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Optional Enhancements: User Group Tab

The following Optional Enhancements are listed in the Optional Enhancements: User Group Tab.


Note: The listed Optional Enhancements may not necessarily be available/active on your system. For further details see Optional Enhancements.






Additional Information

User Group




Quote, Contract and  Purch. Enquiries: First To Last


Applies to the quotation, contract and purchase order enquiry routines.

The 'last' screen (i.e. the screen containing the most recent transactions) will be prompted by default on initially accessing the program.



Sales Orders: Warn If Stock Count Is Active


Warn users of existence of active stock take when a product is added to a sales order.




Not Used





Delivery Notes: To Be Priced


If the Priced Note flag on the customer record is set to "Y", an additional generic line containing unit price and discounts is printed on delivery notes for the customer.

This line is available on the following delivery note formats: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9.



Purchase Orders: Auto Create POs For Specials


When a special is added to a new or existing sales order the user is given the option to have a suggested purchase order created automatically.




Purchase Orders: Update Changed Costs To SO Lines


Ensures that a sales order line may only be copied once into a purchase order. On changing the price of a copied purchase order line the user is prompted as to whether or not the changed price is to be updated as the cost on the originating sales order line.

Note: This functionality is only applicable to non-timber products.




Sales Orders: Show Previous Supplier On New Specials


When adding two or more special products within the sales order entry and amend programs the user is prompted with the supplier code that was entered when the previous special was created.




Auto Create POs: Include Allocated Specials


When automatically creating purchase orders for specials, only specials which have been back ordered are included. This enhancement will include specials which have been immediately allocated (i.e. Cash Sale Orders; Collect Now Orders; Stock Level Flag = A ). This enhancement is dependent on enhancement 8UG005 also being active.




Not Used




NEXT: Optional Enhancements: Modules Tab