Quantum VS Help: Call Manager

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Viewing Missed, Received And Dialled Calls

The Call Manager screen has four tabs for viewing call-related information.


Select the Current Calls tab to view details of current incoming and outgoing calls.


The remaining tabs are as follows:

Missed Calls Tab

Select the Missed Calls tab to view 'missed' calls (i.e. incoming calls which were not answered):




The number of missed calls also displays in red on the Call Manager tab CallMgrPhoneIcon.gif icon.

Received Calls Tab

Select the Received Calls tab to view 'received' calls (i.e. incoming calls which were answered):



Dialled Calls Tab

Select the Dialled Calls tab to view 'dialled' calls (i.e. outgoing calls initiated):



Understanding The Missed/Received/Dialled Calls Tabs

Each tab shows the date and time of the incoming or outgoing call. The Received Calls and Dialled Calls tabs also show the call duration.


The most recent 10 numbers are displayed, showing the:

Note: 'Unknown Caller' displays if the caller - or number you are calling by clicking the number displayed on your screen - is not recorded on your system as a Customer/Supplier/Branch/Contact telephone number.


Viewing Caller Details

Click the hyperlinked company name to open the caller's Customer record (or Supplier/Branch/Contact record, depending on the caller).


NEXT: Setting Up Call Manager/TAPI