Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Products And FIFO Maintenance

Quantum VS supports FIFO costing, a system of maintaining product receipts and valuations based on the buying cost at the time of receipt.


For general information about how FIFO costing works in relation to Products see About Products And FIFO Costing.


To view a Product's stock FIFO record, including receipt dates, types, quantities and average FIFO buying cost, see Viewing A Product Stock FIFO Record.


Note: When activating the FIFO functionality in Quantum VS you will first need to run the Initialise FIFO Buckets Process.

Note: FIFO functionality is available for standard products and Multi-Bin-flagged products only. FIFO functionality is not available for products flagged for Batch or Serial Number traceability.


This section covers:


NEXT: About Products And FIFO Costing