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Waste Weights Tab: Viewing Product Waste Weights

The Waste Weights tab displays Waste Weights for the selected product.

What Are Waste Weights?

The term 'Waste Weight' refers to the weight of packaging used on a product, or more specifically, to the weight of the waste associated with a product (e.g. how much cardboard, plastic etc is used to pack the item).


Quantum VS's Waste Weight features enable UK businesses to comply with the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 1997 by compiling 'Waste Weight' data. This data is used when submitting Packaging Waste Recovery Notes (PRNs) to the appropriate government agency. The regulations oblige businesses to recycle and recover packaging waste or get a third party to do so on their behalf.


Businesses are charged according to the amount of waste produced. The charge applied to the supplying company is determined by whether they have sold it to the end user or onto a wholesaler, who will in turn sell it on. Businesses have the option of 'selling' the charge to waste management recycling companies.


In Quantum VS, Waste Weight records are used to store the weight of the waste packaging for each single Product. This is then multiplied by the Quantity ordered, and the total for each Waste type is printed on the bottom of Delivery Notes and Invoices to report the Waste Weights of packaging associated with the Products being despatched. Merchants will find useful the facility to print the weight of the waste of the total order on despatch and invoice documents because their Customer will then have the information they need to report on their handling of the waste they receive.

Viewing Product Waste Weights

To view a Product's Waste Weights:


1.      Find and open the Product record for the required product. See Finding Products.


2.      Select the Waste Weights tab:




Any Waste Weights recorded for this product are displayed.


If there is more than one page of Waste Weight records displayed, use the arrow keys to scroll forwards and backwards through the available pages.


At this point you may wish to:


3.      To view a Waste Weight record: click the appropriate link in the Waste Code column. The Product Waste Weight record is displayed, showing the Description and Weight of the waste packaging. For example:




NEXT: Creating New Product Waste Weights