Quantum VS Help: Introduction

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Changing Your Desktop View

You may adjust and resize the desktop to suit your working methods. The following options are available:

Note: Further options for maximising the available screen area for the lines view display are to: (a) optimise the column display to remove empty space, (b) hide Optional Columns, and (c) 'freeze' columns so that required columns remain visible when scrolling to the right. See Optimising Product Line Display.

Resizing Desktop Areas

You may drag the bars to the right of, and below, the desktop Main Work Area in order to increase or decrease the size of your workspace:



Using The Overflow Toolbar Menu When The Screen Is Minimised

When working with a minimised screen, certain toolbar options are no longer visible. These are available for selection from the 'overflow' menu:



Pinning/Unpinning The Properties Area And Finder

Another way of maximising your workspace is to use the 'pinning' function to expand/collapse the Properties Area and Finder. This will enable you to increase or decrease the size of your workspace. To do this:


Pinning The Properties Area / Finder:

To pin the Properties Area or Finder, click the pin icon in the top right-hand corner of those areas:




Using The Properties Area / Finder In A Pinned State

When the Finder and Properties area are in a 'pinned' state, the central work area is maximised, with the Properties area and Finder reduced to panels to the right/bottom of the screen:




To temporarily display the Properties area / Finder: hover your mouse over the word Properties or Search. The appropriate area will be shown.


Unpinning The Properties Area / Finder

When the Properties area and/or Finder are in a 'pinned' state, the pin icon in the corner of the Properties area / Finder is horizontal:  Intro_Pinhor.gif


To return the Properties area or Finder to a standard 'unpinned' state, click the horizontal pin icon so that it becomes vertical again: Intro_Pinvert.gif

Showing/Hiding The Properties Window

To display the Properties window:


1.      From the Toolbar - Main Menu, select View.


2.      Check the Properties Window option on the menu.


To hide the Properties window:


1.      From the Toolbar - Main Menu, select View.


2.      Uncheck the Properties Window option on the menu.

Changing The Desktop 'Look'

To change the colouring of the desktop:


1.      From the Toolbar - Main Menu, select View > Colour Scheme.


2.      Select one of the following options:


NEXT: The Desktop Toolbar And Mega Menu