Quantum VS Help: Call Manager

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Making Outgoing Calls

To initiate an outgoing call from within Quantum VS, click the hyperlinked telephone number displayed within the Call Manager screen or in an open Customer (or Supplier, Branch or Contact) record.


Note: You may also initiate a call manually via your telephone or headset and Quantum VS will automatically display the details.

Initiating A Call From Call Manager

Clicking a telephone number displayed in the Missed Calls, Received Calls or Dialled Calls tab in the Call Manager screen initiates an outgoing call to that number:



Initiating A Call From Elsewhere In Quantum VS

Clicking a hyperlinked telephone number within an open Customer, Supplier, Branch or Contact record initiates an outgoing call to that Customer/Supplier/Branch/Contact:




For example, clicking the hyperlinked number in the Customer record - as pictured above - initiates a telephone call to the Customer Amber Designs Upholstery Ltd.

When The Call Is Connected

When an outgoing call is answered, Quantum VS displays details of the connected call as follows:


Notifications Tab: Connected Call

Caller details display automatically in the Notification window in the lower-right-hand corner of your screen. The 'telephone' icon turns red and the call duration displays:




Call Manager Screen: Connected Call

You may optionally select the Current Calls tab in the Call Manager screen to view details of the connected call. The text 'Connected Call' displays, along with the call duration:



Ending The Call

To end the current call:

See Ending A Call.


Details of dialled calls display in the Call Manager - Dialled Calls tab. See Viewing Missed, Received And Dialled Calls.

Further Caller Options

When working with outgoing calls you have the following options (as when working with incoming calls):


NEXT: Viewing Missed, Received And Dialled Calls