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Optional Enhancements: Optional Features Tab

The following Optional Enhancements are listed in the Optional Enhancements: Optional Features Tab.


Note: The listed Optional Enhancements may not necessarily be available/active on your system. For further details see Optional Enhancements.






Additional Information

Optional Features




Customer Pop-Ups





Product Pop-Ups




Supplier Pop-Ups




SOP Pop-Ups




Credit Control Pop-Ups




Year 2000 Audit Trail




Non-blending of Branch Number





Nominal Period End Changes





Product Pop-Ups in Order Entry





Credit Control Pop-Ups: Edit Online





Nominal Interface: Post Short Name - Site (183)





Use the Print Thru Plug-in


If enabled, calls are made to the PRINT THRU Plug-in (CTHRU or Systems Functions). This Plug-in will control the PRINT THRU functionality on behalf of the application.

If disabled, PRINT THRU functionality is controlled within the application itself by the use of printer escape characters that are sent directly to the printer.

Options: This option MUST be enabled if you are using the Systems Functions Plug-in.




Pop-Ups: Include in Comms


If active, customer and product pop-ups are included in the head office to branch comms processing.




Menu Generator: Pop-up Text Box


A text box is displayed if the file BCT6OF01.txt resides in the current data directory . The file containing 10 lines x 50 chars (max) is deleted after it is displayed. Enter "*" to remove the text box.




Not Used





BCT Nominal Update: File Rename


Upon successful completion of the posting of either F6OF24 or F6OF25 the file is renamed to FO2[4/5]ccmmddhhmm where cc = company number, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour and mm = minute. The BCT6OF46.she shell script is required.




Audit Ref Maintenance: Delete Option


Access to the delete option is restricted. If this enhancement is active access to the delete option is achieved by running the routine from the menus with a toggle of "DEL".




BCT Nominal Update: Valid Interface File


The interface file is validated for proofing and for invalid nominal codes and if any invalid data is identified an audit is produced and the update stage is not performed.




Nominal Blending: Ignore Branch


The branch is blended into the nominal codes for stock, directs, buying differences and carriages/extras and is ignored on the rest.




Declaratives: Call BCTCHECK.she


The shell script BCTCHECK.she is invoked when file access errors are recorded (BCT product code 6OF20). The script will be configured (on a site by site basis) to capture various system parameters.

Discuss the implementation of this enhancement with your Project Manager or the Help Desk.




Not Used





Not Used





Comms: Transmit Purchase Order Details to Branch


If entering a branch purchase order at head office the purchase order details are transmitted to branch via comms.




Blend Super Product Group Into Nominal Code


The Super Product Group is blended into nominal codes by using the first two digits of the product group to read the Major Product Group "MAJP" table file entry. The 30th character of the corresponding table description is the super group and this is then blended into the nominal code.




Use Email Instead of Fax if Available


Facilitate the sending of documentation using Fax/Email via VSI-FAX.




Client Server: Timber Importer Filters


Site (245) specific filters for client server routines.




Client Server: Maximum Number of Reads


Site (245) specific enhancement to client server routines to determine the maximum number of reads the server routines attempt before control returns to the client.




Purchase Ordering: Quantum Interface


The 'Update Creditors' routine (BCT8PO61) has changed so the nominal interface file records (F6OF24) are created in a sequence appropriate for importing into Quantum. Creditors Control is written first, followed by the VAT, followed by individual goods analysis lines. The purchase order number is also written to the nominal interface.

The 'Debit Note Maintenance' routine (BCT8PO41) has also changed so that the purchase order number, account code and debit note are written to the nominal interface file.

The 'Nominal Code Maintenance' routine (BCT6OF27) has been changed to enable the analysis of nominal codes by Account, Branch or Product Group when posting documents out of Esprit into Quantum.




Reduced Nominal Audit


Reduced nominal audit produced by the Update Creditors routine (BCT8PO61).




Extra User Controls


Extra flags which can be set for each user to determine whether that user has permissions to access certain features. Prior to enabling this option remove the existing F6OF39nn and F6OF39nn.idx files, switch on this option then run BCT6OF69. This will set all new user control options onto the F8PB39nn file. It will also set up permissions entries for all users to use these new options. If BCT6OF69 is run prior to enabling this option it will remove all entries on F6OF39nn file.




Extra User Controls: Enhanced Error Window


If option 6OF(30) is active, this enhancement displays a more detailed error window showing the Module, Component and Feature to which the user is being denied access.




Quantum Interface: PIR Expenses - Ledger Analysis


If this option is active along with 'On-Line' updates to Quantum Financials it is possible to select accounts from within Quantum for given Quantum Ledgers (that have been assigned to Nominal Codes within Esprit) when posting Expense Invoices in PIR. This allows for more detailed analysis within Nominals Codes in Quantum. It is also possible to enter narrative against each code.




Selling: Quantum Interface


This option should be activated when replacing the Esprit Sales Ledger module with Quantum Financials.

On-Line updates to Quantum are performed by Sales Order Processing when: - Taking deposits against Cash Sales. - Completing cash sales - Completed cash sales update to Quantum immediately. - Invoicing - A complete set of transactions per 'Account' invoice/credit note generated.

Esprit SOP will extract customer balances from Quantum for credit checking.




Quantum GUI


This option must be enabled when the Quantum GUI is installed and being used. This option prevents the use of certain standard Esprit routines that may otherwise cause conflicts and/or performance issues with the Quantum GUI.

For example, the standard Esprit maintenance routines are not allowed to be invoked when the Quantum GUI is installed and being used. This is because the standard Esprit Maintenance routines employ physical record locking that potentially will cause unwanted time-out issues within the Quantum GUI.



Postcode Address File (PAF) Interface


Enable Postcode and Address searching and data population using the Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF).

This feature will only function within a Unixware or Linux operating system environment.



Selling: Reduced Nominal Audit


Reduced nominal audit produced by the Invoicing routine (BCT8PBG7).




Nominal Blending: Ignore Branch


The branch is NOT blended into nominal codes that are NOT used by the Purchasing Nominal Control record.




Quantum Interface: Auto Update ProdGroups Ledger


Items added to the Product Group (OF17-TYPE = "P") table file will be automatically added to the ProdGroups ledger within Quantum VS Financials.




Nominal Control: Specify Blending for All Elements


Instead of elements [6 and 7] on the Sales Control record inheriting the blending flag set against element [5] and elements [9 through 11] inheriting the blending flag set against element [8] access will be given to each blending flag.



GUI Logging: Invoke the Logging of Handler Actions


This option switches on the logging of GUI handler actions and the logging of locks already being in place when attempting to read locked files.




Enquiries: Quantum Financials's Period Literals


The corresponding Quantum Financials 'Period Names' are displayed in Enquiries against Aged Balances instead of the Aged Balance names. e.g: 'YYYY.PP' where 'YYYY' is the Year Number and 'PP' is the Period Number.

If Product Option 6SL011 is also active, this option will override 6SL011.




KTP Interface

When goods are received into Stock either as a result of a Purchase Order or an Inter Branch Transfer, Quantum VS will pass the stock details to the KTP System.

When Sales Orders are created in Quantum VS or goods are issued as a result of an Inter Branch Transfer, the stock details will also be passed to the KTP System.

When a stock count list is generated in Quantum VS, the stock details of each item on the list will be passed to the KTP System. The stock will be counted within the KTP System before being re-imported back into Quantum VS.




Financials Interface: Disable Settlement Refresh


When active, this option disables the call to the Quantum Financials Interface which refreshes the Settlement Terms on the Customer record (F6SL02) from the Terms stored on the Debtor Account in Financials. This option should only be activated when the link to the Financials Interface is unavailable.




Financials Interface: Refresh Account Balances


Having run a Sales Invoice Update, when this option is active, a call to the Quantum Financials Interface will be invoked to refresh the Aged Balances on the Customer record (F6SL02) from the Balances held against the Debtor Account in Financials.




PCI Interface


Amendments to Customer and Supplier account are reflected between Quantum VS and the PCI application (via a Web Service).
Customer Outstanding Order values are retrieved from the PCI application via another Web Service when performing Credit Checks.




TAPI Interface

This option switches on the TAPI Interface.



NEXT: Optional Enhancements: Price Book Tab