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Optional Enhancements: Purchase Ordering Tab

The following Optional Enhancements are listed in the Optional Enhancements: Purchase Ordering Tab.


Note: The listed Optional Enhancements may not necessarily be available/active on your system. For further details see Optional Enhancements.






Additional Information

Purchase Ordering




PIR: Staff Numbers





PIR: Expense Invoices


Can post an expense invoice to a creditor account - a corresponding supplier account is not required.




PIR: 7 Character Supplier Reference


The supplier invoice reference field is restricted to a maximum of 7 characters.




Not Used





PIR: Narrative and Docket No.


Two free-format fields that can be optionally entered. The docket number is updated to the PL03 Open Item for passed and updated invoices.




Default Invoice Status


All PL03 Open Items are created using the default invoice status that is maintained within the purchase ledger.




PIR: VAT Analysis


The passed invoice audit trail produced by BCT8PO60 detailing the posted invoices also includes a VAT breakdown.




Inter Group and Company Analysis


Nominal analysis for external, inter group and inter company account types is catered for. For inter group and inter company account types the associated nominal code held on the nominal control record is used rather than the Goods For Resale nominal control code. The account type is held on the Creditor record and is maintained within the Purchase Ledger.




PIR: Product Group Blending


When entering a nominal code when posting credit notes a product group can be selected by pressing F2 at the Accept Y/N prompt and picking a code from the enquiry window. The selected code is blended into the entered nominal code if product group blending is active (as specified on the Nominal Control record).




PIR: F3 Account Change


When pressing F3 within BCT8PO60 to post the invoice to a different account the account entered is validated against the Creditor file (PL02) rather than the Supplier file (PB17).




PIR: Individual Invoice Nominal Postings


An individual nominal posting is made to the interface file for each invoice posted (BCT8PO61). An entry on the interface file is made for the goods amount of each invoice posted. A consolidated posting is still made for VAT and creditors control.




Transmit All PO Records


The transmission file is updated with all purchase orders raised at the branch. The purchase order will be included on the transmission file at every comms run until goods are booked-in against the order.




Not Used





Single Source Stocking Branch


If set, the SSSB number held on the PB02 product record is tested upon when adding purchase order lines and when copying from an existing purchase order.




Discount On Specials


When entering special lines on a purchase order (entry or amend) the buying terms entered against the first special are applied to all subsequent specials.




Reorder Levels


Within suggested purchase orders (BCT8PO28) if the estimated available stock is less than the re-order level then the quantity to order is calculated as the re-order level minus the estimated available stock. If the quantity to order is greater than the order up to level the quantity to order is set to the order up to level.




Branch Copy Orders


Within purchase order entry it is possible to maintain both buying and branch cost details. Additionally when accepting the purchase order a branch copy purchase order can be optionally printed.




Head Office Branch Record


When raising purchase orders for a branch the next purchase order number is taken from the head office branch record.




Not Used





Directs: Amending Sales Order Header


Within the directs matching routine, BCT8PO33, it is possible to amend the sales order header details and the selling calculation method. A cancel option is also available. Press F2 at the Accept prompt on the header screen to call up the window.




PIR Cleardown: Date Sequencing


When called from the menu with a toggle of DAT the routine prompts for an up to date. The date held on the PB58 Passed Invoices file is then compared to this date.




Purchase Orders: Site (183) Layout


A site (183) specific purchase order layout.




Goods-in: Default Received Quantity


The default received quantity is set to zero rather than the expected quantity and pressing F2 updates the received quantity on each line to that of the expected quantity. An additional Continue? prompt is given when accepting the GRN.




GRN Checklist: Site (157) Layout


A site specific GRN Checkist layout that includes supplier part numbers.




Goods-in: Timber Tallies


A facility to disable the requirement to specify the tally specification when booking-in timber products and accepting the default received quantity.




Purchase Orders: Reprint Text


The text "** Reprint **" is printed on a reprinted purchase order.




Multiple Open Returns


A facility to enable the processing of multiple open supplier returns.




Purchase Orders: Optionally Print Costs


It is possible to specify, at time of print, whether to include costs on the purchase order. The same facility is available when reprinting purchase orders.




PIR: Department Code Blending


A facility to enter a single digit department number when passing expense invoices. The department number is merged into the branch number which is subsequently used to generate a blended nominal code. F15 enquiries is available at the department code prompt (table type DEP).

This functionality is also incorporated with the invoicing routine of sale order processing.



Purchase Orders: Print Line Delivery Date


A line is printed on the purchase order below those lines where the expected delivery date is not the same as the date specified on the purchase order header.




Purchase Orders: Print Supplier Telephone Number


The suppliers telephone number (if set) is printed on the purchase order.




Purchase Orders: Print Supplier Fax Number


The suppliers fax number (if set) is printed on the purchase order.




Suggested Purchase Orders: Alternate Calculation





Goods-in: Average Cost Updates


The average cost is updated from the expected buying cost rather than the cost specified on the GRN line.




Purchase Ordering: Multiple Buying Units


Purchase order entry: The quantity ordered may only be a multiple of the 'outer box' size. A new table type of "OUTR" is required with the first line of the description as the calculation method description.

Purchase order print: The quantity is printed as the 'outer box' quantity. So if there are 24 boxes of nails on a pallet and we nails stock in boxes:

product defined as: inner = 1 outer = 24 outer box code = 1 (which is on table file as "pallets") min bulk order qty = 24

Purchase order entry will allow order quantities of 24, 48 or 72 etc and the purchase order (unpriced layout only) prints 1, 2 or 3 pallets.

Goods-in is not affected by the outer box size.



Goods In:Consolidated GRNs by Supplier


* * * * Facility withdrawn * * * *



Order Entry: 'Invalid Supplier' is an Error


The 'Invalid Supplier' warning message is treated as an error if this option is active. The warning is given when ordering products from an incorrect supplier.




Not Used





Suggested Orders: Use Bulk Order


The reorder level is rounded to the nearest bulk order quantity.




Order Entry: Copy Line Discount


The buying terms and special discount entered for the first line are applied to all subsequent lines.




GRN Note: Print Tallies


Tally details taken from the PB83 Stock Transaction Extension file are printed.




Directs: Use Nett Cost on Contracted Sales


Contracted sales using nett cost prices are correctly priced on the purchase order. Previously the contract benefit was not picked up.




Create Supplier: Default Settings


When running BCT8PO17 to create supplier records the following supplier record fields have revised defaults: Allow backorders = N; pricing at time of order/despatch =1 (order); Priced orders = Y; Pricing presentation = A.




Purchase Orders: A Site 243 Layout


A site 243 specific purchase order layout.




Goods In: Update Branch With HO GRNs


Goods received stock movements from head office are updated at the branch (via BCT8PBD3).




Purchase Orders: Do Not Print Required By Date


The required by date is not printed on the standard purchase order.




Purchase Orders: A Site 116 Layout


A site 116 specific purchase order layout including the base costs and the four on-invoice discounts.




Suggested PO: Ignore Ranks O and Z


The routine excludes those PB03 Stock records that are either rank "O" or rank "Z".




Supplier Returns: Collection Number


A mandatory (at time of confirmation) free format collection number reference is requested as part of the SRN header details.




Purchase Orders: A Site 241 Layout


The site 241 specific purchase order layout.




PIR: Branch Blending and Product Nominal Code


Branch blending will occur when using product nominal codes.




Supplier Returns: Printing Unconfirmed Notes


When this option is enabled:

When a Supplier Return is raised, the unconfirmed Supplier Return Document is optionally printed.

When a Supplier Return is completely confirmed, the Supplier Return Document is not printed.

When a Supplier Return is partly confirmed, the unconfirmed lines remain against the original Supplier Return and the confirmed lines are removed. The confirmed lines are then used to automatically generate a brand new Supplier Return. The original Supplier Return Document containing the unconfirmed lines is optionally printed.

When this option is disabled:

When a Supplier Return is raised, the Supplier Return Document is not printed.

When a Supplier Return is completely confirmed, the confirmed Supplier Return Document is always printed.

When a Supplier Return is partly confirmed, the unconfirmed lines remain against the original Supplier Return and the confirmed lines are removed. The confirmed lines are then used to automatically generate a brand new Supplier Return. The brand new confirmed Supplier Return Document is always printed.




Debit Note Maintenance: Don't Delete GRNs


The "Clear Any GRNs?" prompt is not prompted for and therefore it is not possible to delete GRNs.




PIR: PBE8 Registered and Passed File


The PBE8 PIR Invoices file is updated for both registered and passed invoices within the PIR routine (BCT8PO60).

The site 183 specific Daily Purchases Report (BCT8PO63) can be used to report upon the contents of the PBE8 file.

The PBE8 file is maintained by the PIR Cleardown routine (BCT8PO36).



Registered Invoice Enquiry: Single Branch View


If the terminal branch is not the same as the head office branch (held on the Price Book Control record) only registered invoices for the terminal branch are displayed.




Goods In: Release Back Orders Prompt


The "Release Back Order Lines? Y/N" prompt now defaults to "Y" rather than "N".



Not Used





Goods In: Display GRN Number


Upon completion of the GRN, the GRN number is displayed for the user's benefit.




Purchase Orders: Copy Last Line Discount Entered


When used in conjunction with enhancement 8PO040, special line discount defaults to the last F5 special line discount entered within that order as opposed to picking up the first discount entered.




Directs: Always Cost Lines Using Buying Cost


The cost price of a direct sales order is now always set from the buying cost. Previously the cost was determined from the GPM flag on the control record.




Copy To Purch. Order: Print Text Lines As Default


When copying to a purchase order, the option to print text lines on the purchase order document is set to "Y" by default.




Purchase Orders: Print Outstanding Qty on Reprints


When reprinting purchase orders, the user can choose to print the order quantity or the amount which is still outstanding.




PIR: Use Invoice Branch To Get Next Invoice Number


Use the invoice branch as opposed to the terminal branch to determine the next PIR invoice number.




Nominal Interface Control Account For SRNs


When posting SRNs to PIR the new Supplier Returns Nominal Code is used and when a difference between the value expected and the value received occurs, the new Returns Write Offs Nominal Code is used.

Nominal codes for SRNs and SRN Write Offs can be set up in the Nominal Control Maintenance routine.

The following two Product Enhancements should also be switched on - 8PO066 & 8PO073.




Not Used





PIR: Allow SRN Differences To Be Post To Carriage


Any SRN differences can be now be split between carriage and write-offs.

The following two Product Enhancements should also be switched on - 8PO064 & 8PO073.




Not Used





PIR: Settlement Terms Window


When entering invoices only, having entered the invoice registration date, a new window is displayed showing the settlement terms from the purchase order and creditor files. An F2 toggle determines which of the two terms should be used. The terms accepted are carried forward into PIR.

When updating creditors, the Use Suppliers Discount/Terms prompt is no longer available and the discount and terms previously selected in PIR are used.

The Settlement Terms Window is only available if a local Purchase Ledger is available.




Not Used





PIR: Always Display Buying Difference


When posting invoices, buying differences are tallied and are made visible as GRN lines are modified. The sum shown is the value posted to the buying differences nominal code.




Not Used





Not Used





PIR: Always Accept Buying Loss For SRNs


A buying loss can now be entered against a SRN in the same way a buying gain can be entered against a purchase order.

The following two Product Enhancements should also be switched on - 8PO064 & 8PO066.




Not Used





Not Used





Not Used





Not Used





Not Used





Withhold Payment By SRN


When the routine is run with a menu switch of "HLD" a new hold invoices prompt is provided. If this is set to 'Y' then the confirmed supplier returns for a supplier are totalled. Then starting from the oldest, invoices from the supplier are held using a status between 5 and 9 which is determined by a new "PLST" table file entry.




EDI Transfers


Purchase Order Entry and Purchase Order Amend now call BCTEDI05 to handle the transfer file updates.

Once a purchase order has been transferred to EDI it cannot be amended.




Purchase Order Entry: Use Existing 'x' Specials


It is now possible to re-order existing 'x' type purchase order special products.




Debit Notes: Print User Definable Telephone Number


When printing debit notes, the branch telephone number is replaced with user definable direct dial numbers that are held on the table file as type "TELS" and accessed using the user's TERMINAL number. The branch fax number is also replaced with numbers held on the table file as type "TELF" and accessed using the user's TERMINAL number.




Not Used





Goods In: Include Haulage Value In Average Cost


The haulage value is now split pro-rata across each line booked in so it can be added to the value of each line and included in the calculation of average stock. The supplier's third party haulage flag must be set to enter a haulage value.




Goods In: Revised Priced GRN Layout


A revised priced GRN layout that supports quantities up to 999999.999




Goods In: Book In Frozen Stock


Products undergoing a stock count can be booked in.




Not Used





Goods In: Update Standard Cost


If the cost of an order line is modified within Goods In, the user is given the option to update the standard cost on the product record.




Suggested Ordering: Default Reorder Level Prompt


The "Reorder Level to Max Month" flag now defaults to N.




Enquiries: Multiple PIR Entry


A new F6 PIR Enquiry displays all purchase invoices which exist for a given purchase order.

PIR builds a cross reference between each purchase order and corresponding invoices.

This cross reference file can be built for all historic invoices by running option 1 on page 4 of BCT8PO30.




Print Manufacturer's Reference On Purchase Order


Purchase Order Entry and Confirm Suggested Orders now set the supplier part number field on the purchase order line by default using the manufacturer's reference from the product record.




Suggested Orders: Manual Reorder Level


Manual reorder level is overridden by reorder up to level.




Suggested Ordering: Exclude Stock Rank T


Temporary products (Stock Rank = T) are now excluded from Suggested Purchase Ordering.




Site (256) Specific Purchase Order Document Layout


A bespoke purchase order layout showing line numbers with product codes and supplier part numbers. Product Option 8PO(47) must also be active.




Comms: Transmit Purchase Orders to Head Office


Purchase orders raised at branches are transmitted to head office via comms. A copy of the purchase order is printed at head office.
When the goods are booked in at head office, the purchase order details are sent back to the branch via comms. The 'On Order' balance and the 'Outstanding Purchase Orders' array are updated at the branch.




Purchase Orders: Print 'Entered By'


The name of the user who raised the purchase order is now printed on the purchase order document.




Purchase Orders: Print Order Branch If Different


If the purchase order is being delivered to a different branch, the details of the branch which raised the order is printed on the purchase order document.




Directs: Print Unit of Measure


Units of measure are printed on directs documentation.




Purchase Orders: Extra Line Between All Lines


The purchase order document always print one blank line between purchase order lines.




PIR: Pass Narrative Text To Trinity


Narrative text for Nominal Transactions is passed over to Trinity by the interface.




Site (120) Specific Purchase Order Document layout


The telephone and fax number of the branch raising the order is printed on the purchase order. The required by date, contact and the user who raised the order are also printed.




Goods In: Disable F2 To Zeroise


Disables uses of F2 key to zeroise all lines on the GRN.




Update Creditors: Update Using BCT8IT13


BCT8IT13 is called by "Update Creditors" to audit and correct any inconsistencies.




Purchase Orders: Print 'CM' on P/O Document


BCT8PO02 prints the 'CM' on the Purchase Order Document if enhancement 8PO104 is switched on.




PIR: Retain PB12 Sales Line Amount For Carriage


If enhancement 8PB119 is switched on, within Order Entry, Carriage lines can be added using F3. This gives the option to attach that line to the Purchase Order, Sales Order or Both. If the Carriage line is added to the Sales Order and then in PIR a carriage line is added, this has the effect of zeroising the sales line amount and updating the cost. To enable a customer to report on the difference between the sales and cost amounts, enhancement 8PO105 should be switched on. This will retain the sales line amount and update the cost amount for the line.




Goods In: Don't Print Quantities On GRN


If the 'Print Priced GRN' flag (PB16-PRICED-GRN-YN) from the branch record is set to "Y", quantities will not be printed on the Goods Received Note.




Print Ordering Units On Purchase Order Document


BCT8PO02 prints the ordering units on the Purchase Order Document if enhancement 8PO107 is switched on.




Retain Sales Order Line Cost For z-Type Specials


Retain Sales Order Costs for z products when copied from Sales Order.




Creditors Update: Write NET PB58 Records


If this switch is turned on then the update to the PB58 Network file is performed in BCT8PO61.CBL regardless of the setting held in the PB01-NETWORK-SYSTEM field.




XML QDDG For Purchase Ordering (Out)


Either allow or disallow the ability to produce XML Quantum Document Data Gateway (QDG) Purchase Orders.

An XML Purchase Order Header (FXML11) and its XML Purchase Order Lines (FXML12) ISAM files shall be produced for those suppliers setup within the Gateway software, provided that this global option is also appropriately set on.

The Gateway software will then allow the ability to produce XML Purchase Orders that may be sent directly to the supplier.




Multi Currency: Buying Costs In Foreign Currency


Buying costs held against products for the normal and alternative suppliers are in the supplier's currency as opposed to the home currency.

When purchasing from one of the nominated suppliers, if they deal in a different currency to the home currency the cost will not need to be converted.

Note: This option should only be activated if the 'Multi Currency Buying' checkbox is checked.



Purchase Orders: Re-order Limit In Order And Amend


Quantity ordered, when added to free stock cannot exceed the re-order up to level held on the branch stock record.




Print 'Outer Box' on Purchase Order Document


The description of the Products outer box will be printed below the Quantity, if the outer box calc method is set against the product and enhancement 8PO104 is switched on.




Average Cost Update and Single Stocking Branch


When this option is on and Stock is received via either Goods In or Stock Receipts, and the Single Source Stocking Branch on the Product is not Zero, and the Single Source Stocking Branch is not the Users Branch the Product Average Cost will not be updated.




Goods In: Update Sales Order With Qty Variances


When booking in goods for a purchase order that has been created on the back of a sales order for F4 Special lines if the quantity is increased or decreased and the balance cancelled, the sales order will be automatically updated.

This option should only be activated if special lines are back-ordered or the environment is timber-merged.



PIR: Update the Despatch Date For Directs


When Processing PIRs for Direct Purchase Orders the despatch date on the Sales Order will be changed to the date the PIR is processed, this date will then be used as the Invoicing date.




Purchasing: Duplicate Product Handling


If this option is enabled, the user will be prevented from adding duplicate product lines to Purchasing documents.




Goods In: Supplier Rejections


Enable Supplier Rejections features when booking in stock on a Goods Received Note.




Goods In: Supplier Performance


Enable tabs in the Supplier record for displaying details of Supplier rejections and performance.



NEXT: Optional Enhancements: Sales Ledger Tab