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Auto Add-Ons are a sales generating feature whereby, when a Product is added to a sales document, additional Products are listed in the pop-up 'Auto Add-Ons' window. This acts as a prompt to the sales person to suggest additional Products which the customer may wish to purchase.
For example, you may sell a product called 'Candy White Ceramic Tiles'. To boost sales you could set up Auto Add-Ons for this Product, which involves manually linking this Product record with other Products the Customer may wish to purchase. These might be:
Complementary products; i.e. Products the Customer may wish to buy in addition to the product being purchased. For example, if a customer is buying tiles, they may also require tile adhesive, grout, and/or tile spacers. Adding these Products as an 'auto add-on' to the 'Candy White Ceramic Tiles' Product record means that sales staff are prompted at the point of sale and can potentially generate additional sales.
Substitute products; i.e. Products the Customers may wish to purchase instead of the product being purchased. For example, if a customer intended to buy 'Candy White Ceramic Tiles', and that product was out of stock, pointing out the availability of similar Products at the point of sale can act as way of ensuring that the sale is not lost.
To view, add, edit and delete an Auto Add-On record for a Product see Adding An Auto Add-On Record.
Once Auto Add-Ons have been set up for a Product, the Auto Add Ons window will pop up automatically when the Product is added to a sales document. This acts as an aid to the sales person, prompting them with complementary/substitute Products to recommend/suggest when a customer orders the current Product. For further details see Adding Auto Add On Products To A Sales Document.