Quantum VS Help: Document Scanning

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Viewing, Reordering And Deleting Scanned Documents

Documents are added to the list in the Scan Documents tab as they are scanned or attached.


Note: To open the Scan Documents tab, select Tools > Scan Documents from the Toolbar - Main Menu (see Bulk Document Scanning: Scanning Documents).


At any time until documents have been archived you may:

Viewing A Document

To view a scanned/attached document, click to highlight the document you wish to view:




The selected document displays in the area to the right in the Scan Documents tab:




View options:

Reordering Listed Documents

Documents are automatically numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. in the Sequence field as they are scanned or attached. You may wish to change the sequence so that the documents are archived in the correct order.


To re-order listed documents:


1.      Click to highlight/select the document you wish to move.


2.      Click the 'up' or 'down' arrow to the right to move the item up or down in the list:




The document is moved to its new position in the list.


Note: You cannot change the sequence of individual pages of a multi-page document once it has been archived. To edit the page number of a multi-page document - for example, if the system has recognised it incorrectly - see Editing Document Data.

Deleting Listed Documents

You may wish to delete scanned documents from the list; perhaps because the scans are poor or because you do not want to detect/archive them.


To delete listed documents:


1.      Use the check box fields to select documents.


Note: To select ALL documents, click the uppermost check box.


2.      Click Delete Document:




3.      Click Yes to the 'Are you sure you wish to delete all selected documents?' dialogue.


The deleted document(s) will no longer be listed in the Scan Documents tab.


NEXT: Working With Archived Documents