Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Quantity Tab: Entering Timber Quantities

When adding Timber Products to sales documents the Timber Entry window is displayed.


The Quantity tab is displayed by default. Here you must enter the quantity of timber required:




There are two main ways of entering timber quantities:


You may also enter non-standard lengths of timber.

Entering Tally Length Quantities

The Length row displays the available sizes of timber (i.e. timber tallies) available for this timber product.


In the Quantity fields (below): for each size, enter the number of timber pieces required:




Note: Use your Tab key to move from one field to the next easily, speeding up data entry.  


For example, you might enter 32 x 3m lengths, 120 x 3.3m lengths, and so on. Totals for each size are added automatically in the Total row. Running totals for Quantity, Pieces, Total Volume and Total Length are shown below.


Note: To hide zero tallies, click the +/- button to the right of the Timber Entry window. This hides all fields with zero quantities on the Timber Entry window.


Alternatively you may wish to enter a total length, volume or number of pieces of timber:

Entering Timber Quantity Totals

Enter the total quantity of timber required in the Quantity field (selecting the unit of measure if necessary; e.g. mtr), then add the number of pieces in the Pieces field:




For example, you might require 500 metres of timber, in 100 pieces. By default, the Quantity field is set to metres (mtr), but you may select a different value from the list.


The total Volume and Length fields are updated automatically.


Note: Entering values into the Quantity or Pieces fields will clear any values entered into the Quantity tally fields above.

Entering Non-Standard Lengths

To add non-standard timber length tallies, click the NSL button to the right of the Timber Entry window:




The Add Non Standard Length window opens:




Input the total Length and Quantity of timber lengths required, then click OK. When you see the 'Non Standard Length - continue?' warning, click Yes to continue.


The new timber length and quantity is added to the Timber Entry window, with the 'non standard' length shown in red:



When You Have Added Timber Quantities

When you have added timber quantities:


NEXT: Options Tab: Entering Timber Options