Quantum VS Help: Finder

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Changing The Search Sequence

You may wish to alter the sequence in which the records are displayed in the Finder. To do this:


1.      Click Advanced on the Finder Toolbar to display the Finder's advanced features. See Finder: Advanced Searching.


2.      The Search and A to Z menus enable you to change the order in which records are displayed:


Search Menu

To change the sequence, select an alternative option from the Search menu:




In the above example, Customers are active in the Finder. Clicking the Sequence menu displays the following Sequence options:


A to Z Menu

To change the sort order, select either A to Z or Z to A. For example:


3.      Click the Search (magnifying glass) icon  Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar. Records are re-sequenced based on the chosen Sequence option.


In the above example, selecting Customer Record then clicking the Search (magnifying glass) icon  Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif , displays Customers in Customer Record order.

Searching And The 'Search' Menu

The Search menu option is important when you enter a search term in order to locate a specific record - see Searching For A Specific Record In The Finder.


For example, if Customers are active in the Finder and you wish to locate a particular Customer, the search term you enter must relate to the Search menu. For example, if the currently-selected Search option is:

into the search field before clicking the search (magnifying glass) icon  Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar, to locate the required Customer record.


NEXT: Using Search Filters