Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Cancelling A Sales Enquiry

You may cancel a Sales Enquiry before or after Completion. Note:


Note: If the Customer is not interested in converting the Sales Enquiry into a Quote or Sales Order it may be preferable - from the point of view of analysing sales performance - to 'lose' the Sales Enquiry, rather than cancel it. See Losing A Sales Enquiry.


To cancel a Sales Enquiry:


1.      If you are cancelling a new (i.e. open and not yet Completed) Sales Enquiry, go to step 3.


If you are cancelling a saved Sales Enquiry, find and open the Sales Enquiry. See Finding Sales Enquiries.


2.      When the Sales Enquiry is open, click Amend on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


3.      Click Cancel on the Toolbar - Sub Menu, then select Cancel Enquiry:




4.      Click Yes to the 'Are you sure you want to cancel this Sales Enquiry?' dialogue.


Note: You may be required, depending on your system settings, to input your User Name and Password.


NEXT: Working With Sales Contracts