Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Supplier Part Number Maintenance

Supplier Part Number Maintenance records allow you to cross reference your reference code/name for a product with the code/name the Supplier uses for the same product.


For example: there is a product recorded on our system as TILES01 (box of Terracotta tiles 800x800). If the Supplier AB0000125 - Absolute Homecare Services Ltd - uses the reference code 'Terracotta1' for this product, we might create a Supplier Part Number record to cross reference the product names/references.


Once a Supplier Part Number record has been created for a product, you may refer to the product using the Supplier's reference as well as your own Product code.


Referring to the example above: if a user wishes to add the above product - 'box of Terracotta tiles 800x800' - to a Purchase Order, instead of typing the product code (TILES01) into the Product Code field the user may enter the Supplier Part Number (Terracotta1) as an alternative.


This section covers:

Finding Supplier Part Number Records

You may view a list of - and open - Supplier Part Number records from:


NEXT: Viewing A Supplier Part Number Record