Variance report. The main option is to run this report with one of the 'Complete Stock Take Cycle' options selected in the Print Option field, which will formally end the Stock Count for the given Stock Count Reference. This turns off the 'Stock Count Active' flag on any products included in the count, updating their stock figures on the system and making them available to sales documents again.


An alternative is to run this report with the 'Cancel The Stock Take' option selected in the Print Option field, which cancels the Stock Count for the given Stock Count Reference. This makes the included products available to sales documents again but without updating their stock figures on the system.


Running this report with one of the 'Variant Report' options selected in the Print Option field will generate/print a list of products where the actual counted stock figures differed from the stock figures on the system. A common scenario is as follows:


A further option is to run this report with the 'Products Not Counted Report Only' option selected in the Print Option field to generate/print a 'products not counted' report (without completing the Stock Count). This is commonly used when you wish to count certain products now and some later.


See Running The Stock Variance Report.

Running A Stock Take Using Hand Held Bar Code Scanners

The Stock Count may be performed using hand held bar code scanners. The procedure is as follows:


Before the stock can be scanned/counted, a Quantum VS user must:


The stock may now be scanned/counted by a remote warehouse-based operator, using a wireless RF scanner running the Quantum VS Warehouse System application. See Remote Bar Code Scanning Procedures.


Once the stock has been scanned/counted, a Quantum VS user must re-open the Stock Control tab in Quantum VS, then select the following tabs/headers from the left-hand menu:


This updates the system and completes the bar coded Stock Count.


Note: For further details see Bar Code Scanning Maintenance. For further advice on recording stock count data using hand held bar code scanners please contact Quantum Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk.


NEXT: Opening The Stock Control Tab