Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating Product Notes

You may wish to create Product Notes, such as:


To create a new Product Note:


1.      Find and open the Product record for the required Product. See Finding Products.


2.      Click the Notes tab. Existing Notes saved for the Product will be shown - see Notes Tab: Viewing Product Notes.


3.      Click New Note on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to create a New Note:




4.      Enter the following in the available fields:




5.      The check boxes to the right are used for creating certain types of Note.


If you are just creating a 'general' Note (i.e. just recording general Product information) then you do not need to check any of the check boxes. However, you should check the appropriate boxes if you wish to create any of the following Note types:


If you selected Popup, by default the Product Note will display when the Product is added to either a sales or purchasing document. However, you may optionally select the following:


6.      Click Save to save the Note.


Users may view all saved Note types - including Notes used for general information purposes - by clicking the Notes tab of the Product record. See Notes Tab: Viewing Product Notes.


If you created a Popup, it will appear when the Product code is added to a sales/purchasing document. If it was defined as a One Shot the Popup will appear once only.


NEXT: Editing Product Notes