Quantum VS Help: Credit Control And Reviews

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Adding Rules

Rules are one of the main elements - along with Actions, Comments and Sections - you may add/apply to a Credit Review Ruleset.

What Is A Rule?

A Rule may be added to a Ruleset in order to apply true and/or false actions to your customer accounts depending on whether or not they meet certain criteria you specify.


A Rule has three main elements:


If one or more True Actions are specified and no False Actions are specified, then the True Actions will simply be ignored for all customer accounts for which the 'Check' criteria are false. Similarly, If one or more False Actions are specified and no True Actions are specified, then the False Actions will simply be ignored for all customer accounts for which the 'Check' criteria are true.


To express this more simply, Rules allow you to say:


It is possible to create all manner of Rules to suit your purposes. Here is a simple example: you wish to ensure that your customers' account balances do not reach, or exceed, their credit limit. Therefore you might create a Rule that says: Check customer accounts whose account balance is greater than 80 per cent of their credit limit. If this statement is true, they are sent a letter. If not, they are telephoned.


Remember that a Rule is only one aspect of a Ruleset. You may, of course, wish to create a Ruleset which comprises just one Rule. But you have the option of adding further Rules, as well as Actions, Comments and Sections, to your Ruleset.


This section covers:


NEXT: Adding A New Rule To A Ruleset