Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Branch Maintenance

Branch records hold the details of each of your company branches: the 'parent' (or 'head office') and various 'child' branches which form your business.


When setting up Quantum VS you will need to create new Branch records for each of your company branches - see Creating A New Branch Record. When Branch records have been created you may create a stock hunting sequence for individual branches, whereby stock of alternative branches will be checked in a particular order if the current branch has run out of stock.


Once Branch records have been created, Sales and Purchasing documents can be generated for specific branches and information recorded.


This section covers:


Viewing A Branch Record

Branch details are stored in saved Branch records. When you open an existing saved Branch record you may view (and, in many cases, add) information in the following tabs/headers:


Creating A New Branch Record

Creating a Branch record involves opening a new blank Branch record, entering the Branch's General and other details in the available tabs, and then saving the record. You then have the option of setting up Contacts, Tasks, Document Defaults and Labels for the Branch.


Once the Branch record has been created and saved, the system will then reference various details stored against the Branch record when updating stock records and other branch-related data.


Editing A Branch Record

Click for details on editing an existing Branch record.


Deleting A Branch Record

Click for details on deleting an existing Branch record.


Note: To locate and open an existing Branch record see Finding Branch Records.


NEXT: Viewing A Branch Record