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Sales Orders Tab: Viewing Customer Sales Orders

The Sales Orders tab displays Sales Orders for the selected customer.


To view Sales Orders for a customer:


1.      Find and open the Customer record for the required customer. See Finding Customers.


2.      Select the Sales Orders tab:




Sales Orders which apply to the customer are listed, showing the order number, delivery address and type, order status and type, order date and value, and other details.


To view/amend a Sales Order: click the appropriate hyperlink in the Document column. The Sales Order will open in a new tab. See Working With Sales Orders.

Finding And Filtering Customer Sales Orders

Various 'Finder' features enable you to filter the displayed Sales Orders, or find a specific Sales Order for the displayed customer:

Note: To show all records again, re-select all filter fields, then click the Search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif.


NEXT: Back Orders Tab: Viewing Customer Back Order Lines