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Optional Enhancements: Price Book Tab

The following Optional Enhancements are listed in the Optional Enhancements: Price Book Tab.


Note: The listed Optional Enhancements may not necessarily be available/active on your system. For further details see Optional Enhancements.






Additional Information

Price Book


001 - 017


Not Used





Quotes: VAT Inclusive Quotations


A VAT inclusive quote can be produced (layout 2). The document is headed **** Pro-forma Invoice ****.




Not Used




Negotiation Panel


This feature is available to aid the telesales environment and is accessed through sales order/entry and amend and enquiries. For timber products, access to the panel is only allowed in a timber merge environment.



Bulk Changes: Timber Stock Balances


This routine adjusts the stock balances of the "stocked" products to correspond to sales of each of the "sold" products.



Inter Group/Company Nominal Analysis


It is possible to flag those customers that are inter company accounts. The appropriate nominal codes must be specified on the sales nominal control record.



Sales Analysis: By Staff Number


This enhancement updates the market type field on the sales analysis lines file with the staff number.



Not Used



Forward Stock

This option enables the Forward Stock Entry (BCT8PBL0) module when selected.



Not Used




Incentives Analysis


Access to "code 2" on the product record is allowed.



Enquiries: Nett Pricing By Default


When enquiries is run, the option to display nett pricing is automatically switched on.



Product Status Information


Product status descriptions can be entered below the PSTA table type. By entering a product status code for the product within BCT8PBA1 the status description is displayed in enquiries and in sales order entry/amend.



Pack Stock Control


A facility to process stock control for timber packs.



Length Stock Control


A facility to process timber stock control by length.



Picking Lists: Suppress 'P' Types


This facility stops P type products from appearing on a picking list providing the stock ranking is not set to A (non timber merge only).



Department Recording


On acceptance of a sales order, the department name (specified below the STAF table type) is printed on the advice note and subsequently on the sales invoice - in place of the staff name. Department recording must be set to (Y)es on the branch record.



Sales Analysis by Timber Lengths


It is possible to produce sales analysis for timber products by length sold.



Alternative Location Stock


Within Input Counted Stock it is possible to enter a bin location and a counted quantity which is added to the primary location balance. A report is available to report upon/remove the Alternative Locations file (PB91).



Enquiries: Show IAC Instead of Product


In the timber summary screen within enquiries the IAC code rather than the product code is shown - the order entry point must be set to (I)ac on the Price Book control record.



Site (139) Document Layouts


Site (139) specific document layouts. The yard order is only produced if the timber merge flag is set to 2.



Not Used



Price List/Find: If Stock Record Exists


Price List: A facility to only print stocked products on both internal and external price lists (stocked means a record exists on the PB03 file). F2 toggles between all/stocked products, the default being stocked.

Find Window: As above - non-stocked products are displayed in low-light.

Stock records that are flagged as Z rank are also treated as non stocked.



Timber Windows: Average Length to Calculate V, L, P


Pressing F4 within the timber windows provides a pop-up panel allowing you to enter the average length and number of pieces.




Input Counted Stock: Count/Random Window


A facility to allow the user to input counted stock in either count group or random sequence. If random sequence is selected, you are requested to enter a product code (providing the count is in product sequence).




Recall Order Values


This facility is aimed at the retail outlet where goods are being returned and sold within the same transaction. On completion of the return and subsequent sale, pressing F14 provides an instant balance of monies owed.

The calculation uses the last two transactions on the terminal in question - ie sales on other tills are ignored.




Stock Valuation: Include m3


A prompt within the above report parameter screen allows the user to include the m3 volume and cost on the stock valuation report (BCT8PBB1 only).




Credit Control Authorisation


A credit control mechanism for head office/branch environments.
A series of computer generated random numbers is produced at head office and transmitted to the branches via the comms routines.

When an order is taken at the branch and the customer has exceeded his credit limit the branch has to request a valid release number from head office before the sale can be made. The HO credit controller allocates the next available release number whilst recording the details of the sale (account, order number, value).

For delivered sales the release number would be entered in the picking confirmation or assemble delivery routine - whichever is the last stage performed before the goods are delivered.

The actual sales details are captured at HO and the credit controller can monitor the differences between the sales details originally specified and those actually used when the sale was made at the branch.




Stock Take: Loose Stock Packs


Within the stock take routines, this feature forces the entry of counted stock in to a single loose stock pack record.




Pack Listing: Ignore Locations


If active, locations are ignored on the pack listing report - totals are by stock area and branch only.




Sales Analysis by Market Type Not Class


If active the sales analysis lines file is updated with the market type rather than the customer class. The market type description is printed on the report.




Selected Field Amend: Modify Price Group


When the routine is run at the branch, the only field that may been amended is the price group. Any modifications received from head office will not overwrite the price group field.




Cash Sales Picking Notes


When the back order release routine detects a cash sale that contains products that are on back order a picking note is generated. Note that the picking note layout is not user definable.




Stock Valuation: Cost Prices In Cost CM


The printed cost uses the cost calculation method.




Invoicing: OMR Markings


Site specific OMR markings are printed on the invoice (layout 3) that are recognised by a Neopost mailing machine.




Not Used




Order Entry: Cannot Change Order Type


If active, the ability to change the order type when returning to the header is denied.




Not Used




Delivery Confirmation: Tax Point Dates


A facility to create tax point dates on the delivery record. This date replaces the delivery date normally taken from the required by date.

A tax point date may be entered which is written to all delivery records found in the range of orders selected.




Quotes Enquiry: By Customer Reference


If active, the PB71 file is updated in quotation entry using the customer reference as the key.

The quotes enquiry routine can then be used to view quotes in customer reference sequence.




Enquiries: Actual Average Pack Costs


If active, the actual average cost of the total pack volume is displayed.




Stock Count List: Revised Layout


A site (147) specific stock count list.




Not Used




Quotes: Quotation Lapse Date


Whenever lines are copied from a quotation into an order, the lapse date on the quote is set to the system date - providing that the current lapse date has been reached.




Invoicing: Deferred Invoicing for Layout 5


Deferred invoicing for invoice layout 5.




Invoicing: Print Customer Part Numbers


Customer part numbers, when this option is set ON, are printed on Sales Invoices for layout formats 4, 5, and 6.

Customer part numbers will always be printed for layout formats 1 and 2, regardless as to the setting of this option.

Customer part numbers are always unprinted for layout formats 3, 7, and 8, regardless as to the setting of this option.




Not Used




Picking Lists: Print Parked


Upon parking a sales order the user may optionally print a site (073) specific picking list.




Invoicing: Cost Centre Analysis


During invoicing the cost centre analysis file (PB89) is updated for all deferred accounts.




Invoicing: Print Payment Due Date


The payment due date is printed on the invoice.




Enquiries: Toggle Average/Standard Pack Cost


The average/standard pack cost is displayed on the pack enquiry screen (the rules for costs access are applied). The toggle is activated by pressing Shift/F9.




Order Entry: Yard Tally Number


Within order entry/amend in place of the 20 character customer reference, you are prompted for a 13 character reference together with a 6 digit numeric number. The two fields are stored in the 20 character customer reference field separated by a space.




Order Entry: Hide Discount Prompts


Within order entry/amend the discount labels are hidden.




Order Entry: Accounts on Stop


When raising an order if the account is on stop (status 6 only) then a release number is prompted for. If a valid release number is prompted for the order can be progressed. (See also: PB044).




Print Margin: Print Margin


The profit margin is printed - the calculation is (sell price - standard cost) * 100.




Documents: Total Volume


The total volume is printed on picking, advice and customer acknowledgement notes (timber merge only).




Not Used




Re-Order Level Update and Report


Update: A routine to update the re-order level for the selected product range. The company (branch 0) PB03 stock record is used and updated.

A previous months issue number is entered as the base for the calculation. A percentage growth (can be 0) and a percentage re-order level (cannot be 0) can also be entered.

The base figure is increased by the growth percentage and the re-order level figure is calculated as a percentage of this figure.

Report: A report routine to print stock balances and purchase ordering information. The report selection criteria includes stock rank, stock controller and all or below re-order.




COD Tickets


A revised COD ticket layout:

1. Heading is C.O.D. ADVICE NOTE 2. Total Amount Due is printed rather than Goods Total 3. Terms & Conditions text is printed in the footer.




Works Orders


If active, the user is allowed to generate, update, and process Mill Orders.




Order Entry: Pack Selection


A revised pack selection window that displays the pack cost rather than the product sizes.

The View option will overlay a window containing the number of pieces per length alongside the pack costs.




Confirm Picking: Enter Despatch Date


A despatch date can be entered within confirm picking which is written to the despatch record.




Not Used




Enquiries: Pack Enquiry


This facility invokes option 7 on the F1 enquiry screen.




Display NSA in Pack Selection Window


This facility displays both the total number and volume of NSA packs.




Data Archiving


When the following period end/clear-down routines are run, as records are deleted they are automatically output to history files. The history files themselves are prefixed with an H (H8PB05) rather than an F (F8PB05).

The history can be viewed via a report generator or can be renamed back to live file names (in a different directory) and viewed via Esprit.

The routines and files created are:
- BCT8PB31 - Price Book period end:
- H8PB05/11/12/37
- BCT8PBK2 - Sales analysis period end:
- H8PB32
- BCT8PO27 - Purchase ordering clear down
- H8PO21/22/24/25



Branch Stock Replenishment


A routine to aid stock transfers.




Order Listing: Select Unissued Orders


The held orders prompt has been extended to allow selection of issued/unissued orders (timber merge only).




Invoicing: Bypass Stock Updates


When invoicing is run in a distributed environment, setting the distribution flag on the branch record forces the updates of the stock file to be bypassed.




Collection Note: Original Order Number


The original order number is printed on the collection note.




Order Listing: Total Volume On Summary


The total volume is printed on the summary order listing report.




Order Listing: Total Volume On Detail


The total volume is printed on the detail order listing report.




Stock Valuation: Count Group Sequence


The report can be produced in stock count sequence.




SOP: Cost Greater Than Selling


This switch controls many customer specific changes to Esprit including document format changes, margin checking in sales order entry and zero price checking.

In addition, the following features are included:

1. Stop orders where cost is greater than selling 2. Advice notes allow space for hand written delivered quantities. 3. Automatic holding of orders if the cost or selling prices are zero.




Equivalent Special Prices


When selling timber products, the final product sold may not be the same as the original that is quoted. During quotation entry it is possible to generate special prices.

This facility allows special prices to be created for a range of similar (or like) products at the same time.

The table type TSPL defines a series of lists which each contain a number of like products. Timber and non-timber products are supported.

The routine BCT8PBT3 is used to maintain the product lists.

When pressing F6 at the accept prompt in quotes entry, the user is prompted to additionally enter a conversion mode (as well as the review date and absolute flag):

1. Absolute conversion on volume 2. Length measure recovery 3. No measure loss recovery

A message is displayed if the special price already exists. The existing record can be optionally replaced.




Order Listing: Exception Report


An additional option is available to report by the following exceptions:

1. Include orders within a given margin. 2. Cost differs from current cost 3. The selling price has been changed.

The option is available in both the summary and detail report.

If any order line meets the selected criteria the complete order is printed.




Credit Note Tracking


A revised window is displayed when raising a collection note. Upon entry of the original order number, any previously raised credit notes (max. 5) are displayed together with their values. Only products entered on the order can be entered on the credit and the quantity and value must not exceed the order values.

Within order enquiry pressing F7 displays the credit note tracking window.




Enquiries: Multi Location Enquiry


An alternative multi-location stock view showing branch number and name, stock rank, no of purchase orders, free stock and weeks cover.

This view cannot be toggled with the normal view.




Stock Replenishment


This routine changes the stock balance (PB03-STOCK-LOC-1) to 99999.999 for any non-timber product currently on back order. The PB40 Back Orders file is also updated.

This routine (BCT8PBN5) is driven by the sales order lines file.




Product Distribution


Currently in a network environment all products are distributed to all branches.

This facility allows Head Office to specify which branches product records can be sent to.

The routine (BCT8PBO0) is called from Add Products and can also be run from the menus.




Order Entry: Direct Sales Orders


It is not possible to enter directs if:

1. Purchase Orders is set to (Y)es on the control record. 2. Creation of Purchase Orders is set to (N)o on the control record.




Kit Build Picking List


A kit build list is printed from both the make-up/make-down routines.

The output is directed to that set on the IO Control record.

When pricing lines on a quotation the quotation lapse date rather than the quotation entry date is used.




Hire Module


A hire module catering for tool hire etc.




Quotes Management Module


A module to enable the monitoring of quotes raised compared to quotes accepted.




Enquiries: Special Price Areas


At the branch only, access to customer special prices and the buying terms window is denied.



Order Listing: Description Changes


The report highlights (DC) any lines where the product description does not match that held on the PB02 Product file.




Order Listing: Orders Amended Today


When called from the menus with a toggle of MOD the report lists all orders amended between the specified date range.




Stock Card Module


A module to process a stock count using stock cards - primarily for timber.




Pack Shipping Marks


The comments entered during the entry of a pack are printed on the following documents:

Picking Note, Advice Note, Customer Acknowledgement, Quote,  Sales Invoice, Works Orders.




Order Entry: Amend Customer Terms


A facility to modify the customer terms (settlement discount, type and days).




Stock Valuation: Include Delivered/Not Delivered


An option is included to optionally include delivered/not invoiced stock balances (BCT8PBB1 only).




IBT Postings: Zeroise Quantities


Within the timber window into which transfer quantities are specified pressing F4 clears the default quantities and positions the cursor at the first available field.




Order Entry: Default Order/Required By Docs


The order and required by dates default to that of the previous order.




Special Price Deletion


A routine (BCT8PBI0) to delete a specified range of all types of special price records.




Sales Analysis: Inter Groups


Within invoicing the sales analysis is not updated with customer account type 6 detail.




Site (183) Specific Collection Note


A site (183) specific collection note.




Period End: Use Required By Date


When deleting sales orders the required by date rather than the order date is tested upon.




Matrix Exceptions


All matrix exception special prices (type 6) are treated as absolute unless this facility is invoked - in which case, best pricing applies.




Invoice Level Discounts


Allows user defined discounts to be printed on invoices as part of the lump sum feature.

Presentation type 5 allows the user to include on the order/invoice the actual description and discount entered. The default description is taken from the second line of table file description for the product group. When pricing lines on a quotation the quotation lapse date rather than the quotation entry date is used.




Text Windows Not Help Windows


Text windows are displayed when a help call is made rather than invoking C-Thru help at specific prompts within SOP.




Enquiries: Ab-dial


A facility to map enquiry screens to specific key strokes.




Enquiries: Hidden Price Bands


A facility to restrict the viewing of the selling price bands. The band is specified at user level on the User Name record.

If the band is set to 5 the bands 6-12 are not displayed.




Directs and Haulage


On acceptance of an F3 in sales order entry a prompt is displayed that allows you to specify if the manual line appears on the sales order only, the purchase order only or both. If sales order only is selected the manual line is not copied to the purchase order. If purchase order only is selected the manual line is written to the sales order with a zero file and is flagged not to be printed.

An estimated third party haulage amount and haulier account can be entered which can subsequently be revised with the actual amount via PIR. The routine BCT8PBN2 allows you to report upon actual v. estimated haulage.

When processing the hauliers invoice in PIR the (A)dd option allows you to enter the original purchase order for subsequent reporting (via a report generator).




Period End: Only Delete Head Office Orders


It is possible to only delete head office orders up to a specified date. Head office orders are identified by using the head office branch number held on the PB01 Control record.




Stock Receipts: Default Normal Supplier


Upon selection a product the normal supplier is used as the default supplier.




Extra Comms Extract Records


Extra comms records are transmitted to head office which are subsequently processed by a bespoke routine.




Input Counted Stock: VLP On Audit


Volume, length and pieces are printed on the audit trail.


Timber Processing: Enter Total Quantity


By default a total timber quantity is entered rather than tally information. By pressing F2 tallies can be specified.



Order Listing: Customer Order Number


The customer order number is printed on the same line as the second customer address line.



Supplier Returns


If collection notes are automatically confirmed, the user has the option to return the goods to the supplier, which will generate a Supplier Return.

Please refer to the documentation provided by the Technical Publications department.



Invoicing: Do Not Print Branch Address


The branch address is not printed on sales invoices (formats 3,4,5 and 7).




Site (189) Specific Document Layouts


Site (189) specific advice/picking document layouts.




Cash Sale Invoice Layout


For layout 1 the following is printed: Order date; Required by date; Staff name.


Percentage Based Length Surcharges


Length surcharges are percentage based rather than value based. To identify a percentage based calculation a zero should be entered in the calculation method within the length surcharge maintenance routine.



Credit Authorisation: Delivered Sales


A release number is prompted for at point of sale for delivered sales. This is for those users who do not run the picking or assemble deliveries routines.




Tally Information on Stock Transaction


Tally details for timber updates are recorded on the PB83 file and can be viewed in enquiries (indicated by an *).



Sales Analysis: By Pricing Method


The PBA0 file records sales analysis by pricing method. It is updated by the sales analysis period end routine.

The type of sale is:
1 = Collected 2 = Delivered 3 = Direct 4 = Cash Payment Collected 5 = Cash Payment Delivered 6 = Cash Payment Direct
The pricing method is:
1-12 = Price band 20 = Manual or lump sum line 30 = Promotional price 40 = Special price 90 = Special product

A report generator can be used to view the file.




COD Cancellation


Only users with supervisor privilege can delete a recalled COD order.




Order Enquiry: First/Last Options


First/last options are available on the summary screen.




Order Enquiry: Show Costs/Margins


It is possible to view costs and margins (sales - cost)/sales * 100). The user must have costs access and the PB01 Control record show margins flag must be set.




Order Entry: Pack Comments


Pack comments can be viewed at time of order entry and also within order enquiry.



Order Enquiry: Invoice Number Sequence


It is possible to sequence the display by invoice number.



Label Picking Notes as Advice Notes


Delivered sale picking notes are labelled as advice notes.



Sales Analysis: By Alternate GPM


Invoicing updates both the standard and average cost to the sales analysis line file. The sales analysis report allows either cost to be reported upon.




Back Orders: Release Using Required By Date


Back orders are release in required by date sequence, not order date sequence. When pricing lines on a quotation the quotation lapse date rather than the quotation entry date is used.




Metric and Imperial Size Display


A facility to show metric/imperial sizes in the timber alternative display within enquiries.




PI Enhancements


The recall reference is now accepted and validated first. A prompt is available to specify the maximum number of records.

A PB39 record is created even if the print option selected is 1 and this record may be subsequently recalled and either activated or cancelled. Each product within the list cannot be accessed by any other inventory.

The PB03-STOCK-ON-FILE field is now set to zero rather than the free stock if the free stock figure is negative. A Page On Change Of Group prompt is included which allows for an optional page throw upon change of stock count group.




Alternative Products


Alternative products can be accessed whether there is a stock shortage or not. The alternative words can be set up as actual product codes which can then be selected as a direct alternative.




Invoice Allocation Sequence


Within selective invoice update only orders for the current terminal branch are processed. Invoice numbers are allocated in account number sequence.




Do Not Print Cancelled Lines


Cancelled lines are not printed on picking notes, advice notes and acknowledgements.




Fast Access Super Index/Pricing


A flag on the PB01 Control record controls the extended shopping list A facility to release back orders in required date sequence.




Reduced Comms Traffic


A reduced comms file containing stock balances is transferred from branch to head office.




Site Specific Document Layouts


Site (189) specific document layouts.




Disable F12 Override Description


The F12 facility to override the product description is disabled within sales order entry and sales order amend.




Allocate Purchase Order Number


The purchase order number is allocated and displayed before a supplier is selected for a direct sales order.




Site Specific Document Layouts


Site (184) specific document layouts.




Special Price Tiering


One Tier Specials: Enables the entry of Y in the BCT8PB59 (Price Book Control) One Tier Specials Field. Processes F6SL06nn into a different sequence and stores the result in the F8PBA3nn file. Esprit Pricing (BCT8PBE8) uses the F8PBA3nn file in place of the F8PB06nn file.




Not Used




Pack Costs Override


A value of S for the pack costs flag held on the control record signifies that pack costs are to be used for stock and valuation purposes only.




Quantity Breaks in List Band CM


Quantity breaks are assumed to be linked to the list price band calculation method.




High Value Order Warning


If the total order value exceeds the value specified on the control record a warning message is displayed within sales order entry/amend.




Kit Processing Enhancements


Additional kits processing specific to presentation type 2.




Credit Card Details


A facility to enable the entry of a credit card number and expiry date on a cash sale order when the payment type is between 2 and 8. The details are printed on the site (183) specific cash sale document.




Remove Product Description Suppression


A facility to remove the suppression of duplicate product descriptions on cash sale and other documents.




Price Using Quote Lapse Date


When pricing lines on a quotation the quotation lapse date rather than the quotation entry date is used.




Deny Location Transfer if Quote Active


It is not possible to process a location transfer on those products that are flagged as stock count active.




Refund Text on Till Receipt


The text REFUND is printed on the top and bottom of the till receipt for cash sale refunds.




Completion Date on Pack Receipts


It is possible to enter a completion date within works order entry that is used as the pack creation date and the stock transaction date. A non-zero completion date is displayed within works order enquiries.




Works Orders and Stock Count Active


It is not possible to issue or complete a works order if any of the lines are part of a stock take. Additionally, products that are part of a stock take cannot be placed on a works order.




Location Transfers and Pack Amendment


It is possible to amend the pack details held on an order line within location transfers.

Within the Pack Selection window it is possible to selected both allocated and reserved packs.




Apply Cost Price Changes To Orders


A facility within the Price Change routines to apply cost price changes to order lines. Manually priced lines are not affected.




Do Not Hold Collect Now Orders


Collect now orders are not put on hold status within a timber merge environment.




Cost Presentation in Enquiries


A flag specified on the control record affects the presentation of costs within enquiries.

The presentation rules are:
[A] = Average cost [B] = Buying cost (base cost + on/off disc + settlement [I] = Base cost + on invoice [N] = Base cost + on invoice + settlement [S] = Standard cost




Clear Delivery Address


By pressing Shift/F1 at the delivery address within order entry the defaulted delivery address details are reset to spaces.

By pressing Shift/F2 at the delivery address within order entry the defaulted delivery address details are reset to spaces except for the first line containing the name and the cursor is placed on the first character of the second line.




Not Used





Timber Waste Percentages


A facility to support waste percentages for timber defined at product level.




Timber Width Surcharges


A facility to support width surcharges for timber defined at product level.




Trade Cash Text


A facility to optionally print the text "Trade Cash" on the cash sale invoice.




Cash Sale Invoice Message Text


The cash sale invoice message text is always printed even if a subsequent page is thrown as a result.




Site Specific Documents Layouts


Site (189) specific document layouts.




Name and Address on Till Receipt


The customer name and address (as held on the customer record) is printed on a till receipt for a credit account customer paying by cash.




Output Lines for Picking Notes


Within a timber merge environment the output line for picking notes as opposed to delivery notes is used when printing a ticket.




Multiple Picking Zones


A facility to produce multiple picking notes for a batch of orders based upon the picking zone.




Load Processing


A facility to process batches of sales orders in loads.




Don't Cancel Super Index





Multi-width Line Pricing


When entering lines in a multi width group any price alterations made to the first line will be carried forward to all lines within the group.




Order Type Text on Invoice


The order type text collected, delivered or direct is printed on the sales invoice (layout 4).




Not Used





Pack Location Branch Transfers


A facility to transfer timber packs between branches (centralised machines only).




Site Specific Document Layouts


Site (040) specific document layouts.




Distribute Stock Records


A facility to distribute stock records to the branches (within BCT8PBE0).

The routine does not normally distribute stock records to the branches to ensure that stock records initially created at the branch are not overwritten.




Invoicing: Contract Accounts


A facility to update contract account customer balances.




Stock Transaction Built With System Date


The system date is used when building the primary key to the PB05 Stock Transactions file.




Amending Orders For Accounts On Stop


A facility to enable the amendment of sales orders for those customers that are flagged as on stop.




Departmental Analysis


A department number can be specified on the User Names file along with an override Y/N flag.

If the override flag is active it is possible to amend the default department number within sales order entry (incorporated within the staff id).

The department number is subsequently used within sales analysis.




Mixed Delivered/Direct Lines on an Order


A facility to mix delivered and direct lines on the same sales order.




Optionally Create Stock Record


Within sales order entry if the entered product code does not exist at this branch or the stock rank is Z a warning is displayed and an Accept? prompt is displayed. A stock record is only created if Yes is entered as a response.




Negative Stock Report: Use PB03 Count Group


The report body includes the value of the PB03 count group rather than the PB02 count group.




Invoicing: EDI Interface


A facility to transmit sales invoices via EDI.




Order Listing: Include Text Lines


A facility to include text lines on an outstanding orders list.




Deposits At Branch


A facility to transmit sales ledger open items raised at the branch to head office where the central sales ledger is located.

An audit trail is available totalling the deposits transmitted from each branch.




Sales Invoice: Delivery Details


On a sales invoice (layouts 3,4,5,7) if the delivery address is the same as the customer address the text "collected" or "Direct Delivery" is printed as required.




Stock Variance: Statistics Update Flag


For timber products it is possible to report the quantity in the unit relating to the statistics update flag unit (volume, length or pieces).




Additional Branch Stock Processing


Site (133) specific branch stock processing.




Enquiries: Loose Stock Pack Volumes


Loose stock pack volumes are included in the total pack volume calculations.



Invoicing: Bypass Stock Updates


Within invoicing (when run at head office) all stock updates are bypassed because the stock updates have already been performed by site specific (133) routines.




Not Used





Pack Enquiry/Pack Trigger Files


If active the PBB2 Pack Enquiry file and the PBB3 Pack Trigger file are updated.




Stock Count List: Tally Boxes


If active, the routine prints tally boxes for all timber tally products.




Enquiries: Override PB10 - Costs Flag


If active, the PB10-COSTS-YN flag is always defaulted to (Y)es even if the on file value is (N)o.




Deposits: Allow Deposits on CODs


It is possible to recall a COD and at the payment method press F2 to enter a deposit against the COD.




Order Amend: High Margin Checking


When releasing orders in a timber merge environment margin checking is applied and the order is not released if any line exceeds the product high margin value.




Stock Receipts: Ignore Stock Count Active


The stock count active test is not activated.




Quotes: Site (157) Specific Layout


A site (157) specific quote layout based upon layout number 1.




Quote Requests: SOP Interface


If active, quotes entry is preceded by quote request entry. Job descriptions are held on the table file under the table type QJOB.




Find Window: Show IAC Or Section/Order


The window is increased in width to accommodate the display of the section/order code or IAC code for alternate sequences.




Credit Notes: Copy Original Order Prices


If the original order number is specified when raising a credit note the copy function allows the user to copy the order lines as manually priced and match the prices exactly if "Copy Prices" is selected.




Credit Notes: Place on Hold


Account Customer Credit Notes shall be automatically placed on hold as they are raised. This allows prices to be reviewed prior to the Credit Note being passed. Price Adjustment Credit Notes are NOT specifically placed on hold by this option.

Regardless of the setting of this option: Price Adjustment Account Customer Credit Notes will ONLY be automatically placed on hold if the Pricebook Control "Hold Price Adj" field is set to "Y".


- 8PB341 will hold Account Customer Credit Notes as they are confirmed.
- 8PB459 is an enhanced Account Customer Credit Note hold option that occurs when they are confirmed.
- 8PB625 will hold Cash Sale Credit Notes.




CODs: Processing Restrictions


If active it is not possible to delete a recalled COD and it is also not possible to accept a zero value recalled COD.




SOP: Stock Warning Messages


Stock warning messages are displayed in order entry/amend if the free stock is below the ordered quantity and the stock level flag is "A". This Product Option when active will supersede 8PB437 for the above scenario.




Timber: Amend Treatment Costs


If active it is possible to modify the cost price of treatment lines.




Quotes: Reduced Headings (Layouts 2 and 3)


A reduced heading is printed on the second and subsequent pages of quotes (layouts 2 and 3).




Invoicing: Site Addresses


The site address is printed on the invoice if the site-invoice flag on the customer record is active.




Order Listings: Additional Selection Criteria


When limiting by type, a product or section/order code range may be specified as extra search criteria.




Order Amend: Delivery Note Reprints


It is possible to reprint cash sale delivery notes using function key F5 at the header screen.




Timber: 5dp Linear Pricing


Linear pricing to an accuracy of 5dp is supported for 10m (82), 100m (83), 10ft (92), 100ft (93), 10m2 (72), and 10ft2 (77). Both mtr (81) and feet (91) are not supported by this enhancement.




SOP: Specials to Head Office


Special products created at the branch in sales order entry are transmitted via the comms routines to head office.



Hire Module: Additional Functionality


As above - contact BCT for further information. Also, this option allows you to print Repair Invoices.



Pricing: Equal to Quantity Breaks


Quantity breaks are activated when the quantity is equal.



Order Amend: Collected Now Orders


If active it is not possible to amend invoiced, collected now orders.



Advice Notes: Print List Price


If the Priced Note flag on the customer record is set to "Y", the list price is printed on the site (183) advice note layout.




Comms: Product Cost Details


Branch product cost details are updated from the FPC0 transmission file sent from head office.




Order Listings: Invoiced Price Adjustments


When reporting upon completed orders, it is possible to identify those price adjustment credit notes that have/have not yet been invoiced.



Bonus Points: Site (183) Specific Functionality




Pricing: Enquiries Using Selling Unit of 1


Enquiry pricing defaults the minimum sell unit to 1 instead of using the control record divisor of the calculation method.




Works Orders: Site (220) Specific Layout


A site (220) specific works order note consolidating works orders that are linked to the same sales order.



Stock Issues: Non-Mandatory Field Entry


The following fields are not mandatory: customer reference; sales value; settlement discount; cost.




SOP: Linked Products


Refer to the Help Desk for further information.




Quotes: No Blank Lines on Layout 3


Blank lines between product lines are not printed (layout 3).




Picking: Call Confirm Picking From Order Entry


It is possible to invoke confirm picking from order entry by pressing Shift/F8 at the account code.




Despatch Notes: Print Despatch Date




Not Used




Back Order Release


Back Order Release: Company Wide Balance.



Stock Count List: Recall PI Reference


At the branch the routine only allows access to PI references that have already been created at head office (menu toggle of REC is required).




Stock Replenishment: Other Branch Stock


When processing allocations it is possible to press F8 at the branch prompt to change the current branch.




Works Orders: Print on Entry


The works order document is printed at time of entry.




Works Orders: Print on Issue


The works order document is printed at time of issue.




Works Orders: Print on Receipt


The works order document is printed at time of receipt.




Works Orders: Print on Amend


The works order document is printed at time of amendment.




Order Entry: Accept Y/N/Fkey Text


If active the order line prompt "Accept? Y/N" and "Accept Order? Y/N" prompt are suffixed by "/Fkey".




Site Specific Document Layouts


The branch short name is printed in between the despatch date and the invoice date (layout 4).




Stock Transactions: Store Site Code Not Branch Code


The PB05-REF-4 field held on the Stock Transactions file (issues transactions only) is updated with the site code (derived from the sales order header) rather than the branch code in the following routines: BCT8PBG7 - Invoicing; BCT8PBH6 - Margin Adjustments.



Credits: Do Not Age As Per Original Invoice


When raising a credit note and matching it to an original invoice the credit note does not take the age of the original invoice.




Directs: Include Contract Benefit


The contract benefit is included in the cost price on direct purchase orders.




Invoicing: Deferred Invoicing (Layout 2)


Site (133) specific deferred invoicing for layout 2.




Order Amend: Suppress Automatic Document Printing


Automatic document printing is suppressed.




Advice Notes: A Site (104) Specific Layout





Advice Notes: Include Bin Location


The bin location is included within a timber merge environment (delivery note layout 2).




Enquiries: Display Full Stock Window


The full stock window (accessed by the space bar) is shown for the F1/2, F1/3 and F1/4 screens.




Picking and Delivery: Override Account Warnings


When active, exceeded credit limit warnings can be overridden in both confirm picking and assemble delivery by a user that is not flagged as a supervisor. The user will no longer be required to enter a release number.




Product Distribution: Use PB16 Branch File


If active, the PB16 Branch file is accessed rather than the OF17 Table file. This option would normally be used if Esprit trading branches are held on the PB16 Branch file while non Esprit branches are defined on the OF17 Table file.




Stock Replenishments: Zonal Picking Handling


Zonal picking notes are produced based upon the picking zone specified on the stock record.




Negative Picking Handling


When an order is amended the appropriate unconfirmed picking note is updated to prevent the production of additional negative picking notes.




SOP: Manual Lines in the Range 0001-9999


Product groups for manual lines can be in the range 0001 to 9999.




Invoicing: A Site (183) Specific Invoice





Document Printing: Disable Lowest/Highest


If active, a value must be entered at the from field in a from/to range.




Update O/S Order Value: Ignore Home Branch


The customers home branch is ignored when updating the on-order balance. Normally BCT8PBD9 processes those customers whose home branch is the same as the terminal branch.




Order Entry: Parked Picking Lists


A 'timber merge' picking list is printed for a parked order in a non-timber merge environment.




Not Used





Picking Notes: Print The Delivery Address


The delivery address is printed on a collected sales picking note (layout 4).




Invoices: Print Home Branch Not Order Branch


If the company number has a value of 10 the customers home branch details are printed on the invoice rather than the order branch details.




Order Amend: Retain Status On Cancelled Invoice Or


When cancelling an order that has been invoiced the order status is not changed to 'cancelled'.




Works Orders: Print Tally Source For Lines For Pack STO





Picking Lists: Do Not Print For Parked Orders


In a timber merge environment a picking list is not printed when a sales order is parked.




Order Amend: Set Required By Date


When releasing an order in a timber merge environment the order required by date is set to the system date.




Advice Notes: Do Not Print


Advice notes are not printed automatically or via the F5 option if any connected works order has an unissued source item.




Works Orders: Works Order Required


If the works order required flag is active on the product record a works order is created in background when the product is used within sales order entry.




Back Order Processing: Releasing Orders


Sales orders are automatically placed on hold if product lines can't be completely satisfied by the available free stock. In this instance a picking list is not produced.

The Back Order Release routine releases held orders that are completely satisfied by the back order stock receipts and a picking note is printed.

Order amend prints picking notes for orders that are released but are not completely satisfied. This allows orders to be part delivered.




Timber: Default Total Pieces


The total number of pieces is defaulted to the total length divided by 12 for imperial lengths or 4 for metric lengths. The Pieces Y/N flag on the control record must be set.




Order Enquiries: More Views


Additional order line screens accessed from the shift/f4/f5/f6/f7 views.




Credit Notes: Print Original Order Number


The original Order number is printed on the credit note where applicable (layout 4).




Invoices: Print a Remittance Portion


A site (218) specific layout (based on layout 6) whereby a remittance portion is printed at the bottom of the invoice.




Stock Adjustments: Default Values


The reference and reason code fields are defaulted to that of the last entry.



Stock Adjustments: Specify Date


A transaction can be entered that is used instead of the system date to update the PB05 Transaction record.




Invoices: Site (183) Specific Layout - OMR Marks


OMR markings are printed on the site (183) specific layout.




Free Stock Checking: At Company Level


Free stock checking for both non-timber and timber products is based upon the company free stock figure.




Order Amend: Line Amendment by Supervisors


Within order amend only those users flagged as being supervisors are able to amend lines on a collect-now order.




Confirm Picking: Releasing Back Orders


The routine prompts "Release Back Orders Y/N" after a picking note has been completely confirmed where it's associated order contains one or more back orders. This option can also be automated (see 8PB285).




Confirm Picking: Automatic Back Order Release


The routine automatically releases back orders after a picking note has been completely confirmed where it's associated order contains one or more back orders. This option can also be a manual procedure (see 8PB284).




Stock Takes: Site (133) Specific Functionality


As above. The routines are sequenced by the PBC6 file.




Invoicing: Specify Tax Point Date


On the invoice parameter screen a tax point date can be specified that overrides the invoice date. This date is used within the invoicing routine.




Order Entry: Stopped Accounts Can Pay Cash


When an "on stop" credit account is selected F5 is enabled to force the transaction to be completed as a cash sale.




Confirm Picking: Negative Picking Warning


A warning prompt "Negative Note - Continue? Y/N" is displayed when a negative picking note is entered.




Quotes: Retain Costs When Copying to Orders


Cost prices are retained from the original quote lines when copying a quote to an order.




Special Products: Update Product When Amending


The product record is updated to reflect the changes (description, price and cost) when amending a "special" order line, in either Order Entry or Order Amend.




Deposits: 'Not An Invoice' Warning Message


On deposits the message "Warning - This is not a VAT invoice" is printed.




Quotes: Site (125) Specific Layout


A site specific layout based upon layout 3. The line quantity and total is not printed and a quote total is not printed.




Advice Notes: Site (128) Specific Layout


As above. Trailer text is now printed on picking layout 1 and not on the advice note. Various layout changes to layout type 1.




Enquiries: Hide Zero Free Stock Products


For all products a new option, F12/8 is available to exclude zero free stock products on the F1/1 and F1/6 screens.




Delivery Notes: Site Specific Layout


As above. Trailer text and the "Accepted By" line are printed at the foot of the page.




Order Entry: Sell An Existing Special


When an existing special (z-prefix) product is entered, the warning message "This is a special - continue?" is displayed.




Period End: Don't Delete Holding Branch Transaction


IBT "in" transactions for the holding branch are not deleted. These transactions are matched to the resultant IBT "out" transaction when an IBT is confirmed as received.




Quotes and Acknowledgements: Print Nett Price


The nett price rather than selling price 1 is printed on the acknowledgement (layout 4) and the quote (layout 3).




Comms: Do Not Update PN59 File During Stock Take


As above. The count list and input counted stock routines do not update the PB59 comms trigger file.




Not Used





Not Used





Not Used





Not Used





Comms: Site 128 Product Distribution


Site 128 specific product distribution routines whereby stock records are distributed from head office when created for a branch.




SOP: Site (192) Specific Layouts


Site (192) specific SOP document layouts to include the total weight.




SOP: Site (192) Specific Layouts


Site (192) specific SOP document layouts to include the number of pieces for each timber line.




Invoicing: SOP: Site (187) Specific Layout


A site (187) specific invoice layout incorporating OMR marks for mail merging.




Confirm Picking: Account Warning Override


Function key F3 is no longer required to override the account warning.




Order Amend: Override Restrictions


The restrictions invoked by the SEL menu toggle do not apply to those users with supervisor privilege.




CODs: Recalling And Amending Lines Restriction


Order entry denies modification of lines on recalled COD's unless the user is flagged as a supervisor.




SOP: Enhanced Release Number Processing


Release numbers are requested when an account is on stop. Release numbers are not prompted for in confirm picking, assemble deliveries or the amend delivery date routine (BCT8PBG4).

Release numbers are requested when a picking note is printed for an order without a release number for an account on stop.




Not Used





Stock Control: 26 Stock Periods


A site (219) specific facility whereby stock issues are recorded over 26 two-week stock periods rather than 12 monthly periods.




Sales Analysis: Use Proper Special Product Code


The normal special product code is used to update the PB90 and PBA0 sales analysis files for CQ reporting purposes.

Normally the product code held on these files is the product group & the text "special" ie: "1210special".




Add Products: Price Generation


The routine sets selling price 1 to the base cost. It also sets selling price 2 to the base cost plus a configurable uplift percentage of the base price. The uplift percentage is obtained from the Table File under the entry of "UPL" index 0001.

This functionality also exists within Fast Add Products.




Order Listings: Sleep Shell Call


For performance tuning purposes it is possible to invoke a shell script which forces the routine to sleep for a specified time period. The sleep period (in seconds) is specified in the shell script BCT6OF48.she.

Discuss the implementation of this feature with your Project Manager.




Picking Notes: Timber Merge Style


In a non timber merge environment the site (139) timber merge specific layout is available.




SOP: Telesales Interface





Picking Notes: Site (183) Specific Layout


A site (183) specific picking note based upon layout 8. The picking list layout number held on the Price Book control record must be set to 3.




Split Packs: Auto Pack Numbering


When processing split packs the routine BCT8PBT7 now automatically assigns a pack number against a newly created split pack where the branch has set automatic or semi-automatic pack numbering.




Confirm Picking: Amend Product Descriptions


By pressing F12 at the Accept prompt the three lines of product description can be modified (in this case to store a mill tally ref). The revised descriptions held on the order line are printed on the delivery note.




Average Costs: Exclude DNI Figure


The Delivered Not Invoiced quantity is excluded from the actual average pack cost calculation.



Average Costs: Handling Negative Free Stock


When making a stock receipt (via IBT's, goods-in, stock receipts or works orders) negative free stock balances are included in the average cost calculation.



Quotes: Print Staff Name On Layout 0


The staff name is printed below the account details on quote layout 0.



Works Orders: Use Average Cost


Works orders always use average cost.



Stock Control: Obsolete Stock Processing


A site (219) specific facility whereby stocked products can be flagged as being obsolete. Such products are identified as being obsolete because the product code is prefixed with @. Various processing restrictions are applied to these obsolete products.




SOP: Deny Access To Staff Number


When unparking or recalling an order it is not possible to amend the staff number. This feature is relevant if commission on sales is paid to individual staff members.




Order Entry: Toggle Quote Warning Window


If this option is active the Shift/F7 function to turn the quote warning window on/off is defaulted to off.



Stock Takes: Send Variance File To Head Office


A sequential file FPA8 is transmitted to head office from a stock variance update. The fields on each record are:

Product Code, Product Description x 2, Counted Quantity, Counted VLP for Timber, Average Cost Price, Stock Value at Average Cost.



SOP: Site 219 Specific Order Amend Facilities


In the site 219 specific SOP environment sales orders for accounts 'on stop' may be amended.




Product Fast Add: Retain Selected Fields


Selected fields remain selected until they are manually deselected. A new (Q)uit option is included to exit the routine when fields are still selected.



Enquiries: Include AITZ Types By Default


A, I, T, Z record types are included by default within enquiries. They can be excluded by using option 4 within the F12 window.




Don't Use Zones In Picking






Advice Notes: Site 232 Layout


A site 232 specific advice note layout 7 for delivered and collected sales.




Period End: Delete Negative Specials


Special products that do not contain a positive balance are deleted by the period end routine.




Pack Cost Breakdown


The software for this feature is supplied free of charge, however, there may be additional training requirements and/or implementation services before implementing this feature. Please contact the Help Desk for further assistance.



Movement Report Layouts


When this option is activated additional stock details are reported for each order line, including:


Qty's Ordered, Picked, Despatched, Invoiced & Back Ordered, along with details of each Picking & Despatch sequence.

The option is only available on Internal reports, and only if the reporting of stock movements is not limited by the parameters entered.



Stock Control: Multi-bin Location Processing


A site 169 specific multi-bin location stock facility based upon test certificate processing.

The software for this feature is supplied free of charge, however, there may be additional training requirements and/or implementation services before implementing this feature.

Please contact your Project Manager or the Help Desk for further assistance.



SOP: Margin By Line Display


If active, sales order entry, sales order amend and sales order enquiry display the order line margin %.

In addition, chevrons ">>" are displayed if there are more order lines than the lines currently displayed.




Credits: Auto Hold Credit Notes


Account Customer Credit Notes shall be automatically placed on hold as they are confirmed. This allows prices to be reviewed prior to the Credit Note being passed. Price Adjustment Credit Notes are NOT specifically placed on hold by this option.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this option: Price Adjustment Account Customer Credit Notes will ONLY be automatically placed on hold when they are raised, if the Pricebook Control "Hold Price Adj" field is set to "Y".


- 8PB214 will hold Account Customer Credit Notes as they are raised.
- 8PB459 is an enhanced Account Customer Credit Note hold option that occurs when they are confirmed.
- 8PB625 will hold Cash Sale Credit Notes.




Not Used





Delivery Confirmation: Print An Invoice


When an order is confirmed as despatched an invoice is automatically generated and printed. Invoicing stages 1 & 2 need to be subsequently run to produce an invoice register and to update the sales ledger.

As this functionality is only applicable for particular environments you should discuss this option further with your Project Manager before it is implemented.




CODs: Line Amendment Restrictions


Amending COD's is prevented; it is not possible to add, modify or delete lines. A new (restricted) option line is presented when a recalled COD is being processed.




Invoicing: A Site 081 Layout


A site (081) specific invoice layout.




Stock Take: Report Sequence and Variance Checking


The count list and variance report conform to a site (183) specific layout. Within the input counted stock routine it is possible to specify a variance value. If the calculated loss/gain exceeds this variance a warning message is displayed.




Site 227 Document Layouts





Credits: Branch Selection at Confirmation


Confirm Collections allows branch selection.




Site 219 Document Layouts


Site (219) specific document layouts.




History of Unapplied Price Changes


A new file (F8PBE2) is updated by the following routines:

BCT8PB16 - Automatic Price Changes BCT8PB17 - Semi Automatic Price Changes BCT8PB19 - Manual Price Changes BCT8PB20 - Promotional Price Changes

By pressing F14 at the product code prompt the routine BCT8PB0T is invoked to allow enquiries on the file. The enquiry window display the following fields:

Sell Price 1 Sell price 2 Sell price 3 Sell price 4 Sell price 5 Buying Cost (Base price less above the line discounts).

At the time of entering the price change the record for each affected product would be updated with the prices following the price update i.e. the new prices. Only Price updates that change any of this information would cause a record to be written to the file. Special prices or changes to the discounts 1 and 2 do not cause records to be written. Records are only be created at head office. Promotional price changes create two records; one for when the promotional price is applied and one when the standard pricing is reapplied at the end of the promotion.

If no record exists on the file then the current information is shown, the date and time being replaced with the word "Current".
The F8PBE2 is maintained by the price book period end routine.

When creating forward prices the following test is applied:

When the user enters a forward price for a specific product if a non applied forward price already exists a warning message is displayed.

If a range is entered and any product in that range already has a forward price record the warning is displayed.

If more than one hit is found (especially possible for product ranges) all must be identified in the warning.

See also: 8PB376




Promotional Price Changes Via Semi-Automatic


Processing ranges of promotional price changes can be processed by using the semi-automatic price change routine.




SOP: Fuel VAT Processing


Fuel VAT processing. Please contact your Project Manager or the Help Desk for further assistance.




SOP: Contract Paint Pricing


Contract paint pricing processing. Contact your Project Manager or the Help Desk for further assistance.



SOP: Selling Units of Measure


A mechanism for selling non-timber items such as tiles in various units of measure (by the box, square yard, each).




Stock Adjustments: Reason Narrative


If active, it is possible to enter 60 characters of free text against a stock transaction. This text is stored on the PB83 Extra Stock Trans file and can be viewed using a report generator etc.




Streamlined Delivery Confirmation


Various modifications within Delivery Confirmation:

1) The despatch note is prompted for on entry to the routine. 2) Confirmed deliveries may be reversed. This requires the input of a valid password. 3) The function key calls 'Sales Order Amend'. 4) The function key calls process exceptions. 5) The function key allows haulage details to be entered. 6) The  function key allows the despatch date to be changed.




Stock Receipts: Store System Date


The system date is stored on the PB05 Stock Transaction record in the delivery date field. The value can subsequently be used to audit stock receipts by both manual date of receipt and system date of receipt.




SOP: No Stock Text Lines


When selecting a product in sales order entry that is out of stock by pressing F5 the two product description lines can be automatically converted in to text lines.

If the numeric table type TEXT is set-up it is also possible to select default text lines by pressing F15. "Out Of Stock" messages can be stored in text lines on the order.




Invoicing: Invoiced Date Set To System Date


When activated in conjunction with BCT product code 8PB349 the invoiced date stored on the sales order header is set to the system date.




Order Entry: Free Stock Pop-up Box


For non-timber products the free stock figure is displayed in a window below the order line quantity prompt in both sales order entry and purchase order entry.

The free stock pop-up box also appears within the product find window once a product has been selected.




SOP: VISA Card Processing


A mechanism to process VISA card purchases.




Site 241 Document layouts


A set of site (241) specific document layouts.




Not Sold Since Report: Zero Stock


A new "include zero stock Y/N" prompt is included to optionally exclude those products that do not have a stock balance greater than zero.




Site 243 Document Layouts


A set of site (243) specific document layouts.




Not Used





BCT8PBY2: Process Terminal Branch Only


Stock records for the terminal branch only are processed. This requirement arose because a common stock file existed but separate directories existed containing branch specific sales orders etc.

It may be a requirement to subsequently run BCT8PBC6 to recalculate the company stock view.




Contracts and Directs: Multi Call-offs


Site 242 specific functionality to process multi-call off contracts and directs that primarily contain specials.

The software for this feature is supplied free of charge but BCT6OF53 needs compiling to include your particular site code. In addition you may require training or implementation services before implementing this feature.

Please contact your Project Manager or the Help Desk for further assistance.




Stock Take: Loss/Gain Using Counted Total


Within input counted stock the calculated stock variance loss/gain is based upon the difference between the on-file figure and the total counted figure rather than the last counted figure.




Site 219 Specific Order Processing


Site 219 specific SOP processing whereby releasing a held order will invoke the "next step" processing cycle.




Order Status Indexing


The PBE9 Order Status Index file is updated by various routines (by a call to BCT8PB1H) whenever the PB11 Order Header is updated.

The routine BCT8PB1G builds a new PBE9 file by reading through all the sales orders - the existing PBE9 file is deleted.

Within Sales Order Enquiries, the user will be allowed to toggle between "All Sales Orders" and "Held Sales Orders Only".

When viewing held sales orders using Shift+F2 the PBE9 file is accessed, thereby, improving the read performance instead of using the standard PB11 (Sales Order Header) file. This only applies to Sale Order Sequence and not to Account Sequence.




Site 169 Document Layouts


Product end text is positioned beneath the product description lines and immediately after the third line of description on the site 169 specific purchase order.

Product end text is positioned beneath the product description lines on the site 169 specific invoice layout.

Product end text is positioned beneath the product description lines on the site 169 specific picking note, despatch note and quote (quote layouts 1,2 and 3).




Site 157 Document Layout


The first 2 digits of the selling rep are used to access the branch file in order to print the branch address on the invoice.




Negotiation Panel: Always Show Margins


When called from sales order entry and amend margins are always displayed in the negotiation panel regardless of the costs access setting.




Directs: Generate For COD Directs


When raising a COD as a direct (normally paid by credit card) a purchase order is now produced.




FIFO Stock Valuation


A site 244 specific FIFO stock valuation report using the PB05 Stock Transactions file to calculate the valuation. Not currently available for timber products.




Price Change Enquiry: Standard Heading


Within the price change enquiry window the heading "1 2 3 4 5" for price bands 1-5) is displayed rather than the site 183 specific heading "List Trade S A F".




Not Used





Enquiries: Outstanding Purchase Orders Ack. Ref


The acknowledgment reference displayed in the outstanding orders window is the reference entered against the order line instead of the order header.




Special Prices


Prevents the entry of invalid product codes at the from /to product range prompts.




Invoicing: Print Tax Code On Invoices


The Tax Code will be printed on the Invoice if SL02-EXPORT-YN = "Y".




Invoicing: Default 'To Date'


This enhancement will default the 'To Date' to the system date if the 'From Date' is zero.




Timber: Nominal Split Across Treatment and Product


The Invoice update program BCT8PBG7 has been modified to update the nominal interface with the sales amount for the timber lines and treatment lines as with sales analysis. When a lump sum is applied to an order the sales amount of the individual treatment/timber line is posted pro-rata of the sales amount to their respective product group nominal codes.




Timber: Post Sales Analysis From Timber Lines File





Goods Delivered By Other Branches


Enabling 8PB485 (Back Order Picking List) will prevent this option working correctly.

Enabling this option will disable 8PB(259) Negative Picking Note consolidation.




Timber Packs: Prevent Duplicate Pack IDs


Validates the Pack ID when it is manually entered in the timber pack window to see if it already exists. Give the user a warning message and allow the pack ID to be re-keyed until a unique ID is entered.




Super Index: Include 'z' Code Specials


This option will include any 'z' code specials in the Super Index. For this to take effect BCT6OF08 requires running against the product file with the options 'Word Extract' & 'Cross Ref' set to 'Y'.
Other related Product Options are:
- 8PB496 which excludes 'x' code specials.

- 8PB590 which excludes 't' code timber specials.

- 8PB593 which includes 'w' code timber specials.




Set Reorder and Reorder Up To Levels





Works Orders: Use Standard Cost On Process Lines


Works Orders routine to use Standard costs for processed and not Average costs when activated.




Site (211) Specific Advice Note Layout


Advice Note Footer changed for timber merge advice note, to print "Accepted By" in place of "Picked By".




Invoicing: Record Staff Number In Sales Analysis


Invoice routine changed so the staff number from the order header record is stored in the customer type field on the PB32 Sales Analysis file.




Works Orders: Receipts - Update Pack Costs


Update Pack Costs for Finished,Waste and Offcut Lines for Works Order Receipts.




Site (185) Specific Invoice Layout


The pack make up to be printed on the invoice.




Not Used





Site (185) Specific Despatch Note Layout


Print mtrs and pieces on Despatch note's pack line.




Not Used





Timber: Prevent Access To Negotiation Panel


Prevent access to Negotiation Panel (SHIFT-F6) for Timber products.




Order Processing: Error If Stock Obsolete


Error code now displayed if Obsolete Product entered at the Product Code prompt.




Not Used





Site (248) Specific Additional Text On Documents


Product start and end text on the users sales documents is printed beneath and in line with the product description. Product start and end text on the users invoices is printed beneath and in line with the product description.




Not Used





Not Used





Enhanced Works Orders Processing


Please contact the Help Desk before enabling this option.




Assemble Deliveries: Use Today's Date


Always use Today's date in Assemble Deliveries.




Quotes: Always Cost Lines Using Buying Cost


The cost price of a quotation is now always set from the buying cost. Previously the cost was determined from the GPM flag on the control record.




Picking: Update Order Line Cost


Provided the line has not been manually costed, sales order lines are re-costed at the confirm picking stage.




Not Used





Till Receipts: Print Text Lines


Print text lines on till receipts.




Not Used





Site (093) Specific Document Layouts


A site (093) specific invoice layout.




Price Adjustments: Price using Qty Entered By User


A quantity can now be entered when adding products to a price adjustment. The quantity is only used to set the value of each line on the price adjustment.




Not Used





Order Amend: Disallow Cancelling Delivered Sales


Order Amend modified so the cancel option for the order header is no longer valid for delivered sales.




Timber: Prevent Price Changes Once Invoiced


The user is prevented from amending the selling price of Sales Order Timber lines, once they have been either part or fully invoiced.




Enquiries: Bespoke Multi Location Screen


Price Book Enquiries has changed to provide several new pieces of functionality. A bespoke Multi Location Enquiry screen (F3).




Telesales: Account Checking


Account status checking is not now ignored within a telesales environment.




Enquiries: Up and Down Options


Up and Down Option Keys on the F2-4 Screen browses transactions. Next/Previous cycles through products only.

Up and Down options on the F3-1 Screen browses through branches. Next/Previous cycles through products only.

Selecting a line number within the stock transaction enquiry on an issue transaction calls sales order enquiries, whilst selecting a line number on a receipt transaction calls grn enquiries or purchase order enquiries depending upon the users selection.



Enquiries: Customer Turnover


A bespoke customer enquiry (F4 - 2 screen) has been developed to replace the existing enquiry.

The cost and margin figures are only visible if costs are visible. Check the F12 options screen to see if costs are visible.

The next month figures are always displayed.

If the enhancement to display month literals is active (6SL011), these will be activated in this screen.




Printing of Non-Standard Lengths


The Picking Note print routine will now also print the tally specifications where a single tally quantity for 1 metre is entered.




Enquiries: Cost Plus/Margin Enquiry


Providing the user has access to costs, pressing the "C" key from any of the products screen displays the cost/ plus margin enquiry window shown below. Pressing next or previous scrolls through products.

The costs displayed are determined by new cost settings on the user name record. (See Optional Enhancement 8PB(420) for details).

The selling price shown is the nett band figure inclusive of any regulator. The space bar can be used to toggle which cost is used to determine the cost plus and margin values. The default is standard cost. The selected cost price is identified with "*".

For information the calculations are as follows:
- List % = (Sell Price 1 - Sell Price n) / Sell Price 1
- Cost Plus % [Mark Up] = (Sell Price n - Selected Cost) / Selected Cost
- Margin % = (Sell Price n - Selected Cost) / Sell Price n
- Selecting 'End' will remove the window and screen from which the window was called is re-displayed using the product eventually arrived at when scrolling.




Enquiries: Cost Visibility


User Name Maintenance: The user name record contains four new flags permitting greater control over those costs that can be viewed by each user. Note: The I-O control file overrides all user settings therefore sensitive VDU locations can be set to disable cost visibility.

In addition, two additional flags permit the setting of default settings within price book enquiries for cost visibility and branch average cost.

Price Book Enquiries: The costs that can be seen within the various enquiry screens where costs are shown are dependent on which of the above flags the user has set.




Not Used





Enquiries: Additional Enhancements


F7 super index is available on the F3 Screen.

If a product is highlighted on the F1-1 screen and control is passed to a detail screen or the user selects Next, Previous or Approx, the next time the product is visible on the F1-1 screen, the product is no longer highlighted.

If super index is active, pressing F7 permits the user to enter a new SI search without the enable/disable window appearing.




Delivery Confirmation: Flag Fully Delivered Lines


The Delivery Confirmation routine will now update a Fully Delivered flag on the PB12- sales order line to indicate that there is no remaining stock on Back Order.

The outstanding order report will ignore this line if the Fully Delivered flag has been updated during the Delivery Confirmation routine.



Not Used




Not Used




Not Used




Not Used





Extended Price List: Include Special Prices Y/N


If active the "Special Prices Only" prompt is replaced by an "Include Special Prices" prompt. If the user selects "Y" to this prompt and the Price list is for a single customer an extra section, showing special prices only is printed prior to the price list. The Price list section of the report always includes special prices regardless of the answer to the prompt.




Product Maintenance: Break Tables - Equal Values


If active, the high values in the break table are now permitted to be equal to the previous value.



Invoicing: Separate Register For Invoices/Credits


If running selective invoicing (BCT8PBG7/SEL) in account sequence, a new 'invoices or credits' prompt is provided.

Selecting 'I' will mean only credit sale and cash sale invoices are included in the invoice run.

Selecting "C" will mean only credit sale credit notes and cash sale credit notes are included in the invoice run.

Therefore the invoice register produced will only include either invoices or credits, not both.



Site (253) Specific Document Layouts


Site (253) Specific Document Layouts.



Semi Automatic Pricing: Reset All Price Bands


If active and the user chooses to change selling band 1, a further prompt is provided to apply the change to all subsequent bands. If the user selects 'Y' the new price for selling band 1 will also become the new selling price for all other bands where the selling price is not set to zero.



Site (147) Specific Document Layouts


Picking Notes now print the Locations for both type 'P' & 'T' packs.




Pricing: Separate Audit For Special Prices


If active and the user chooses to realign against special prices, the special price details are listed in a separate audit trail.




Stock Valuation: Site (244) Specific FIFO Update


BCT8PBB1 has been modified to perform the functionality of product option 8PB(375) - FIFO Stock Valuation but in addition updates the branch average cost (as this isn't used by this site) with the FIFO cost, so that the FIFO cost can be reported upon within a report writer.




Order Entry: Proceed From Site To Line


Within Sales Order Entry, once the Account and Site Code have been specified and confirmed, processing automatically transfers to the entry of Sales Order Lines.

When the Sales Order is accepted, the Sales Header Screen is redisplayed, allowing entry of the remaining Sales Header fields. This option, therefore, overrides the standard functionality, whereby the user is required to press F3 to perform the same task as described above.




Order Processing: Enhanced Stock Rank Messaging


Against each record on the stock file, a code ('A', 'B', 'C', 'O', 'T' or 'Z') may be entered in the 'stock rank' field. Certain of these values ('O', 'T' and 'Z') already cause a message to be displayed when a product is selected within the Order Entry routine (BCT8PBE1) and the Order Amend routine (BCT8PBE9). The software was developed for those who wanted to define their own messages for each 'stock rank'.

Table file entries must be set up for each stock ranking within the Table File Maintenance routine BCT6OF15 using the "RANK" table file.

Order Processing:

The stock ranking messages are only displayed to the user within Order Entry/Amend if there is insufficient 'free stock' to satisfy the order quantity.

At the point at which the standard stock rank-related messages are displayed, the stock rank letter from the stock file is used to find the relevant message on the "RANK" table. If such a message is found on the "RANK" table it is displayed instead.

Note, in the case of stock ranks 'O', 'T' and 'Z', if a "RANK" message exists it is displayed instead of the standard message. If no such message is found the standard message is displayed.

Note also that, a standard message is not displayed at present for stock ranks 'A', 'B' or 'C'. However, if a corresponding message exists on the "RANK" table that is displayed.

If Product Option 8PB216 is active then the above message will be superseded if the free stock is below the ordered quantity and the stock level flag is "A".



Order Processing: Operator/Branch Analysis


When entering sales orders or credit notes, the first two digits of the selling rep and the staff code should be identical and these two digits should also correspond to a valid branch number.

When modifying the selling rep within the Order Amend routine (BCT8PBE9), the first two digits must not change. They must remain equal to the first two digits of the staff code.

When entering sales orders and credit notes, the user is prevented from entering the second trailer text code. The code is defaulted to a four digit code. The first two digits are always 99. The second two digits are from the branch identifier. The branch identifier is the first two digits of the selling rep and the staff code.
During invoicing (BCT8PBG7) the branch used to update the sales analysis and nominal files is derived from the first two digits of the selling rep and the staff code. Product Option 8PB(438) must be used in conjunction with product option 8PB(437).



Order Processing: Unit Nett Cost Of Specials > 0


The Special Product Creation routine (BCT8PBH8) which is called from Order Entry (BCT8PBE1) and Order Amend (BCT8PBE9) when special products are added to an order has been modified to ensure that a 'unit cost' greater than zero is entered against the special.

The standard software displays a warning message, which the user may choose to ignore by proceeding to enter supplier details. This enhancement will not let the user proceed to enter the supplier details for the special, until a cost greater than zero has been entered.



Enhanced Streamlined Delivery Confirmation


The modifications are not applicable if the 'delivery confirmation' routine is used with the 'DAY' switch.

Delivery Confirmation: On entering the despatch details within the 'Stream-Lined Delivery Confirmation' routine (BCT8PBG5) the user is prompted with the 'F6 - Haulage Window' as default.

On pressing the ESC key when prompted at the first field within the F6 window user is prompted back at the 'Accept Order' field. The user is able to use the F6 function key to re-access the haulage window.

The changes to this window include the 'date sent' field defaulting to today's date and the ability to enter a carriage charge.

On entering a 'Carriage Cost' greater than zero, the user is warned if a carriage line already exists on the order. Carriage lines are identified by a five-character product which consists of "z", followed by the four-digit haulage code. The user will also be warned but not prevented from entering a zero 'Carriage Cost'.

If processing multiple despatch notes, when prompted at the 'haulier name' field the user can enter = in order to re-prompt the previous 'haulier name' and the 'date sent' details.

Upon accepting the haulage details, any 'additional text' lines entered are appended to the sales order as text lines.

The remaining carriage details are written to the sales order line file as a 'manual line' (as if the F3 - 'extra line' functionality was used to create a carriage line in in the 'sales order entry' routine). The product code for this order line is derived from the character 'z' and the 'haulage code' from the 'Price Book Control Record'. The product description is derived from the 'haulier name', 'date sent' and 'haulier ref'. The sales amount is the 'carriage cost'.

The order value on the sales order header record is also adjusted accordingly.




Invoicing: Nominal Blending Against Type of Supply


The standard Nominal Blending handles 'CRCOLL', 'CRDEL' & 'CRDIR'.In addition to these the blending now handles the Type of Supply codes of 'EXSTK', 'FWDORD' &'BCKBCK'.




Order Entry: F3 Lines Use Haulage Code


For those users that regularly add haulage charges when adding manual lines within the Order Entry routine (BCT8PBE1), switching on the above enhancement will always default the F3 line code to the haulage code held on the Price Book Control Record.




Site (157) Specific Delivery Note Layout


Display the product code in place of the price group and the primary bin location where the product code was previously shown.




Not Used





Picking: Automatically Increment Picking Note


Automatically assumes that Picking Variances are true, at which point the first picking line is displayed for acceptance, after which any subsequent lines are automatically advanced, thereby streamlining the picking process.




Site (251) Specific Delivery Note Layout


BCT8PBG2 modified for bespoke layout changes. Special Instructions printed on layout 7.

Driver & Customer labels printed at foot of the document.

"Entered By" printed instead of "Sales Assistant". "Delivery Note" printed instead of "Advice Note". "Delivery Address" printed instead of "Invoice Address".




Order Amend: Cancel Issued Orders (Timber Merged)


BCT8PBE9 modified to enable orders that have been issued in a timber merged environment to be cancelled.




Delivery Confirmation: Process Complete Deliveries


Delivery confirmation changed to allow complete delivery orders to be fully cancelled.

In a 'Streamlined Delivery Confirmation' environment this is done by pressing F4 at the 'Accept' prompt. The only option available at this point is to cancel all lines on the order.

In a standard 'Delivery Confirmation' environment this is done by selecting 'P' to process exceptions and having entered the order and despatch number, the only option available is to cancel all lines on the order.




Order Entry: Release Num. Not Needed When Parking


BCT8PBE1 amended so that you can park orders which take customers over their credit limit without having to allocate a release number until the order is unparked.




Site (040) Specific Document Layouts


BCT8PBG2 now prints locations on advice notes.

BCT8PB64 now prints weight on COD's, Cash Sales Invoice, Deposits etc.



Invoicing: Update Pack Summary


Invoicing now calls BCT8PB1K to update the Pack Summary.




Order Processing: Hide Reg. When Manually Pricing


Non-Timber Products:

When processing non-timber lines the regulator value will not be visible and the price shown will always be the selling price inclusive of the regulator. The user can continue to modify the price and discount fields. If the selling price (inclusive of regulator) is manually changed the regulator value on the order line will be reset to zero and the price entered will replace the base selling price, so that the total value of the line is calculated correctly.

The user will also be prevented from modifying the show regulator flag. The flag should be defaulted to 'N' in accordance with the 'Show Regulator' flag on the product record.

Timber Lines:

Likewise,when processing timber lines,the regulator value is no longer visible. The price shown will always be the selling price inclusive of the regulator.

The user can continue to modify the price and discount field but will be prevented from modifying the regulator. If the selling price (inclusive of regulator) is manually changed the regulator value on the order line will be reset to zero and the price entered will replace the base selling price, so that the total value of the line is calculated correctly.

The user will also be prevented from modifying the show regulator flag. This flag should be defaulted to 'N' in accordance with the 'Show Regulator' flag on the product record.




Site (189) Specific Parked Picking Notes


When printing Parked Picking Notes, the wording '*** PARKED ***' will be printed on the document.




Invoicing: Print Supplier's Invoice Number on Directs


Directs Processing:

The 'Directs Processing' program(BCT8PO33) is called from the Purchase Invoice Registration (BCT8PO60) routine when processing type 2 (Directs) purchase invoices.

The routine displays a warning message upon entry to the screen, reminding users to add a text line to the order. This text line should identify the supplier's delivery note number(s) and will be printed on the sales invoice so that when the customer receives the sales invoice they can match the invoice to the delivery note(s) in their possession.

Once the message has been displayed, the user may press the space bar to continue processing the direct. This may include manipulating the lines or adding the text lines.

Sales Invoices:

The 'Sales Invoicing' program(BCT8PBG7) has been modified to include the Purchase Invoice Registration number on the first line of the main body of the sales invoice document for 'Direct' sales.

This change however only applies to Invoice format 4.




Invoicing: Set Fully Invoiced Order Status


Order status set to 9 if all lines have been delivered and invoiced.




Not Used





Viewpoint: Rolling Daily Branch Sales


A new Last 32 Rolling Daily Sales (BCT8PBY7) routine has been written, allowing it to be called from the Esprit menu, from the UNIX command line, and from another Esprit routine. The new routine will roll the daily sales onwards the required number of days, dependent upon the last time the routine was invoked. (8PB457 option must evaluate to false in order that this feature will function).

The Invoice II (BCT8PBG8) routine has been modified to call the new Last 32 Rolling Daily Sales (BCT8PBY7) routine, whenever the invoice date has advanced onwards one or more days since the last invoice run (provided that 8PB457 option evaluated to false).

Additional information for BCT8PBY7 The menu toggles allowed from the Esprit Menu are:

"ALL" which will default the update across all branches. "BRN" which will default the update for the user's terminal branch. defaults the branch to that of the user's terminal branch, allowing the user to overtype it.

The runtime switches allowed from the UNIX command line are:

+0 which will automatically update across all branches. +1 which will automatically update across the user's terminal branch.




Timber: Prevent F14 Allocation


The F14=Allocate is no longer available when adding or amending a timber length stocked product's tally quantity, or non specific allocations for Stock in Packs, where there is insufficient stock to meet to the demand.

The Insufficient stock window is only applicable within a Stock Level Flag "B" environment for standard delivered and collected sales orders.

This option is only valid for Standard Esprit environments, it is not valid for Timber Merged users.




Enhanced Hold Credit Notes


1. Account Customer Credit Notes shall be automatically placed on hold as they are confirmed.

2. Price Adjustment Credit Notes are NOT specifically placed on hold by this option.

3. The holding of Cash Sale Credit Notes will be positively excluded by this option.

4. Print a Returns Note for Price Adjustment Account Customer Credit Notes.

5. Allow the (R)elease of held Sales Orders ONLY when running Sales Order Amend (BCT8PBE9) with a menu toggle of "REL".

Note: Regardless of the setting of this option: Price Adjustment Account Customer Credit Notes will ONLY be automatically placed on hold when they are raised, if the Pricebook Control "Hold Price Adj" field is set to "Y".

- 8PB214 will hold Account Customer Credit Notes as they are raised.
- 8PB341 will hold Account Customer Credit Notes as they are confirmed. This is a much simpler version of 8PB459.
- 8PB625 is mutually exclusive with 8PB459.




Timber: Enter Tally - Process As Total Quantity


Enter Tally - Process As Total Quantity.




Site (158) Specific Acknowledgement Layout


BCT8PBG2 now prints the Rep name on the document.




Invoicing: Zero Value Invoices Report



The 'Invoicing' program (BCT8PBG7) has been modified to maintain a new trigger file, which will be used by the ' Invoice Print ' routine to produce the zero value invoices report. The trigger file records occurrences of zero value invoices and zero value invoice lines.

Invoice Print.

The 'Invoice Print' program (BCT8PBG9) has been modified to provide the ability to report zero value invoices. If the above enhancement is active, a new 'Print Zero Values Report' prompt is displayed.

If 'Y' is selected, a report is produced at the end of the invoice print run. For every invoice (or credit) included in the run, if there is a corresponding trigger file record for that invoice (or credit), it must either have a value of zero or contain lines of zero value and hence a line will be written on the new report.

NOTE: The report cannot be run separately. It can only be run as part of any invoice print run.

Period End.

The 'Period End' routine (BCT8PB31) will delete any corresponding zero value invoice trigger records if printed invoices are being deleted.




Order Processing: Hold Orders By Product Margins


Automatically hold any order,which has yet to be invoiced if the margin of any line on the order is outside the margin envelope created by the product low/high margin settings.

A new flag 'Automatic Holding' flag has been added to the user name record (BCT6OF14). The functionality is only active if this flag is set to Y and optional enhancement 8PB(463) is also active.




Quotes: Automatically Print


BCT8PBE1 now prints as soon as quote is accepted (no need to F3).




Picking: Automatically Bypass Packing Details


A new option included within Confirm Picking and Assemble Deliveries that automatically bypasses the Packing Details.




Picking: Deferred Unconfirmed Lines Processing


A new option that allows the user to Backorder, Cancel or Pick without variances, for all deferred unconfirmed picking note lines.




Not Used





Not Used





Bespoke Pricing For Kits


Please contact Help Desk.




Picking: Vehicle Registration


A facility exists to allow the entry of vehicle registration numbers at confirm picking stage, and then subsequently print them on the despatch note Print Format 3 only.




Sales Type Shown Against Deferred Invoices


The Sales Type is printed on a Deferred Sale Invoices (except Cash Sales).




Not Used





Kit Enquiry: Show Selling Prices


The document changes outlined below are controlled by optional enhancement 8PB(473). It should be used in conjunction with the 'Part Delivery of Kits' software that is provided by optional enhancement 8PB(469).

Kit Enquiry.

The 'Kit Enquiry' routine (BCT8PB38) has been modified to display selling prices against kit components as opposed to showing just cost details. Selling prices as shown as default on entry to the routine.

A customer prompt has been added so that Kits can be priced inclusive of any customer discount, however this isn't mandatory. If no customer account is entered,the standard prices of the components are shown.

The gross price and nett price of the kit are also shown. Note: Under optional enhancement 8PB(469) kits are priced from the sum of their components.

Pressing the F3 function key, displays the kit cost view as shown below. Pressing F3 will toggle back to the selling prices view.

The display when using the 'F2' functionality to view the availability of a kit has changed slightly. The functionality works in much the same way as before but is now available in both the selling prices and cost view.




Site (227) Specific Acknowledgement Layout


The rep code is shown on sales order acknowledgment layout 5.




Kits: Site (256) Specific Document Layouts


Provides bespoke document layouts for use with the 'Part Delivery of Kits' (Option 8PB469) software.

This option should only be used by customers who use automatic pricing, as variation in price or discounts for the same product in a single order is not accommodated.




Picking: Re-Allocate Back Ordered Lines


BCT8PBF6 now produces a picking note for an item that has not been booked in.




Split Packs: Update Stock Issues


A new option 8PB477 is available which will allow the 'Issues by months ago' fields to be updated and viewed in Price Book enquiries.

When the option is on the PB03 issues MTD & YTD fields will be updated accordingly, and when the sales period end is run the 'Issues by months ago' will be updated correctly.




Site (252) Specific Advice Note Layout


BCT8PBG2 now prints the 'Required By' date from the first despatch note record on advice notes.




Picking: Lump Sum Sets


Allows lump sum sets to be confirm picked, provided that all of the lump sum lines are confirm picked together. Alternately, if none of the lump sum lines are picked, then the lump sum set may be back ordered, allowing flexibility to confirm other lines that are part of the lump sum set.




Picking: Hold Sales Order


This option will automatically place Sales Orders on hold after confirm picking.




Contract Paint Sales Analysis



If invoicing a CDS paint order, the invoice is posted as paid. The new CDS paint sales analysis file is updated instead of the standard sales analysis file.


A new sales analysis report routine has been created to report upon CDS paint sales analysis information only. The routine duplicates the functionality provided in the standard sales analysis routine but reports upon the CDS paint sales analysis files only.




Order Processing: Default Text IXB Status


When this option is active, providing that the Pricebook Control IXB field is set to space, sales order text lines default to "I" for "Internal", but the user is able to override the value.

If the IXB field is set to "I","E", or "B", this value is always used and the user is prevented from amending its value, regardless of the option being active.

If the IXB field is set to space and this option is not active, then the system default of "E" for "External" is used and the user is still able to override the value.




Order Entry: Parked Picking List Default


For users who invariably wish to print a parked picking list when parking sales orders within order entry (BCT8PBE1),the default response to the print picking list prompt will be 'Y' rather than 'N'.




Order entry: Change Special Line Type When Copying


BCT8PBE1 will copy over the special costs if switched on.




Picking Notes: Additional Back Order List


Each time a pick note is produced by the Document Print routine (BCT8PBG2), the routine will attempt to identify any lines on the same order that are still on back order.

If there are outstanding lines they will be printed on an additional back order lines document. If no lines on the order are on back order, no back order list will be produced.

Note: The back order list document will be produced immediately after normal picking and parked picking notes The standard parked pick note lists all lines on a sales order regardless of whether the goods can actually be picked. Therefore, back order lines also appear on the standard parked picking note. When the above enhancement is active, the parked pick list will exclude lines which are on back order as the back order list will be printed immediately afterwards.

Note: This option will not work in conjunction with 8PB384 (Delivery From Alternate Branch).




Not Used





Invoicing: Run Selective Invoicing At Branch


A new enhancement which allows the processing of invoices for transfer by comms, for a remote branch when the customer is setup as a centralised system.

When selective invoicing is run for the remote branch with enhancement 8PB487 switched on, the PB01 Branch, H/O or Region flag is set to B within the program. This allows the creation of the comms files.




Timber: 3DP Length Processing





Picking: Disable Cancel Function


BCT8PBT2 BCT8PBF6 The routine now disables the cancel function on non length-stocked items. Setting the department code on the user name record overrides this facility.




Timber: Sell Timber Specials





Order Processing: Hand Held Device - Shopping List


BCT8PBE1 now produces a shopping list from an external file.




Not Used





Not Used





Order Amend: Force Allocate - Supervisor Only


BCT8PBE1/BCT8PBE9 changed to only allow supervisor users to force allocate items out of stock when adding or modifying lines within Order Amend. In addition only supervisors can release back orders within Order Amend.

BCT8PBE1 changed to only allow supervisors to choose to allocate out of stock items when converting a quote into a sales order.




Kits: Multi Despatch Kit Only Invoices


BCT8PBE1 changed so the customer kit invoice print flag is written to each sales order header record. If the customer is set up to receive kit only invoices, and the order contains back order lines, the flag on the order header record is updated so the invoices for that order show both kits and components.

BCT8PBE9 changed so if a line on an order for a customer who receives kit only invoices is modified and results in a back order, the kit invoice flag on the order header record is updated so invoices for that order show both kits and components.

BCT8PBF6 changed so if a picking variance is applied to a line on an order for a customer who receives kit only invoices and the variance is put on back order, the kit invoice flag on the order header record is updated so the invoices for that order show both kits and components.

BCT8PBG5 changed so if a delivery variance is applied to a line on an order for a customer who receives kit only invoices and the variance is put on back order, the kit invoice flag on the order header record is updated so the invoices for that order show both kits and components.

BCT8PBG7 changed to use the order header record rather than the customer record to determine which format kits should be shown on the invoice.



Super Index: Exclude 'x' Code Specials


BCT6OF08 enhancement added to allow the exclusion of 'x' specials from the Super Index.

For this to take effect BCT6OF08 requires running against the product file with the options 'Word Extract' & 'Cross Ref' set to 'Y'.
Other related Product Options are:

8PB386 which includes 'z' code specials. 8PB590 which excludes 't' code timber specials. 8PB593 which includes 'w' code timber specials.



Despatch Notes: Show Rep Code Instead of Area


BCT8PBG2 changed to show the rep code and literal on standard delivery note layout (0) instead of the area code and area literal.




Works Orders: Process Associated Works Orders


Three enhancements cooperate to improve integration:

1. A new program (BCT8PB1R) is available to produce a combined Sales Order & Works Order document print.

2. New facilities within the Works Order software to process all Works Orders generated by the same Sales Order as a group.

3. Enhancements to Confirm Picking to default picked quantities to the quantities made in the Mill.

Note: These facilities are designed to work with the following stages: 1.Sales Order Entry 2.Works Order Source Allocation (BCT8PBS6/ADD) 3. Works Order Completion (BCT8PBS6/REC) 4.Sales Order Confirm Picking




Site (198) Specific Invoice Layout






Order Processing: Assemble Range of Orders Index


Assemble a range of deliveries up to a specified required by date.
A new routine (BCT8PB1T) has been was created to enable a range of orders to be assembled. This routine should only be used by customers with the Assemble Deliveries flag on the 'Delivered' sale SOP cycle set to "N".

In addition to orders outside the range entered and the routine also ignores 'cash sales orders' and orders for customers that are 'on stop'. However as this routine reads around the order file, this program can take a long time for processing to be completed.

The following software changes are controlled by optional enhancement 8PB(500).

A new table file entry "1T" is used to identify those branches where orders can be assembled in this manner.

If the above enhancement is active, the Order Entry routine (BCT8PBE1) creates entries on the new file as orders are accepted.

In addition,a new 'Index Build' routine BCT8PB2G has been created, which identifies all those orders that could be assembled and for each order it identifies it creates a record on this new file. This new routine,which takes away a lot of the processing time from the Assemble a Range of Orders routine can be run on a nightly basis. Each time it is run the new file is deleted and rebuilt.

For the 'Order Entry' or the 'Index Build' routine to create a record on the new file for a given order, the branch that raised the order must be included in the new "1T" table file.

The performance of the Assemble a Range of Orders routine can be improved by running the routine with a menu toggle of "IDX". The routine will then read round the new 'smaller' indexed order file (F8PBG8) as opposed to the 'Sales Order Header' file (F8PB11).



Timber: Lump Sum Picking


BCT8PBT2: The Timber Confirm Picking routine now allows lump sum picking against lump sum sets of lines, provided that 8PB501 evaluates as being true.



Timber Specials: Default Picked Qty to Mill Qty


BCT8PBT2: The Timber Confirm Picking routine now defaults the picked quantity for Timber Specials to the mill quantity, provided that 8PB402 evaluates as being true.




Stock Count List: Print Manufacturer's Reference


BCT8PBA6 modified to include manufacturer's reference on stock count list.




Order Entry: Shopping List Selection Sequence


When using the shopping list in the Sales Order Entry routine and the above enhancement is active, the orders lines will be populated in the sequence the products were selected.




Order Processing: F3 Link To Line Above Default


BCT8PBH8 modified to default 'Link To Line Above' prompt to 'Y' when adding F3 extra lines in sales Order Processing.




Advice Notes: Only Include Products in Line Totals


BCT8PBG2 now only counts the product (normal & special) lines in the number of lines count printed on specific despatch and advice note layouts.




Timber Multi Width: Change Calculation Method


The Timber Window BCT8PBT1 routine has now been enhanced to allows the selling calculation method to be manually changed to both linear and pieces in addition to the already supported volume. There are obviously some rules that the customer has already been informed about that either allow or restrict the calculation method from being amended under certain predetermined conditions.




Order Entry: Convert Prospects to Customers


Prospect Accounts. A method for recording and handling prospective customers.




Enquiries: Default Next Month To 'Include'


Next month option within the Price Book Enquiry routine (BCT8PB33) defaults to "include".




Order Entry: Default Print Acknowledgements


The Sales Order Entry (BCT8PBE1) routine now defaults the Acknowledgement Y/N" field to a value of "Y" whenever the user is entering orders or converting to an order.

This will mean that acknowledgements are always produced when entering or converting sales orders, regardless of the Pricebook Control, Customer, or Sites settings unless the user overrides this default value using the (O)ptions selection on the order header screen.




Works Orders: Copy Sales Description


BCT8PBS6 enhanced to copy sales description to works order.




Order Processing: F12 Lump Sum Default View


A new presentation flag 6 exists within sales order processing. However this presentation flag 6 is only available when summing a range of lines by pressing F12 at the product code prompt.

If this option is active, the "For the sum of" window is displayed by default instead of the percentage discount window.

If option 8PB513 is also active, the presentation flag defaults to 6.
The first line within the selected range must be a text line. This text line is used within the description of the lump sum line.

All this functionality is not however available when pressing F12 at the 'Accept Order' prompt when entering a lump sum for the whole order.

Only the lump sum line is then printed on despatch notes and the sales invoice.




Order Processing: F12 Lump Sum Presentation Flag


A new presentation flag 6 exists within sales order processing. However this presentation flag 6 is only available when summing a range of lines by pressing F12 at the product code prompt.

If option 8PB(512) is active, the "For the sum of" window is displayed by default instead of the discount window.

The presentation flag defaults to 6. The first line in the selected range must be a text line. This text line is used within the description of the lump sum line.

All this functionality is not however available when pressing F12 at the 'Accept Order' prompt when entering a lump sum for the whole order.

Only the lump sum line is then printed on despatch notes and the sales invoice.




Forward Orders: Release Date 1 Week Less Reqd Date


For Forward Sales Orders, the release date is calculated from the required date minus seven days. If this date is less than the system date, the system date is used.

The Required Date and Release Date entered must not be less than the current system date.




Order Entry: Low Margin Checking


BCT8PBE1 - A new low margin - continue Y/N window is now prompted for. Entering "N" allows the line to be manually priced.




Not Used





Credits: Credit Original Despatch Note Quantities


BCT8PBE1 (Sales Order Entry) now uses the despatch note details when crediting an original sales order. This functionality is available for both timber and non-timber environments.

BCT8PBT1 now uses the above passed despatch note number to read the Timber Despatch Note Issued (PB69) quantities to determine the actual quantity despatched against the original despatch note (When 8PB517 is set on).

WARNING: BCT8IT46 should be used to initialise the new despatch note data items before using 8PB517.

WARNING: 8PB093 must also be set to Y for this option to function correctly.




Site (195) Specific Advice Note layout


BCT8PBG2 changed to print the system date on advice notes.



Order Amend: Add Lines With 'SEL' Switch


BCT8PBE9 enhanced to offer 'Add Lines' functionality in "SEL" mode.




Site (245) Specific Client Server Invoice Numbers


Client software changed to write invoice number into release number field on despatch creation.

BCT8PBG7 changed to use PBJ6-RELEASE-NO in place of PBJ6-INVOICE-NUMBER




Goods In: Label Printing


Direct From Goods In.

The Goods Inward program (BCT8PO03) will call the label program (BCT8PB0B) if the quantity booked in is greater than zero.

The labels are directed to an output file or printer depending on the settings in I/O control for Document type 9 - Customer Labels.

From The Menu.

In addition, labels can be printed by running the label program (BCT8PB0B) from the menus with a menu toggle of "LAB".

The 'Include Printed Labels?' option allows the user to reprint labels.

This method will again direct labels to an output file or printer depending on the I/O control settings. A label will only print if the EAN code is greater than zero.

Other options that can be selected are:

1. Ad-hoc label printing where the user specifies all the label details including the EAN code. 2. Turn label print on 3. Turn label print off 4. Delete printed labels




Comms: Stock Transactions


Stock Transactions can now be included in comms. This does not include the Stock Transaction Extension file PB83.




Branch Action Report: Include Account


BCT8PBE1 now includes the account when the Branch Action report is produced.



Not Used




Pack Selection: Only Use First 4 Digits


Only use the first 4 digits of the pack location when searching for packs.

The software has been developed to use the location field on the pack record to record the lot number. The lot number is a four-digit field that they use to track a shipment of timber. A lot will consist of around 20 - 40 packs. This works fine for bringing in packs from the quay using location transfer as they select the full lot number and bring it into the yard. However,they now have nowhere to record the true location. The yard is split into alphanumeric sections. For example B2 is aisle B, row 2.

They wanted to use location transfer to bring the goods into the true location with the last two characters representing the true location. The enquiry routines should therefore exclude the last two characters from the pack location when searching for packs.
For example:

Lot number 4500 contains 9 packs. The packs might be transferred into the following locations:

4 packs are booked into 4500A3 and 5 packs are booked into 4500B1.

When searching for packs, by typing in location 4500, all 9 packs should be returned.



Order Enquiries: Display Invoices for an Order


BCT8PBF5 changed to provide a new shift F3 view which displays a window containing all invoices raised against the current order.

BCT8PBG7 changed to record the invoice value on all sales order/invoice cross reference records.

BCT8PBJ6 changed to provide a new initialisation routine (Page 8 Option 4) for setting the invoice value to zero on document cross reference records (F8PB26).



Order Entry: Branch Is Not Terminal Branch Warning


Warn the user if the branch selected at Order Entry is different from the Terminal Branch.

If the user presses the F7 key and selects a different branch from the terminal branch during Order Entry (BCT8PBE1), a warning message is displayed upon the acceptance of a customer account.
If 'Y' is selected, the user can continue processing the order as normal. If 'N' is selected they are returned to the account prompt.
This functionality only applies to user's who have permission to change branches within Order Entry.



Invoicing: Automated Override Invoice Date


BCT8PBG6 has been changed to automate the setting of the invoice date and override invoice date. Product Option 8PB(287) must also be active.




Site (248) Specific Cash Sales Invoice Layout


BCT8PB64 has changed to print entered by, fax number and product code as opposed to just descriptions on cash sale invoice layout 1.



Site (248) Specific Invoice/Credit Note Layouts


BCT8PBG7 has changed to print the rep name, product codes and line discount percentages on the A4 Sales Invoice Layout Format 8. Labels on credit notes are now different to sales invoices and hence are more meaningful. Credit notes show the original order number.



Site (248) Specific Document Layouts


BCT8PBG2 has changed to no longer show the weight on despatch note headers.

Quotation layout 3 changed to show entered by; telephone & fax number;individual product codes,and line discounts.

Collection note layout 1 header changed to look like delivery note.

Acknowledgement Layout 4 changed to resemble quote layout.




Contracts: Bypass Terminal setting


Customer reference used in the quote window instead of the site details.


Outstanding Purchase Orders Rep. Additional Fields


If the above enhancement is active, the 'Outstanding Purchase Order Listing' routine (BCT8PB82) will print the staff number who raised the purchase order and, where the purchase order is a back to back created from a sales order, the sales order number is also printed. These details replace the current Supplier Reference field.




Update External On Order File


BCT8PB2Q created for importing/exporting on order balance interfaces.

BCT6OF50, BCT6SL02, BCT8PBE1, BCT8PBE9,BCT8PBD4,BCT8PBF6, BCT8PBG5, BCT8PBG8, BCT8PBH9, BCT8PBJ1,BCT8PBV1, BCT8PBV5 and BCT8PO33 modified to call BCT8PB2Q when on order balances are updated and product option 8PB534 is active.

This enhancement is designed for site with two completely different order processing systems processing orders to and same customer base linked by Esprit short name code. This situation might arise when implementing Esprit in a large multi branch organisation. Both systems share on an hourly basis the on order balances. A separate set of software allows sharing of credit limits and aged balances from the Dynamics sales ledger. Note that this enhancement requires other programs to detect incoming On order balance files an send out outgoing on order balance files.




Till Analysis: Run For Terminal Line Only


Till analysis report: Only allow the till analysis report to be run from order entry for the till, the report is being run at.




Specials: Phlexicare Sales Analysis Codes


BCT8PBH8 has changed to force the user to enter a Phlexicare analysis code for specials. This is validated against the PHLX (Phlexicare) Table File.

BCT8PBG7 has changed to update the market type sales analysis field for specials products with the Phlexicare analysis code.




Invoicing: Update Dynamics Interface File


BCT8PBG7 changed to populate F8PBH4 interface file for importing into Dynamics. Export invoicing from Esprit to Dynamics Sales Ledger including Nominal Distribution.

No Sales transactions are generated and the Invoice register only shows those Nominal disbursements generated by Esprit. Currently the Nominal code generated reflects the rules for one specific customer. The use of a Vision FS share directory enables the Dynamics import routine to pick up the file directly from the Unix system.



Not Used




CODs: Default Required By Date When Recalling


BCT8PBE1 amended so that if product option 8PB(539) is active the required by date is set to today for all recalled cash sales.



Comms: Branch Specific Supplier Records


BCT8PO17 write/rewrites PB17 record accordingly.

BCT8PBD2 ensures that branch specific 'comms' records are generated depending on the branch table on the supplier record.




Site (248) Specific Quotation Layout


Product enhancement 8PB018 functionality now works for quotation layout 3.




Order Entry: Recall Deposits - Disable Delete


BCT8PBE1 modified to prevent non-supervisor users from being able to remove lines from recalled deposits.




Period End: Delete Prices Available At Branch


BCT8PB31 now allows Delete Prices if 'B'ranch and 8PB350 are both set, provided that 8PB543 is NOT set.




Not Used





Print Copy Delivery Note


BCT8PBE1 modified - will produce a copy despatch note on acceptance of an order for delivered account sales only. Uses table type DELC to indicate branch and line number.




Special Prices: Automatically Re-align


When creating special price records at Quote Acceptance the re-align flag will automatically be set to 'Y' if this product option is on.




Assemble Delivery: Override Complete Delivery


BCT8PBF7 modified so that when the user is warned that order is a complete delivery order, they can press F2 to skip past this warning and assemble those lines on the order which can be assembled. Any other key prevents the user processing the order.




For Cash Sales Set Req Date To System Date


BCT8PBE1 now updates the required date automatically on acceptance of the order.




Stock Takes: Psion Hand Helds


Stock counts using Hand Held devices. The Stock Count Listing routine (BCT8PBA6) will create an interface file for use by the hand held devices provided that one of the print options has been selected. The interface file will not be created if the user chooses print option '3' (Set count active flag only).



Order Enquiries: Account Sequence With Held Orders


Within Sales Order Enquiries (BCT8PBF5) this option will support held order toggling (Shift+F2) within Account Sequence, provided that 8PB370 has also been set on.




Third Party Document Archiving


BCT8PBE1 modified to set PB11-IMSCAN-YN to N.

BCT8PB2P modified to include 8PB511 - only include sales from January 2000.




Picking: Override Terms Error


If terms error and CE 8PB552 is on then Picking carries on regardless.




Orders: On Order Charges


The following program will write out On Order Change information.





Picking: Always default Despatch Date To Required


BCT8PBF6 will now default to the PB11-DATE-REQUIRED.




Not Used






Aggregation: Use List Price Not Best Price


BCT8PBE8 changed to use list price instead of best price (less collection discount if it applies) when calculating total value for aggregation discount.




Order Entry: Disable Forced Allocate


Prevents the use of the F14 allocate function for non timber lines and does not allow the Allocate YN prompt to be displayed when copying lines. can only be used if the Stock Flag on PB Control is B.




Picking: Calculate Despatch Date


The current method for calculating the Despatch date in Confirm Picking is, if the system date is greater than the order header required date use the system date else, use the order header required date.

In order to make the Despatch Date more accurate without requiring the user to change the Despatch Date on all orders,a new routine has been introduced to calculate the Despatch Date. This new function is available when 8PB558 is switched on, otherwise the original functionality is used.

At the point of displaying the Despatch Date, the system accepts the current date and time and if the time is between 00:00 and 16:00, the Despatch Date is defaulted to the System Date and any time outside this is defaulted to the System Date + 1 day.



Enquiries: Stock Transactions


BCT8PB33 enhanced to display contract details on alternative view in F2-4 stock transaction enquiry.

BCT8PBG7 modified to use the product's standard cost for the standard cost held on stock transaction record instead of cost from order line.




Order Processing: Allow Costs On Manual (F3) Lines


Now able to enter a cost on an F3 line when raising a direct - this indicates the cost of the haulage and will be reflected in the margin on the order.




Directs: Haulage Enhancements


BCT8PBG2 modified to print the new cost field on the Quote Format 3 print layout.




Maintain Special Prices At Terminal Branch Only


BCT8PB22 modified so that in a centralised environment, only head office can select all branches or a mixture of different branches. Branch users can only maintain prices at their terminal branch.




Site (232) Specific Advice Note Layout


BCT8PBG2 modified to print number of pieces on advice notes.




Do Not Use Quote Header/Trailer On Directs


Set header/trailer codes to zero when entering a contract.




Doc Layouts: Print Leading Zero On Branch


BCT8PB64/G2/G7 modified so that the leading zero is printed on the branch number. This is to enable IMSCAN to work sensibly.




Invoicing: Allow more Than 99 Bonus Points


A new table type "CMS" holds bonus points calculation details against Price Book Calculation methods to permit more than 99 Bonus Points to be allocated per item.




Order Processing: Add Tagged Text Lines


BCT8PBH8 now asks whether the text line should be tagged to the previous line when F2 is pressed and CE 8PB567 is switched on.




Picking: Goods In - Always Print Picking Notes


Always print the latest picking sequence to the IO line when responding 'Y' to the Release Back Orders Prompt in Goods Inwards regardless of SOP cycles.




Sales Order Entry: Display Class Description


The customer class description is displayed above the customer name on the header screen in Sales Order Entry.




Sales Order Entry: Default Accept At Sell Rep.


For "Collected" sales, the user is taken to the "Selling Representative" prompt ahead of the "Order Entered By" prompt.




Works Orders: Create Timber Specials


Timber Special products can now be created from within works orders. When adding finish lines, pressing the F8 function key at the product code prompt will present the user with the timber special window.




External Price List: Omit Cost Plus and Discount


When the special price is added via cost plus, the cost and discounts should not be printed as the price list is sent to customers.




Matrix Prices: Use Matrix(1) If Matrix Is Zero


Esprit Pricing (BCT8PBE8) now defaults to price band 1 if the existing price band has a price of zero.




Enquiries: Assume NOT Break Band Link F1/2 Enq


BCT8PBE8 assumes that Break Band Linked is NOT switched on if CE 8PB574 is switched on.




Print Manufacturer's Reference On Documents


The manufacturer's reference for each product is printed beneath the product description on Delivery Notes, Cash Sale Invoices, CODs, Deposits and IBTs.




Picking: SOP Picking for Cash and Credit Customers


The ability to have a picking list for cash sales.

The software: Recognises live branches - those branches that have been implemented and behave differently from existing branches Print a picking note for cash sale delivered (& scheduled collect) Once the picking is complete, confirm it and turn it into a cash invoice. Print a picking note for credit sale delivered (scheduled collect) Once the picking is complete, confirm it and turn it into an "instant" credit invoice. Behave in the above manner without user intervention to "remember" to create a picking note.




Reports: Correctly Calculate Average Monthly Sales


This enhancement will ensure that the Average Monthly Sales are calculated correctly if the PB02-DATE-CREATED is invalid. (This was probably caused when converted at some time). An example date could be 19050512, when this is converted the century becomes 20, which is in the future and causes the program to calculate the average using a divisor of 1 instead of 12.




Confirm Collections: Collection Dates


The collection date is written to the PBJ7 record instead of the required by date from the collection note header.

The Confirm Credits routine (BCT8PBG1) also provides this functionality if used.




SOP: Prevent Users From Changing VAT Code


The user is prevented from changing the VAT code when adding product lines, specials and manual lines in Sales Order Processing.




Aggregation and Special Prices


Override Matrix Discount Aggregation assumes that the Special Price Matrix discount is always to be used in place of the regular Discount Matrix discount when calculating the aggregate price. Aggregation now works for Override Matrix Discount.




Print Name and Signature on Delivered Cash Invoices


A line is included for the driver to write his name and signature on delivered cash sale invoices.




Period End: Delete Loose Stock Pack Records


Loose stock pack records are now deleted by the Price Book Period End routine if they are fully invoiced.




Print Euro Information For Export Customers


In the main Euro information is not printed for Export customers. If this Product Option is active then the Euro information is printed on the documents.




Price Lists: Print Calc Method On First Line


If this product enhancement is switched on the calc method will be printed on the first line as one of the field options (option number 78). If more than one price field is requested then the calc method of the first price is printed.




Cash Sale Reprints: Print Invoice Date


When reprinting cash sale invoices, the original invoice date is printed as opposed to todays date.




Credits: Manual Lines Always Negative


When adding manual lines to credits, the value entered is always negative. Previously the value was treated as positive unless the sign was entered.




Invoicing: Site 245 Specific Mods


If this enhancement is switched OFF, Invoicing will bypass any site specific modifications that were not previously controlled by a CE.




Order Entry: Site 090 Specific Mods


If switched on the Remove Lines and Unparked Lines will appear on the report labelled 8PBH8LIST.




Documents: Site 268 Print List Layout


New Picking Note Layout 4 for timber SOP environments.

A new version of the 'timber merge' picking note produced by product option 8PB(152).




Price Book: Exclude 't' Specials From Super Index


This option will exclude any 't' code timber specials in the Super Index. For this to take effect BCT6OF08 requires running against the product file with the options 'Word Extract' & 'Cross Ref' set to 'Y'.


Other related Product Options are:
8PB386 which includes 'z' code specials. 8PB496 which excludes 'x' code specials. 8PB593 which includes 'w' code timber specials.




Documents: Print Quantities > 999,999


This Product Option will always print the quantities in the extended qty field. If the qty is greater than 999999 then it is not truncated on the print.




Enquiries: First/Last Options In Product Sequence


First & last options are now available within product sequence. Upon selecting product sequence, the user is required to enter a product code, branch, sale type and account. Within the F1 screen, if (F)irst is selected the display is repositioned at the first order for the product with the same branch and sale type as the first line on the screen. The next 14 items are then displayed below in sequence.

If (L)ast is selected, the display is repositioned at the last order for the product with the same branch and sale type as the last line on the screen. The previous 14 items are then displayed above in sequence.




Price Book: Include 'w' Specials In Super Index


This option will include any 'w' code timber specials in the Super Index. For this to take effect BCT6OF08 requires running against the product file with the options 'Word Extract' & 'Cross Ref' set to 'Y'.

Other related Product Options are:
8PB386 which includes 'z' code specials. 8PB496 which excludes 'x' code specials. 8PB590 which excludes 't' code timber specials.




Enquiries: Timber Summary - 6 Digit Tally Quantity


This option will display tally quantities of up 999,999 on the F1-6 timber summary screen within Price Book Enquiries. Negative values will flash!

If the option is not active, only 5 digits are displayed along with the sign for any negative values.




Apply Price Changes: Zero Price Bands


This option if active will not zeroise the calculation method for selling price bands which are zeroised through one of the price change routines.

If the option isn't active, any price changes that result in a selling price being zeroised will continue to set the calculation method to zero.




Despatch Notes: Name and Signature on Every Sheet


A line for a signature and name is printed at the bottom of every sheet on a despatch note.




Input Counted Stock: Product Within Bin Sequence


When inputting counted stock in bin location sequence, the user is able to press 'F2' to skip to a specific product code within a specific bin location.

In addition, when printing the stock count list in bin location sequence, the user can choose to include a page throw each time the bin location changes.




Not Used





Documents: Include Bin Locations


Bin locations from product stock records are printed on the following internal documents.

IBT Request (the bin location from the issue branch), IBT Despatch (currently printed on IBT Picking Notes), Standard Cash Sale Invoice layouts, Standard Delivered/Collected Sale Despatch Notes.




Suggested Orders: Purchasing and IBTs


BCT8PO28 now creates suggested purchase orders and IBT requests when run with a menu toggle of "CPO". An audit is produced per branch.

BCT8PB2M created to display suggested orders for a given branch. User can then selectively create purchase orders or IBTs from those suggested orders. The routine allows suggested orders to be added, modified or deleted.



Site (166) Specific Cash Sale Invoice Layout


A site specific layout which will utilise the standard header information from cash sale layout 1 and the standard line presentation from layout 2.




Site (166) Specific Combined Picking/Despatch Note


A site specific document that can be used for picking and despatch. Original quantities, quantities to be picked for delivery and outstanding quantities are all shown. Back ordered lines are also printed on the document.

A "Received By" label is also printed so that a signature can be added after delivery.




XML Quantum Document Data Gateway For Invoicing


Either allow or disallow the ability to produce XML Quantum Data Gateway (QDG) Sales Invoices.

An XML Sales Invoice Header (FXML01) and its XML Sales Invoice Lines (FXML02) ISAM files shall be produced for those customers setup within the Gateway software provided that this global option is also appropriately set on.

The Gateway software will then allow the ability to produce XML Sales Invoices that may be sent directly to the customer in addition to the standard Sales Invoice Document.




Print Standard Exceeded/Terms on Order Listing


Now prints the standard Exceeded/Terms warnings on the Sales Order Listing report.




Directs: Generate Purchase Order For Deposits


When taking a deposit against a direct sale, the purchase order is now produced.




Input Counted Stock: Quit Message On Escaping


When the Escape key is pressed whilst entering counted stock, the user is now asked if they wish to Quit.




Despatch Notes: Print Total Pieces


When delivering timber products with a total quantity instead of a tally specification, the number of pieces are printed on the despatch note.




Order Entry: Editing Customer Part Numbers


The user is only prompted for a customer part number, if a valid record exists on the customer part number file (F8PB27) for the current customer and product code.

However, pressing the F14 key when entering quantities enables the user to enter a customer part number.

Note: This still only applies to customers set up to use customer part numbers.




Create Temporary Stock Records


When new stock records are created at branches (within BCT8PBE0), the stock rank is set to "T" instead of taking the default value from the company stock record.




Store Business SIC Code on Sales Analysis Summary


When the Sales Analysis program is in Period End mode the Business SIC code will be stored on the Sales Analysis Summary file. When the Sales Analysis program is in Report mode then the Sales Analysis Summary file will not be read when in Customer Class, Staff Number and Market Type sequences, the Sales Analysis Summary file will be read when in Business SIC code sequence. The Customer Account, Customer Area and Sales Representative sequences are unaffected by this switch. Simply, if this switch is on then PB68-CLASS will hold Business SIC which will overwrite Market Type if 8PB(47) was on and Staff Number if both 8PB(47) and 8PB(23) were on.




Long Length Surcharge Applicability Default Rules


When this option is toggled ON:

When adding a Sales Order Line within either Sales Order Entry (BCT8PBE1) or Sales Order Amend (BCT8PBE9), where the Sales Order Line is for a timber product that is long length surcharge enabled, by default, set the Sales Order Line's long length surcharge applicability to true, provided that one or more of the specified lengths falls within a surcharge band and the long length surcharge table's "Default Y/N" field is set to a value of "Y". Otherwise, set the Sales Order Line's surcharge applicability to false.

When this option is toggled OFF:

Whenever a timber product is surcharge enabled, the Sales Order Line will always default to surcharge applicability regardless whether any of the specified lengths falls within a surcharge band, provided that the long length surcharge table's "Default Y/N" field is set to a value of "Y". The surcharges will be charged as required and whenever appropriate.

General Note:

The Sales Order Line's surcharge applicability default may be overridden by the user within the Timber Bundle Window within Sales Order Processing.

Both the Confirm Picking (BCT8PBF6) and Confirm Despatch (BCT8PBG5) routines, only apply and recalculate the long length surcharge whenever the Sales Order Line is surcharge applicable as determined by the above functionality.




Comms: Stock Records - Branch Average Cost Only


When the Comms Update routine (BCT8PBD3) processes stock records (F8PB03), only the Branch Average Cost field is updated.




Cash Sales: Shift F6 open Cash Drawer - Supervisor


When this option is active, the ability to press Shift F6 to open the cash drawer will be limited to users who have supervisor status.




Extended Selling Band Window On Negotiation Panel


When this option is active, the selling band window from within the negotiation panel is extended to also show the regulators and price breaks. The F2 key enables the user to toggle between Full and Nett prices.




Enquiries: Disable Local Pricing


On the F1-1 Summary Enquiry, the user can toggle between two screens. One of these screens display three selling prices. If price bands 7, 8 and 9 are populated, these 'local' prices are displayed and are highlighted with an "L", otherwise price bands 1, 2 and 3 are displayed.

If this enhancement is active, local pricing is disabled and price bands 1, 2 and 3 are always displayed.




Enable Commodities Intrastat Report


When this switch is turned on it will enable the highly bespoke Commodities Intrastat Report (BCT8IT94.CBL) to be run.




Picking: Tally Spec For Back Ordered Quantities


When processing variances against tally lines in either the Picking or Delivery confirmation routines and back ordering a quantity, the user is be prompted if they wish to enter a tally specification for the back ordered quantity. This tally specification is treated as a text line and will be printed on the subsequent picking note when the back order is released.




Order Processing: Default To Presentation Flag 7


When this option is active the Lump Sum presentation flag 7 will become the default flag. This will allow the lump summing of a range of lines but rather than treating all the lines in the range as part of a lump sum set and creating a lump sum total line, each line will be flagged as individual lump sums with the value of each line in the range being recalculated as a proportion of the lump sum value that was entered. There will be no relation between the individual lump sum lines hence it will be possible to part pick such orders and selected lines can be copied from orders into credit/ collection notes.




Creation of End of Kit Text Line


When this option is active a Sales Order / Quote / Credit Note entered via Sales Order Entry that contains a Kit product will have a text line containing the words "End Of Kit" added after the last component line, indicating the end of the kit. Please note that this enhancement can only be activated if both 8PB(469) and 8PB(475) are turned off.




Print Kit Components on Quote Documentation


When this option is active any quotations printed that contain Kits will have all the lines that go to make up the Kit printed. This will include the Kit Header line, the "Comprising of" text line, the component products and the "End Of Kit" line should 8PB(619) be active. Prices will be shown against the Kit Header line. Please note that this enhancement can only be activated if both the 8PB(469) and 8PB(475) switches are turned off.




Print Kit Component Lines Only On Picking Notes


When this option is active, if a Picking Note is printed which contains Kits only the component lines of the kit will be printed as opposed to all the Kit lines. Please note that this enhancement can only be activated if both the 8PB(469) and 8PB(475) switches are turned off.




Print Kit Components On Delivery Notes


When this option is active any Delivery Notes printed that contain Kits will have all the lines that go to make up the Kit printed. This will include the Kit Header line the "Comprising of" text line, the component products and the "End Of Kit" line should 8PB(619) be active. Delivery quantities will be shown against Kit Component Lines. Please Note that this enhancement can only be activated if both 8PB(469) and 8PB(475) switches are turned off.




Print Kit Components On Collection Notes


When this option is active any Collection Notes printed that contain Kits will have all the lines that go to make up the Kit printed. This will include the Kit Header line, the "Comprising of" text line, the component products, and the "End Of Kit" line if 8PB619 is active.

Collection Quantities will be shown against Kit Component Lines.

Please Note that this enhancement can only be activated if both 8PB469 and 8PB475 switches are turned off.



Pack Average Cost Overnight Calculation


When this option is active Mill Order Entry does not call the recalculate Pack Average Cost routine (BCT8PB0L).

Recalculate Pack Average Cost needs to be scheduled as an overnight job to compensate.


Credits: Auto-hold Cash Sale Credit Notes


Cash Sale Credit Notes shall be automatically placed on hold when raised. This allows prices to be reviewed prior to the Credit Note being passed.

Price adjustment Cash Sale Credit Notes will ONLY be automatically placed on hold if the Pricebook Control "Hold Price Adj" field is ALSO set to "Y".

- 8PB214 will hold Account Customer Credit Notes as they are raised.
- 8PB341 will hold Account Customer Credit Notes as they are confirmed.
- 8PB459 is mutually exclusive with 8PB625.



Timber: PB67 Logging


Any routines which create or delete Timber PB67 records now call BCT8ITA5 so that any changes are logged. BCT8ITA5 can also be run to audit any exceptions.



Cash Sales: Kit Components - Suppress UOM and Totals


This option suppresses the printing of Units of Measure & Totals against Kit Components.




Credits: Show Original Order References


The original order references are held on the credit note as a text line.




Assembly Processing


The module provides the integration of simple 'Assembly Processing' with Sales Order Processing. The module will provide: - Assembly Build lists. - Assembly Management and Enquiries. - Certificates of Assembly.



Additional Product Text


When entering or amending sales orders, the user is allowed to enquire upon the existing Product End Text set up for Sales Order lines and select different text if required or add new text to the Terms and Conditions file and then use that new text.



Print VAT Exemption ID Code on Export Invoices


Customers who trade between Eire and other countries require an 18 character VAT Exemption ID code printed on invoices.




Sales Special Based On Existing Products


When an existing product is used as a template for adding specials to sales orders, the list price of the special is derived from an entered cost price and details of the product which has been used as the template. If the cost price is entered in a different currency from the "home" currency, the cost price is converted using the currency tables.



Multi-Currency Selling Environment


Multi-Currency selling functionality will be enabled for Multi-Currency Selling customers, using their selling currency.


A Multi-Currency Selling Environment is only enabled, if the following is also true:

1. The Sales Ledger Multi-Currency Processing Product Option (6SL030) is enabled. 2. The Sales Ledger Control Record's Multi- Currency Flag is active. 3. The Table File entry "CURR" includes all of the operational selling currency codes and currency descriptions. 4. The Table File entry "SCUR" exists. 5. All of the operational selling currency descriptions, currency rates, and currency codes have been added to the Selling Table using the Currency Rate Maintenance (BCT8PB53) routine.

Please Note: The home selling currency description, home currency rate (of 1.000000), and home currency code, MUST be added to the Selling Table as table entry 1.

All other Selling Table entries of 2 and above will be considered as alternative operational foreign selling currencies.

Provided a valid Multi-Currency Selling Environment has been enabled, then a customer will be considered for Multi-Currency Selling if:

1. They are a credit account sales customer (account type of 1); and 2. Their Export Flag is set to a value of "Y"; and 3. Their currency number is greater than a value of 1. The currency number maps to the Selling Table as defined by the Currency Rate Maintenance (BCT8PB53) routine.


For Multi-Currency Selling customers, the following will not be allowed:

1. Direct sale types; 2. Telesales; 3. Cash sale conversions; 4. Timber and sheet material product sales.



Picking List: Don't Print Contact Details


Suppress the printing of contact details on the top of each page, therefore increasing the number of items that can be printed on each page. Use with option 8PB(128).




Stock Count: Allow Stock By Length Input 99999


Allows the user to input up to 99,999 pieces when inputting stock count details, for Stock by Length Products.




Timber: FSC/PEFC Accreditation


Provides the ability to analyse sales and receipts of specific grades of timber (FSC & PEFC).




Bypass Password Protection in BCT8IT31


When enabled this routine will not require the user to enter the Esprit password.



Order Entry Cash Sale Deposit Default


When enabled, this option will allow the Order Entry Cash Sale Deposit default to be the order value in full.



Special Prices: Cost Adjustment on Type 6 Prices


When enabled, a cost adjustment percentage can be applied to Type 6 (Matrix Exceptions) Special Prices.



Apportion Works Order Receipt Cost By m3


When apportioning the costs against the finished items, (costs = source costs plus any process costs less offcut costs), the apportionment is, costs divided by total finished M3 of all finished items times the M3 of the finished item being costed.




Specials: No Decimal Places


Default decimal places flag to 'N' for special products.




Timber: Print BOL On Invoice


The Bill Of Lading held on the Pack Record (F8PB78) will be printed against pack products on the standard Sales Invoice (Format 4). In addition the BOL is also written to the Sales Analysis Record (F8PB32).




Stock Take: Update of Last Stock Take Date


The Last Stock Take Date and the Balance Counted will be set to the current count details if the Stock take is cancelled enabling data to be available for reporting.




Order Entry: Display Customer Site Entries


When raising Quotes & Orders for customers with alternate sites, a window will display the site entries which are available for the user to select.




Order Processing: Allow Sell Before Cost


Product Option 8PB(90) controls a number of different SOP features. One of these features is to prevent sales order lines where cost exceeds sell price. This option will allows the cost to exceed the sell price whilst retaining the other features of 8PB(90).




Timber Stocks: Override Total Pieces Limit


For timber products, the total pieces and/or metres quantity limit of one-million is allowed to exceeded this recommended maximum limit.

WARNING: If this option is activated and the total quantity of pieces and/or metres exceeds the one-million limit, the accuracy of the stock quantities and values cannot be guaranteed. This feature is used entirely at the user's own risk.




Stock Count: Stock Take Using Bar Code Scanners


This option allows the input of counted quantity to be via Bar Code scanners, for products where the Bar Code Stock Take flag is Y.




Low Margin Errors: Allowed if User Has Permissions


If Low Margin Override is not enabled and this switch is on then the user is not allowed to sell lines below the low margin percentage stored on the Esprit Control record. If Low Margin Override is enabled for the user and this switch is on, the user is allowed to sell lines which fall below the low margin percentage.




Stock Count: Throw Page on Change of Bin Default


With this option, the default value to throw a page upon change of bin location is "N". This choice is only given to the user however, if product option 8PB(597) is active.




Sales order Entry: Customer Store Card Processing


Within Sales Order Entry at the acceptance of the order, a StoreCard Window is displayed allowing a StoreCard ID and StoreCard Authorisation Code to be entered, provided that the following are also true:

1. The Table File entry of "STOR" should be appropriately set up with all the available StoreCard IDs.

2. The Customer Account must be a Trade Credit (Account Type 1) that has a StoreCard Flag setting of "Y".

3. The sales order is sold as a Fast-Track sale.

4. Product Option 8PB(343) should be active to prevent the order being modified in Order Amend after the StoreCard details have been taken.




Split Pack Processing: Allows Pack Type Change


When enabled this switch will allow the pack type change facility when processing split packs.




Sales Invoicing: Capture Sales Invoice Data


When enabled, the Sales Invoicing routine will capture invoiced data in the form of two indexed files:

1. F8PBD3nn: Sales Invoice Header file; and 2. F8PBD4nn: Sales Invoice Lines file.

Where "nn" is the company number.



Order Entry/Quote Entry: Credit Window Display On


The Order Entry and Quote Entry programs are initialised with the F10 Credit Window switch on. The user is able to remove/display the window via the F10 Key.




Cash Sales: Automatic Invoicing


Completed Cash Sales & Cash Sale Credit Notes will be automatically pushed through invoicing. All updates to the ledgers; stock transaction file, sales analysis, etc will be performed immediately after the cash sale invoice or credit note has been produced.




Print Total Timber Volume on Picking and Delivery Notes


When this option is switched on, the Total Timber Volume will be printed on the Bottom of Type 1 Picking Notes & Type 1 Delivery Notes.




Quote Entry: Copy From Fixed Price Quotes


Standard Esprit will reprice a copied document when copying from a Fixed Price Quote, except when the Customer Account, Document Delivery Type, & Customer Site Code are all the same.
This option when active will allow the copying of a Fixed Price Quote to another Quote, for a different Customer Account without repricing the copied Quote.




Order Entry: Copy From Fixed Price Quotes


Standard Esprit will reprice a copied document when copying from a Fixed Price Quote, except when the Customer Account, Document Delivery Type, & Customer Site Code are all the same.
This option when active will allow the copying of a Fixed Price Quote to an Order for a different Customer without repricing the copied lines.




Left Justify Cash Sale Invoices and Quotes Headings


Re-align the heading Area left blank for the print of a customer logo from the Left side to the Right side of the document.




Order/Quote Entry: Copying Between Delivery Types


Standard Esprit will reprice a copied document when copying from a Fixed Price Quote, except when the Customer Account, Document Delivery Type, & Customer Site Code are all the same.
This option when active will allow the copying of a Fixed Price Quote to a Quote/Order for a different Delivery Type without repricing the copied lines.




Order/Quote Entry: Copying Between Site Codes


Standard Esprit will reprice a copied document when copying from a Fixed Price Quote, except when the Customer Account, Document Delivery Type, & Customer Site Code are all the same.
This option when active will allow the copying of a Fixed Price Quote to a Quote/Order for a different Site Code without repricing the copied lines.




Always Print Name and Signature on Cash Invoices


A line is included for the Customer to write their name and signature on cash sale invoices.




Quote Requests: Quote No. Inherited From Request


If active, the quotation number is inherited from the quote request rather than the next quotation number on the branch file.
This product option is intended to work with the Quote Request option - product option 8PB(211).




Order Entry: Prevent Overselling Obsolete Products


This option, when active, for those products marked as being obsolete against the Stock (PB03) record, will prevent the user from selling a quantity greater than the available free stock quantity. In such circumstances an error condition will occur and the user will not be allowed to continue processing for the quantity they have entered.

Individual Timber Lengths:

For timber length obsolete stocked products, where a timber specification has been entered, each individual timber length's free stock will be checked against the individual timber length quantity entered.

Stock Level Flag of "A" or "B"

If an individual timber length quantity entered is greater than its free stock quantity, a warning stock window will be displayed. The user will then have the option to F14=Allocate, but will not be allowed to Back Order. The user may also Escape back and amend the timber length quantity they have entered.

When the timber specifications are accepted, then the total quantity is checked against the total free stock quantity, and if this is exceeded, an error stock window is displayed. The user will not be allowed to continue processing for the total quantity they have entered.

Stock Level Flag of "C"

Where an individual timber length quantity entered is greater than its free stock quantity, an error stock window will be displayed. The user will not be allowed to continue processing for the quantity they have entered. The user will not be allowed to Back Order.

- The 8PB494 (Supervisor Force Allocate) option will not be allowed for obsolete products.
- Ensure that 8PB397 (Error if obsolete product) option is disabled, otherwise the above functionality will have no effect.




Order Entry: Sole Branch Selling


Will only allow products to be sold where the product's Sole Selling Branch is either set to zero or is the same as the sales order branch.

If the product's Sole Selling Branch is non-zero and it is not the same as the sales order branch, an error message will be displayed and the user will not be allowed to proceed with the sale of the product.

This functionality applies to sales orders, sales quotations, and sales contracts.



Purchase Order Entry: Allow Override of Delivery Date


The expected delivery date on Purchase Order lines is calculated for each line independently of the Expected delivery date on the Purchase order header, and is based on Product lead time, Suppliers Product Group lead time, Suppliers lead time or 14 days.

A change to the Expected delivery date on the Purchase Order does not affect the delivery date on the lines.

If this option is switched on the delivery date on the Order Header will be cascaded down to the lines.




Not Used





Retain Supplier Details From Copied Document


When creating a Direct Order by copying from a Order, Quote or Contract, the Supplier has to be entered.

With this option enabled, when copying to a Direct Order from either a Direct Order or a Direct Quote, the details of the original Supplier will be displayed. The user can then Accept or Change to a new Supplier. When copying from a Direct Contract the Supplier is always copied, no option to change the Supplier is permitted.




Order Entry: Text Line On Direct Orders


With this option enabled, when adding a F2 Text line to a Direct Order the user will specify whether the line is to be Printed on Sales documents, Purchase documents or Both. If the user specifies Purchase only, these text lines will be suppressed on any Acknowledgement, Quote, Contract or Sales Invoice document. If the user specifies Sales only, these text lines will be suppressed on any document sent to the Supplier. All text lines will appear on both Sales & Purchase Order enquires. When copying a new Direct Order from an existing Direct Order which includes text lines specified as Sales, Purchase or Both, the new Order will retain the original indicator.




Directs: Show Gross Price and Terms On Purchase Order


With this option enabled, when printing the Purchase Order document for a Direct Order the gross price and discounts, if they are available, will be printed on each order line, otherwise the nett price will be shown. Before this option is enabled run BCT8ITE6 to correct the Cost Terms for existing Direct Purchase Orders.



Contracts and Directs: Multi Call-off Documents


If product option 8PB(376) is active, this product option will ensure the acknowledgement and purchase order documents are no longer suppressed.




Direct Contracts: 'Bulk Purchase Order' Document


When this option is on if a Direct Contract is raised a separate sequence number will be used and the document printed will be headed 'Bulk Purchase Order'. When Direct Sales Orders are raised against this contract the resulting Purchase Order will be called a 'Bulk Order Call-off' and will refer back to Direct Contract by printing the Contract number and Call off number, ie, 1/500001/01, 1/500001/02 etc. In order for this option to work correctly 8PB151 must also be on.




Quote Document: Do Not Print 'Pro-Forma' Heading


With this option enabled, when printing the Quote document for a retail Customer and 8PB018 is on do not print the ' Pro-forma Invoice ' heading on the document.




Selling: Prevent Mix of Special and Normal Products


When enabled, this option will prevent the mixing of F4 Specials and Normal Products on all Non Direct documents.

Before using this option, BCT8ITF0 should be run with a menu toggle of "HDR" to initialise the product types flag on the Sales Order Header & Quote Header files.




Selling: Auto Create Purchase Orders For Specials


When a special is added to a new or existing sales order purchase orders are automatically created.

This option should NOT to be used if 8UG(005) is already active.

If specials are not back-ordered, product option 8UG(008) will also need to be activated.




Selling: F2 Text Lines On Special Products


When tagging F2 Text Lines, to F4 Special Lines, the user will specify whether the line is to be printed is to be printed on Sales documents, Purchase documents or Both.

If the user specifies Purchase only these text lines will be suppressed on any Acknowledgement, Quote, Contract or Sales Invoice document.

If the user specifies Sales only these text lines will be suppressed on any document sent to the Supplier.

Product Option 8PB(567) should be active to prompt if F2 Text Lines are to be tagged.




Not Used





Quote Requests: Reduced Key Strokes


If active, the Job Description and Quote Type fields are defaulted to values held on the Price Book Control file and the F8 key is available at the Site Code field to bypass entry of these fields.

Selecting "Y" at the 'Convert to Quote' prompt takes the user direct to the Quote Header screen rather than the 'Convert, Transfer, Follow Up' prompt.

The 'Follow Up' date defaults to the next working day.

This option should be used in conjunction with product options 8PB(100) & 8PB(211).




Quotations: Print Contact/Callback on Layout 3


If active, the "Contact/Call Back" details are printed on Quote Layout 3.




Sales Invoicing: Optionally Fax or Email Documents


Where the selected output destination is Fax, a call is made to the new Contact Maintenance routine (BCT6OF70) to determine if the customer for each invoice, has a contact with either an Email Address or a Fax Number set as the default for Sales Invoices.

If the customer has a contact with a Fax Number flagged as the default, the invoice will be faxed to that number.

If the customer has a contact with an Email Address flagged as the default, the invoice will be emailed to that address.

Note: For this functionality, the device name on the user record (F6OF16) should be set to a line number or "PRN".




Deposit Document Heading, 'DEPOSIT RECEIPT'


The above heading will always be printed on the Cash Sale Deposit Document, this will happen even if the deposit paid covers the full amount due.




Picking: Back Order Default For Timber Length/Tally


When picking Timber Length or Tallied products, if the quantity picked is less than the allocated quantity the Back Order Y/N field is set to a default of Y, prior to this field being input by the user.

When this option is switched on the Back Order Y/N field will be set to a default of N.




Not Used





Invoicing: People Who Bought This, Also Bought...


Invoicing will pass a List of Associated Products from each invoice processed, to a new SQL table via a Web Service to support the 'People Who Bought This, Also Bought These Products' function.




Stock Valuation: FIFO Costing


When active, the system will maintain a '10 bucket' FIFO receipts file in order to capture FIFO costs. As stock is received, the most 'recent' bucket is updated. As stock is sold, it is taken from the 'oldest' buckets first and the FIFO cost of this stock is used when calculating the GPM.




Order Entry: Carriage Charges Based On Order Value


Negative stock will be displayed as zero in Sales Order Processing.

Note: At present this only applies to Web Based Ordering.




Order Entry: Carriage Charges Based On Order Value


Allows the user to maintain a carriage charge bands' table of up to twelve individual carriage charges based upon order values (excluding VAT).

Each customer has a 'Subject To Carriage Charges' field that will indicate whether carriage charges will apply.

Provided that the customer is subject to carriage charges, the order type is either delivered or direct, and the order value falls within one of the carriage charge bands, then the appropriate carriage charge value will be obtained and presented to the user upon completion of the order.

The user may optionally decide to reject the carriage charge, change its value, or accept the carriage charge that is automatically obtained.


1. Free of charge orders will not be subject to any carriage charges; 2. Where the carriage charge bands' table record has not been set up, it is assumed that carriage charges do not apply; and 3. If this functionality is enabled, it will supersede the standard fixed haulage functionality.



Pricing: Product Group Discount Matrix Pricing


The existing Price Group Discount Matrix Pricing functionality will be extended to additionally allow Product Group Discount Matrix Pricing.

The existing Price Group Matrix Exception (Type 6) Special Prices will additionally now allow Product Group Discount Matrix Exception Special Prices.

The Product Group Discount Matrix price will then be considered when determining the best price.

The Shelf Edge Labels, External Price List, and Discount Matrix Reports will include the appropriate functionality that incorporates the Product Group Discount Matrix.




Directs: Auto Invoice Directs After PIR


If active, upon passing a Direct Purchase Invoice in PIR, the user will be prompted if they wish to automatically generate the corresponding Sales Invoice.




Order Entry: Delivery Address Confirmation


Upon completing a Sales Order the user will be forced to confirm the Delivery Name and Address has been entered.




Despatch Notes: Specific Layout For Aldridge


Specific Despatch note layout for Aldridge, with set area for headings, lines etc. This document is printed on a dot matrix printer onto pre-printed Stationary.




Despatch Notes: Print Product Waste Details


Print the details of the Product waste totals, which are broken down into specific areas, these totals are printed at the end of the document. This option is specific to Aldridge.




Order Entry: Premium Delivery Charges


Premium Delivery Charges functionality will be permitted within sales order entry provided that the customer account is set up to use them.




Order Entry: Insufficient Stock Alternatives Only


The available alternative products pop-up window will only be shown whenever an insufficient stock condition occurs.




Order Entry: Check For Duplicate Cust Ref Cred Accs


References provided for sales orders must be unique for each customer. Run CNV8P BK7 to (re)create the cross reference file.




Order Entry: Show Document Creation Date and Time


For sales orders and sales credit notes, show the document creation date and time.




Order Entry: Check For Duplicate Cust Ref Cash Accs





Order Entry: Cust Ref Formatting





Cash Sales, Bypass Pro-Forma, Use With 8PB384


This option is to allow the processing of Cash Sales for delivery by alternate branches to behave as per Normal Cash Sales Orders rather than being flagged as 'Pro Forma' status.

This option can only be used if 8PB384 is on, and 8PB384 cannot be switched off if this option is active.



Default Discount Matrix Break Band To True


The default for created Discount Matrix records will default to true. Pricing will also assume this default is true.




Cash Sales: Suppress Deposit and COD Invoice Docs


If active, an a Cash Sales Order is processed as either a Deposit or COD, the Deposit/COD Invoice Document will be suppressed.




SOP: Duplicate Product Handling


If this option is enabled, the user will be prevented from adding duplicate product lines to SOP documents.




Document Printing: Picking/Despatch Print Control


If active, and 8PB384 is active, when the user generates Picking or Despatch notes which are to be processed by the user's Home/Terminal branch, then the destination of the document will be controlled by the user's IO Control record. When Picking or Despatch notes are generated for a remote branch then the print destination will be set from that branch's 'Issue Branch Printer'.

This option can only be used if 8PB384 is on, and 8PB384 cannot be switched off if this option is active.




Stock Adjust: Do Not Allow Negative Physical Stock


If this flag is active an error will be returned to the client if a Stock Adjustment would make the branch physical stock negative, and the adjustment would not take place.

If not active this will allow a Stock Adjustment to make the branch physical stock negative.



Not Used





Credit Authorisation: Only When Order Is Completed


No Credit Checks will be performed at the start of Order Entry meaning lines can be added to Sales Orders for Customers who are over their Credit Limit without the user needing to allocate a release number until the order is completed.

If you wish to disable Credit Checking upon the parking of orders, product option 8PB449 should also be enabled.




Order Entry: Use Customer Home Branch As Default


When raising Orders, Credits, Quotes or Contracts, the branch will default to the Customer's Home Branch.




Order Entry: Default Sales Rep With Staff Code


The 'Sales Rep:' field by default will be populated with the 'Staff Code:' value where a corresponding Sales Representative exists against the 'REP' Table File.

Where a corresponding Sales Representative does not exist against the 'REP' Table File the 'Sales Rep:' field will default to the Sales Representative held against the selected Customer Account code.




Cash Sales: Next Invoice number For CODs


When raising "Cash On Delivery" Orders, the next Invoice Number in sequence will be assigned to the Sales Order in order it can be printed on the paperwork. By default, the Invoice Number is normally only allocated to such orders when the COD is recalled after delivery of the goods and payment is entered to complete the order.

Important: Prior to this product option being activated, the new Invoice Number field will need to be initialised across all existing Sales Order Header records (F8PB11).




Despatch Notes: Specific Layout of KJ Plumbing





Special Prices: Automatically Set Absolute





Not Used





Not Used





Not Used





Route Planning

Switch Route Planning Functionality On/Off.




Credit Authorisation: Order header bypass

This option prevents prompting of a Credit Authorisation Code, either when adding a Sales Order header or when Parking a Sales Order.




Certificate of Conformity


A Certificate of Conformity (COC) will be created after the Despatch Note is printed for those Customers who require this document.




Supplier Pricing


Enable (and disable) Supplier Pricing and Supplier Plating features.




Sales Orders: Force manual entry of Required Date


If this option is enabled, rather than the system entering a default date based on system settings, the user is forced to enter the (a) Required Date when entering Sales Order and Credit Note header details and (b) Lapse Date when entering Sales Enquiry/Quote/Sales Contract header details. A warning is generated if the user tries to proceed without entering the date.




Buyer's Address: Always use Primary Customer Address


If this option is enabled, when a Sales Order is raised for a Customer Site (i.e. a site which is not the parent Customer account) the Delivery Address and Invoice To address will be set to that of the parent Customer account rather than the Customer Site.




PDF Picking Notes: Suppress Back Order Lines


Enable (and disable) the printing of Back Order lines on standard Picking Notes.




PDF Parked Picking Notes: Suppress Back Order Lines


Enable (and disable) the printing of Back Order lines on Parked Picking Notes.




NEXT: Optional Enhancements: Purchase Ordering Tab