Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Editing Supplier Details (Back To Back Supplier Selection Window)

When the Back Order Options window is displayed (see step 7 of Back-To-Back Sales Ordering), clicking the More hyperlink displays the Back To Back Supplier Selection Window. Here you may view and edit Supplier and buying details for the product.

Viewing And Editing Main Supplier Details

The Main Supplier radio button is selected by default, indicating that the Product's Main Supplier - and Cost Price - as specified on the Product record - are selected for Back-To-Back ordering:




Details for the selected Supplier are displayed. You may (User Permissions permitting) adjust the Main Supplier's Cost Price used for the Product by amending the figure in the Cost Price field.


The lower section of the Back To Back Supplier Selection Window enables you to view Outstanding Purchase Orders for the specified Supplier. These are Purchase Orders which have been created but not yet Completed. If necessary, click the blue arrow keys to scroll through pages of Outstanding Purchase Orders.

Specifying An Alternative Supplier (And Cost Price)

To change the Supplier (and Cost Price if required) the Product will be ordered from:


1.      Click More Suppliers to display the Suppliers Finder:




2.      Use the Finder to locate the Supplier you wish to use. As with the standard Suppliers Finder you can:


3.      When the required Supplier is listed, double-click the line to select it.


Details of the selected 'alternative' Supplier will now display in the Back To Back Supplier Selection Window:




Editing Supplier Details

You may edit Supplier details in the following ways:


4.      When you have finished viewing or specifying the Supplier to be used for back ordering, click OK to close the Back To Back Supplier Selection Window.


5.      If necessary, continue from step 7 of Back-To-Back Sales Ordering.


NEXT: Back-To-Back Purchase Ordering