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Optional Enhancements: IBT Tab

The following Optional Enhancements are listed in the Optional Enhancements: IBT Tab.


Note: The listed Optional Enhancements may not necessarily be available/active on your system. For further details see Optional Enhancements.






Additional Information





IBT Module


The IBT module.




Product Start and End Test


The product "start" and "end" text which is used for purchasing can also be used for IBTs.

If this option is switched on, the "start" and "end" text associated with each IBT line is printed on all IBT documents.




Set Receipt Cost to Issue Cost


Within the IBT module the issuing branch cost and calculation method is stored on the IBT line when a despatch is confirmed. A second (receipt) cost is assigned at the receiving branch when the receipt is confirmed.

This option can be switched on to ensure that the receipt cost is set the same as the issue cost, regardless of any cost differences at the branches concerned.




Bypass Request Number/Required


Within the IBT module, if the "request" stage is never used, this option can be switched on to bypass input of request number and required by date during the "allocate" stage.




IBT Document Headers/Trailers


This option works in conjunction with the terms and conditions file types 23 and 24.

If this option is switched on, two headers and two trailers can be selected when an IBT record is created.

The associated header and trailer text is printed on the IBT request, picking and despatch documents, but not on the goods received note.




Stock Level Flag (A, B, C)


If this option is switched off, the normal stock checking which is defined by the "Stock Level Flag" on the price book control record is disabled within the IBT module.




Update Purchase Order Array


If this option is switched on, the purchase order array held on the branch stock record is updated when an IBT request is entered.

This array is subsequently downdated when the associated IBT receipt is confirmed. IBT entries in this array are clearly distinguished.




Only Print Headings on Page 1


If this option is switched on, the headings on the second and subsequent pages of IBT documents are suppressed.

The document reference is always printed.




Accept Y/N For Quantity


If this option is switched off, the confirmation prompt (Accept Y/N) to accept an IBT line is disabled and the line is automatically accepted after input.

Note: The F2 option to amend product description can only be accessed if the confirmation prompt (Accept Y/N) is enabled.




Access to Costs


If this option is switched on, access to costs within the IBT module is controlled by the standard methods of line number and user name.

If the option is switched off, costs are stored on IBT lines but are not shown in IBT enquiries and reports.




Print Total Volume (M3) on Picking Document





Not Used





Disable Input of 'z' and 't' Products


The ability to input "t" and "z" prefix Special products is denied.




IBT Despatch Note: Print Number of Pieces


The number of pieces is printed against each despatched timber line.




IBT Note: Print Timber Length


The timber length is now printed for each timber line rather than the volume.




IBT Picking and Despatch Notes: Print Total Weight


The total weight is printed on the site 192 IBT picking and despatch note.




IBTs: Auto Confirm IBT Receipts


As part of the overnight comms processing receipts are automatically confirmed.

Before activating, discuss this option with your Project Manager or the Help Desk.




IBTs: A Site Specific Layout


A site (166) specific IBT picking & despatch note layout.




Display Free Stock in Request Stage of IBT Entry


During the request stage a free stock pop-up box is displayed and a warning message is displayed if the quantity entered exceeds the free stock.




Suppress Update of Received Date in IBT HO Updates


During the head office update phase the received date is not updated.




IBTs: Optionally Print When Held


It is now possible to optionally print an IBT when selecting "hold". Any lines that have not been previously printed are printed.




IBTs: Changing Request Branch


It is now possible to change the branch at the request stage.




Not Used





IBTs: Update Request Branch on Order Array


Update the on order array table of the product at the requesting branch when the allocated/despatched quantity is changed at the sending branch. The networking flag on the control record must also be set to 'N'.




IBT Allocation: Qty May Not Exceed Free Stock


Users are prevented from allocating more stock than is available.




IBTs: Use Sales Start and End Product Text


Use "Sales" Start & End Text for a product instead of "Purchasing" Start & End Text. Product Option 8IB(002) must also be active.




IBT Confirmation: Manually Cost Lines


The despatch branch is now able to manually cost IBT lines when confirming IBTs by pressing F3 at the line accept prompt. The cost is subsequently written to the IBT despatch record.




Comms: Transmit IBT Requests


Comms will now transfer IBT requests.




Use Product Average Cost Price in Issues Report


If this option is switched on then the IBT Issues Report will calculate Cost Amount values displayed on the report using the Average Cost Price value from the Product file rather than the Issue BR Cost value from the IBT Lines file. This means that with this option switched on the cost amount on the IBT lines file, which is derived from the IBT Issue setting on the Branch file, is over-ridden.

If this option is switched on a Cost Uplift % prompt will also be enabled. This will allow a percentage value to be entered that will be added to the cost amount of each IBT line.




IBT Receipts: Disable Quantity Modification


If this option is switched on then within IBT Receipts, the user will not be allowed to modify any quantities. A message will be displayed saying this. This will force users to use stock adjustments to reduce quantities.




IBTs: Duplicate Product Handling


If this option is enabled, the user will be prevented from adding duplicate product lines to an IBT.




IBT Picking: Print Bar Code on Document


If this option is switched on then a Bar code, relating to the Picking note number, will be printed on the Picking note document.




IBT Picking: Picking Note Layout


When this option is switched on the Picking Note document will be printed in the same format as the Aldridge despatch note.



NEXT: Optional Enhancements: Optional Features Tab