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Setting Up Auto Add-Ons

Auto Add-Ons are a sales generating feature whereby, when a Product is added to a sales document, additional Products are listed in the pop-up 'Auto Add-Ons' window. This acts as a prompt to the sales person to suggest additional Products which the customer may wish to purchase.


For example, you may sell a product called 'Candy White Ceramic Tiles'. To boost sales you could set up Auto Add-Ons for this Product, which involves manually linking this Product record with other Products the Customer may wish to purchase. These might be:


To view, add, edit and delete an Auto Add-On record for a Product see Adding An Auto Add-On Record.


Once Auto Add-Ons have been set up for a Product, the Auto Add Ons window will pop up automatically when the Product is added to a sales document. This acts as an aid to the sales person, prompting them with complementary/substitute Products to recommend/suggest when a customer orders the current Product. For further details see Adding Auto Add On Products To A Sales Document.


NEXT: Adding An Auto Add-On Record