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Optional Enhancements: Sales Ledger Tab

The following Optional Enhancements are listed in the Optional Enhancements: Sales Ledger Tab.


Note: The listed Optional Enhancements may not necessarily be available/active on your system. For further details see Optional Enhancements.






Additional Information

Sales Ledger




Credit Control Fax Interface


It is possible to fax a document from within credit control enquiries which details a selected range of open items. The routine calls the fax interface routine and defaults the contact name and fax number that are held on the customer record and the customer credit control record.

The (f)ax option is included within Credit Control enquiries which pops-up a window that allows selections from the following:

90-day+ 60-day 30-day Current Cash Disputed Items Unpaid Only Credits.




Two-Tier Consolidation


Within sales ledger enquiries, if consolidation is active the following additional fields are included:

sales history turnover one year ago turnover two years ago number of invoices next month number of invoices ytd number of invoices one year ago number of invoices two years ago.




On-Order Amounts and Credit Limit Review Date


Additional customer related balances for yard and direct sales that can be viewed within sales ledger enquiries.

Also gives the ability to amend the credit limit reviewed date within BCT6SL63 without having to adjust the customer credit limit.




Use Branch lists in Comms


Entries on the customer alternate branch table which are greater than 1000 are processed as branch lists.




Sales Order Enquiry


Pressing (O)rder invokes a call to sales order enquiries from the details open item screen (F5 screen).




Not Used





VAT Only Invoice Posting


When posting a VAT only invoice within purchase ledger the nominal breakdown routine BCT6OF28 allows a zero value goods posting.




Bonus Points


A facility to record and maintain bonus points (redeemable reward points) for selected customers.

The customer receives bonus points for purchasing certain products that attract bonus points. The accumulated points are printed on the statement.

The routine BCT6SL23 is used to adjust the customers bonus points when points are redeemed.




Not Used





Cash Postings - Display Rep Name


The sales rep name associated with the selected customer account is displayed in cash postings and a budget figure is prompted for in customer maintenance.




Enquiries - Month Literals


The month literal text rather than aged balance text is displayed on the F3,F5 and F6 screens of sales ledger enquiries.




Not Used





Build BACS Update File


A routine (BCT6SL80) to effectively process customer direct debits. The routine produces an extract file that is subsequently processed by the BACS interface routines. Customer balances are not adjusted.

The customers bank details are maintained via BCT6SL78.




Data Ownership


It is possible to indicate those fields held on the customer record that are either owned by head office or by the branch. The ownership flags are held on the SL01 control record.

The routine, BCT6SL81, is used to flag each customer record field that can be amended via the customer maintenance routine BCT6SL02. If the flag is set to (Y)es to indicate head office ownership then the same flag at the branch should be set to (N)o.
The branch comms update routine, BCT6SL72, acts upon the ownership flags and only updates those fields that are owned by head office.




Cash Posting Manual Options


A facility to manually enter an open item reference which automatically selects the specified reference.




Additional Paying-in Fields


Additional paying-in fields are available within Batch Posting - Unapplied Cash and are used to breakdown the total cash received in to the different payment methods such as Switch, Visa, Amex, store card etc. Each paying-in field amount is posted to the nominal interface file using the bank nominal code.




Ignore Disputed Open Items


Within Cash Postings (BCT6SL08) the disputed status of an open item is ignored when matching cash to multiple items.

During a sales ledger period end fully paid, disputed items are deleted.




Sales Ledger Enquiries: Reprint Invoice


This option allows the printing of an Invoice from the Open Item Detail screen F5.




Statements: Print In Rep Sequence


When printing statements to disk only it is possible to sort the printed statements in to rep sequence. The routine creates a disk file for each rep (file name prefixed by REP_)and then uses a shell script to concatenate these files in to a single file named 6SL10LIST.nnn (where nnn is the terminal number).




Not Used





Statements: Print Aged Credits on B/fwd


Aged items are printed on a b/fwd statement. Commonly used to print those credits that are aged back to the original invoice.

NB: Before activating this option please talk to your project manager or the help desk.




Cash Batch Postings: Site (128) Specific Processing






Add Customers: Credit Controllers Initials


When adding a new customer it is possible to enter the credit controllers initials on the second screen.




Site 210 Specific Group Customer Processing


Site 210 specific group sales ledger processing.




Statements: Site (187) Specific Layout


A site (187) specific statement layout incorporating OMR markings for mail merging.




Unapplied Cash Postings: Nominal Interface Update


Within the unapplied cash posting routine the "pay method" field on the nominal interface file is set to either 0 or 1.

The nominal code from the Product File (F8PB02nn) is used to update the nominal ledger.




Cash Matching: Page Numbers and Automatic Matching


Site 183 specific cash matching processing incorporating "page" numbers and specific matching rules.




Telesales: Additional Site 219 Specific Fields


Fields Calling Day, Half Day and Frequency are for use by a Report Generator. If an order is placed for the customer the value in the Delivery Day field will be used to automatically select the date of the specified week day as the Required By date for the order.




SOP: Site 210 Specific Invoicing Procedures


Produces Invoice instead of Despatch Note.




Multi-Currency Processing


Multi currency processing within the sales ledger.




Comms: Don't Override Balances/History At Branch


Do not override customer balances and history at branch between head office/branch period ends.




Cash Postings: Prevent Updates to Nominal


Nominal ledger will not be updated by Cash Postings routine even if the sales ledger interface is switched on.




Cash Matching: Update Unapplied Cash Files


The batch reference is entered as a five digit number. If this five digit unapplied cash header record exists a warning is displayed but processing may continue. The ability to enter a cash reference has been removed. Instead, the cash reference is made up from the five digit batch reference plus a two digit line number which is incremented. If the unapplied cash line exists for a particular batch reference, the user is given control to enter a unique line number. The unapplied cash header and lines files are created using the same branch as the open item.




Not Used





Site (253) Specific Statement layout





Customer League Table: Report Totals


Report totals can now be printed on the customer league table report.




Not Used





Cash Postings: Reset Due Date


For fully paid items today's date is used as the due date.




Statements: Suppress Overdue Indicator


Overdue indicators (*) and the amount against paid invoices are suppressed on the remittance portion only.




7 Character Trade Indemnity Reference


A 7 character TI reference is now supported that doesn't have to confirm to the previous standard of "x99999x".




Site (252) Specific A4 Statement


The following text is now printed on A4 Statements: "Cash received after the date of the statement is not included".




Separation Of Print Output By Market Type


When printing Invoices/Credit Notes and Statements the user is prompted to limit the printing to a specific market type. The destination of the print output is dependent upon that market type.

When printing Advice & Delivery Notes; Acknowledgements; Collection Notes; Quotes & Contacts, the destination of the output is determined by the market type.




Enquiries: User Credit Control Access


Access to "F8 Credit Control Enquiry" only given to users with CC-Pop-ups in User Name Maintenance set to Y.




Client Server: Include Prospects


BCT8CS01 (COBOL server used by ViewPoint and Timber Importer) will exclude Prospects from Customer calls unless this option is set to Y.




Find Customers: Show Zero O/S Balances


If the F8PB72nn file is populated (typically in a comms. environment), accounts with zero outstanding balances are displayed in low-light in the Find Window.




Order Analysis Code: Set Default To Y


When this option is activated the default setting will be "Y" otherwise it is set to "N".




Quantum Financials: User Field 3 Analysis


When Sales Documents are posted to Quantum Financials the User Field 3 field of the first occurrence of the Control Nominal will be populated with "INVOICE" or "CREDIT" as appropriate. Also, if there is a second occurrence of the Control Nominal for Cash, the User Field 3 field will be populated with "CASH".




Quantum Financials: User Field 3 Analysis


When Cash Sale Documents are posted to Quantum Financials the User Field 3 field of the Bank Nominal row will be populated with the Order Date.

When documents are posted for Deposits Taken or Redeemed, User Field 3 will also be populated with the Order Date on the Cash row of these documents

This option is mutually exclusive with 6SL047.




Quantum Financials: Two Tiered Accounts





Quantum Financials: Bespoke Analysis Fields


When active, if a Sales Invoice or Credits is posted to Quantum Financials:

a) Class, Area and Rep Codes are captured against the Control Line. b) Market Type (or Staff No if 8PB023 active) & Cost of Sale are captured against the Sales Analysis Lines.



NEXT: Optional Enhancements: User Group Tab