Quantum VS Help: System Administration

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Printer Record Maintenance

Printer Record Maintenance is used to set up the print destinations which will be available to Quantum VS users when they print, save or transmit documents - such as Sales Orders and Purchase Orders - and Reports.


System Administrators will need to create records for each printer that will be available for use within the application. These printers will then be available in the system menus when printing documents. A default print destination can be assigned to the user for each document type within their User record. However, users will still be able to select a different print destination from the default if they wish.


As well as printers, System Administrators can create records for email, fax, disk or PDF viewer. These means that instead of printing a document or report, it will be emailed/faxed/saved to the set destination. As with printers, a default email/fax/disk/PDF can be assigned for different document types via the User record, but users may be given the option to select a different print destination from the default if they wish.


Note: This overview explains how document types and Reports may be output in Quantum VS.


This section covers:

Note: To list/find existing Printer records see Finding Printers.


NEXT: Creating A New Printer Record