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Sales Enquiries Tab: Viewing Customer Sales Enquiries

The Sales Enquiries tab displays Sales Enquiries for the selected customer.


To view Sales Enquiries for a customer:


1.      Find and open the Customer record for the required customer. See Finding Customers.


2.      Select the Sales Enquiries tab:




Sales Enquiries which apply to the customer are listed, showing the customer account details, along with the Sales Enquiry's creation and lapse dates, reference and other main details.


The Status of the Sales Enquiry is displayed, showing whether it exists as a Sales Enquiry only (Enquiry), whether it has been converted to a Quote (Quote) or Sales Order (Converted To Order), whether it has been cancelled (Cancelled), whether all lines have been 'lost' and whether this was at the Sales Enquiry or Quote stage (e.g. Lost Enquiry), and whether the Sales Enquiry was converted but with some lines 'lost' (e.g. Lost Line(s) - Quote).


Hyperlinks in the following columns enable you to open the Sales Enquiry and - if it was converted - the related Quote or Order.

Finding And Filtering Customer Sales Enquiries

Various 'Finder' features enable you to filter the displayed Sales Enquiries , or find a specific Sales Enquiry for the displayed customer:

Note: To show all records again, re-select all filter fields, then click the Search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif.


NEXT: Sales Invoices Tab: Viewing Customer Sales Invoices