Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Supplier Contacts Tab: Viewing Supplier Contacts

You may view, edit, search for and add contacts and contact details for the current Supplier by selecting the Supplier Contacts tab within a Supplier record.


Note: An alternative method of finding and opening a Contact record is to use the Finder to search for the Contact. See Finding Contacts.


To view Supplier Contacts:


1.      Find and open the Supplier record for the required Supplier. See Finding Suppliers.


2.      Click the Supplier Contacts tab:




3.      Contacts recorded for this Supplier are listed. Click the link in the 'ID' column to open the Contact record for viewing and/or editing. For further details see Viewing A Contact Record.

Searching For A Contact

If there is more than one page of contacts you may click the blue arrow keys to scroll backwards and forwards through pages of contacts.


To search for a particular contact, use the Search Contacts section: enter a search term in the available field then click the magnifying glass icon.

Adding Supplier Contacts

You may also add new Contacts for a selected Supplier in this tab - see Adding Supplier Contacts.


NEXT: Adding Supplier Contacts