Quantum VS Help: Call Manager

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Working With Incoming Calls

When an incoming call is received you will be notified through your telephone system (ie your telephone will ring) and the caller's details will display in Quantum VS. See When An Incoming Call Is Received.


At this point you may Answer or Ignore the incoming call. See Ending A Call to end a connected call.


When an incoming call is received you may:

When An Incoming Call Is Received

When an incoming call is received, Quantum VS displays caller details as follows:


Notifications Tab: Incoming Call

Caller details display automatically in the Notification window in the lower-right-hand corner of your screen:




Call Manager Screen: Incoming Call

You may optionally select the Current Calls tab in the Call Manager screen to view caller details:



Answering A Call

To answer an incoming call, pick up your telephone or use your headset (depending on how your telephony system is set up).


When the incoming call is answered, Quantum VS displays details of the connected call as follows:


Notifications Tab: Connected Call

Caller details display automatically in the Notification window in the lower-right-hand corner of your screen. The 'telephone' icon turns red and the call duration displays:




Call Manager Screen: Connected Call

You may optionally select the Current Calls tab in the Call Manager screen to view details of the connected call. The text 'Connected Call' displays, along with the call duration, and the Answer icon turns grey:



Ignoring A Call

To ignore (i.e. not answer) an incoming call:



An 'ignored'/unanswered call will display as a missed call in the Missed Calls tab of the Call Manager screen. See Viewing Missed, Received And Dialled Calls.


When a call is 'ignored' and another caller is already on the line, your telephone will ring automatically. You have the option to answer or ignore the call, as described above.

Ending A Call

There are various ways to end the current call:


Notifications Tab: Ending Call

Click the red 'phone' icon in the Notifications tab to end the current call:




Call Manager Screen: Ending Call

If you have the Current Call tab of the Call Manager screen displayed, clicking the red Hangup icon ends the current call:




When a call is ended and another caller is already on the line, your telephone will ring automatically. You have the option to answer or ignore the call, as described above.

Viewing Detailed Caller Information

Click the caller name in the Notifications tab or Call Manager screen to view the caller's Customer (or Supplier/Branch/Contact) record:


Note: The call does not have to be connected to view caller details.


Notifications Tab: Viewing Caller Details



Call Manager Screen: Viewing Caller Details




To view details of a company associated with a missed, received or dialled call, click the 'caller' hyperlink in the Call Manager's Missed Calls, Received Calls or Dialled Calls tab. See Viewing Missed, Received And Dialled Calls.

Opening Caller-Related Documents

Clicking one of the displayed document types in the Notifications tab or Call Manager screen enables you to create a document (eg Sales Order) personalised for the caller:


Notifications Tab: Creating A Personalised Document




Call Manager Screen: Creating A Personalised Document




For example, if the caller is a Customer you may click the relevant icon to create a Quote, Sales Order or Credit Note.


Note: The call does not have to be connected to create a personalised document.


If the caller is:


Use the standard method to create and Complete/Save the document. For example, for a Sales Order you will need to add line details and Complete the order.


NEXT: Making Outgoing Calls