Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating New Product Waste Weights

You may wish to create a new Waste Weight record against a Product to record the 'waste weight' of packaging associated with the Product being despatched.


To create a new Waste Weight record against a Product:


1.      Find and open the Product record for the required Product. See Finding Products.


2.      Select the Waste Weights tab.


Existing Waste Weight records saved for the Product will be shown. See Waste Weights Tab: Viewing Product Waste Weights for further details.


3.      Click New Waste Weight Entry to create a new Waste Weight record.


4.      The Product Waste Weight Form opens, displaying the Product details at the top:




Enter the following in the available fields:

Note: Waste Weight Descriptions must be set up and maintained in the table file WSTE using Table File Maintenance.


5.      Click Save to save the Waste Weight record.


The new Waste Weight record is listed in the Waste Weight tab of the selected Product record. See Waste Weights Tab: Viewing Product Waste Weights for further details.


This Waste Weight stored for the Product, which applies to a single unit, is multiplied by the Quantity ordered and the total for each Waste type is printed on the bottom of Delivery Notes to report the Waste Weights of packaging associated with the Products being despatched.


NEXT: Editing Product Waste Weights