Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Viewing A Contact Record

Contact details - for the Branches, Customers, Suppliers and General contacts you do business with - are stored in saved Contact records. To view a Contact's details:


1.      Find and open the Contact record for the required branch. See Finding Contacts.


2.      The Contact record opens. For example:




The Category fields show the Contact's category - i.e. whether it is a General, Branch, Customer or Supplier Contact - and the Branch, Customer or Supplier account number.


The Details fields show the Contact's main Details, including name and address.


Further Contact information may be shown in additional Details and Contact Methods fields.


Note: The Details and Contact Methods fields displayed may vary depending on the Contact's category. Additional Details and Contact Methods fields may be set up and maintained for different categories of Contact record using Contact Group Maintenance.


NEXT: Creating A Contact Record