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Working With Sales Contracts

A Sales Contract is a document providing a commitment to supply a Customer with specified goods at a specified price for a specified period.


The procedure for creating, adding header details and Product details to, and then Completing a Sales Contract is similar to Sales Orders and Quotes - see below.


There are procedures for reviewing Completed Sales Contracts - see Reviewing Completed Sales Contracts. When you supply 'contracted' goods to the Customer you will need to raise a Sales Order and copy lines from the Sales Contract to the Sales Order. See Adding Product lines From A Sales Contract To A Sales Order.


The procedure for working with Sales Contracts is as follows:


1.      Create A New Sales Contract. You may either:

See Creating A New Sales Contract.


2.      Enter Header Details. In the header section of the Sales Contract you must enter the Customer, Delivery Type and other important details. Since Sales Contracts are intended to be valid for a certain period, you are prompted to enter a Lapse Date. See Entering Sales Contract Header Details.


At this point you may need to:

See Entering Sales Contract Header Details.


3.      Enter Product Line Details. In the lines section of the Sales Contract you must specify the Products the Customer requires.


At this point you may:

See Entering Sales Contract Product Lines.


The Outstanding column/field on a Sales Contract Product line shows how many units of a Product are still to be supplied to fulfil the contract.


4.      Review/Enter Details In The Available Sales Document Tabs: A series of additional tabs display within sales documents at an appropriate point within the document's progress.


You may wish to review - and, if necessary, enter - details by selecting the following tabs within the Sales Contract:

See Additional Sales Document Tabs.


5.      Review/enter details in the Properties area: When a sales document is open you may use the Properties area - to the right of the screen - to review and edit additional details relating to the current Document, Customer and Product.


This might involve specifying 'Complete Delivery' options, and more.


See Understanding The Properties Area.


6.      Complete The Sales Contract. This involves marking the Sales Contract as 'complete'.


On Completion, the Sales Contract is automatically 'printed' (i.e. printed as a hard copy, emailed or faxed to the customer, and/or saved to disk, depending on the specified print location). You have the option to re-print the Sales Contract and also change the default print location for the Sales Contract.


Once the Sales Contract has been Completed, a Tracking tab is created automatically, which enables you to view/open all documents relating to the Sales Contract after Completion.


See Completing And Printing Sales Contracts.


Note: Sales Contracts can be viewed in and retrieved from the Sales Contracts Finder - see Finding Sales Contracts.

Tasks After Sales Contract Completion

You will periodically wish to review new and lapsed Sales Contracts. See Reviewing Completed Sales Contracts.


When the Customer wishes to proceed with ordering based on the Sales Contract, the User will need to recall the Sales Contract, raise a new Sales Order and copy lines from the Sales Contract to the open Sales Order. See Adding Product Lines From A Sales Contract To A Sales Order.


The following product line fields enable you to track the Sales Contract's progress:


You may retrieve and edit an existing Sales Contract. See Editing Sales Contracts.


When necessary you may either cancel the whole Sales Contract or amend its Lapse Date, depending on whether or not Sales Orders have been raised against the Sales Contract. See Cancelling A Sales Contract.


NEXT: Creating A New Sales Contract