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Back-To-Back Purchase Ordering

Once the Back-To-Back Sales Order has been Completed (see step 10 of Back-To-Back Sales Ordering), back order lines must be allocated to a Purchase Order so they can be ordered from the Supplier. Depending on your User Permissions this may be automated or you may be able to allocate lines to Purchase Orders manually using the Back Order Manager.

Summary Of Potential User Actions Required

The summary below shows the User actions required for Back-To-Back Purchase Ordering after Sales Order Completion, based on the Back-To-Back options selected at the Sales Ordering stage:


Back-To-Back options selected


What happens when a Back-To-Back Sales Order is Completed?

Required User actions for Back-To-Back Purchase Order(s)

Required User Actions When Receiving Back-To-Back Ordered Goods Into Stock


Create Back To Back PO? ON


Park Back To Back PO?



A Back-To-Back Purchase Order is created, with order lines allocated, for each defined Supplier of the Sales Order lines. These Purchase Orders are Parked before Completion.


Retrieve the Parked Purchase Order, edit it as necessary, then Complete the Purchase Order. See Required User Actions: (a) When Parked Back-To-Back Purchase Orders Are Created Automatically below.


Create a Goods Received Note using the standard method. After clicking Confirm, select Yes in the Release Back Orders? dialogue to release the goods to the Back-To-Back Sales Orders. See Releasing Goods Received To Back-To-Back Sales Orders.


Create Back To Back PO?



Park Back To Back PO?



A Back-To-Back Purchase Order is created, with order lines allocated, for each defined Supplier of the Sales Order lines. These Purchase Orders are Completed automatically.

None. The Purchase Order is automatically 'printed' and issued to the Supplier when it is automatically Completed. See Required User Actions: (b) When Completed Back-To-Back Purchase Orders Are Created Automatically below.


As above.

Create Back To Back PO? OFF


Park Back To Back PO?



No Back-To-Back Purchase Order is created. Lines are not allocated to a Purchase Order, but are instead made available for manual allocation in the Back Order Manager.

Use the Back Order Manager to allocate the line to a new or existing Purchase Order. This can be done on Completion (by selecting Manage Now) or later on (by clicking Ignore and then later opening the Back Order Manager. See Required User Actions: (c) Manual Allocation - When Back-To-Back Purchase Orders Are Not Created Automatically below.


As above.

Required User Actions On Completion Of The Back-To-Back Sales Order

Whether Purchase Order creation and line allocation happens automatically or must be done manually, and whether or not each auto-created Purchase Order is Parked, depends on how options were set in step 7 of Back-To-Back Sales Ordering.


(a) When Parked Back-To-Back Purchase Orders Are Created Automatically

If Create Back To Back PO? was selected, when the Sales Order is Completed a Back-To-Back Purchase Order is created automatically and Back-To-Back ordered lines are allocated automatically. One Purchase Order is created - with order lines allocated - for each Product (or Special) line's defined Supplier. In this case, manual allocation of Sales Order lines to Purchase Orders is not required.


If Park Back To Back PO? was selected in addition to Create Back To Back PO?, each auto-created Purchase Order will be Parked, meaning it can be reviewed and edited before Completion. To do this:


1.      Find and open the Parked Purchase Order. This can be done using the:


2.      Review the Parked Purchase Order. For example, you may:


You will then need to Complete the Purchase Order, as described below.


Note: Back-To-Back Purchase Orders generated from Special lines cannot be Parked.


(b) When Completed Back-To-Back Purchase Orders Are Created Automatically

If Create Back To Back PO? was selected and Park Back To Back PO? was not selected, each auto-created Purchase Order (see above) will be Completed automatically, meaning no further User action is required.


The Purchase Order is automatically 'printed' (i.e. printed as a hard copy to give/post to the Supplier; emailed or faxed to the Supplier; and/or saved to disk, depending on your system settings) when it is Completed.


(c) Manual Allocation - When Back-To-Back Purchase Orders Are Not Created Automatically

If the Create Back To Back PO? option was NOT selected at the Back-To-Back Sales Ordering stage, lines from the Sales Order will need to be allocated to a Purchase Order manually. When the Back-To-Back Sales Order is Completed, the Purchase Order Management dialogue displays:




The User may select one of the following options:

Purchase Order Completion

Once Back-To-Back Purchase Orders have been created and lines allocated as necessary, Purchase Orders must be Completed in the standard way (see note). See Completing And Printing Purchase Orders.


Once a line has been allocated and the Purchase Order has been Completed, the line is no longer displayed in the Back Order Manager.


Note: Manual Purchase Order Completion is not necessary if the Create Back To Back PO? option was selected but Park Back To Back PO? was not selected at the Back-To-Back Sales Ordering stage.

Releasing Goods Received To Back-To-Back Sales Orders

After the Purchase Order has been issued to the Supplier you will later receive the goods. At this stage you will need to create a Goods Received Note (GRN) to record the receipt of goods into stock and report any variances. The method is the same as described in Working With Goods Received Notes, except in a Back-To-Back ordering situation there is an additional step:


When you click Confirm, to confirm the receipt of a stated quantity of items into stock (see Confirming And Printing A Goods Received Note), the Release Back Orders? dialogue displays:




Click Yes to use the goods being received into stock to 'release back orders'; i.e. they will be used to fulfil Back-To-Back Sales Orders.


Alternative options available are:

After Receiving The Goods Into Stock


NEXT: Back Order Manager: Allocating Lines Now