Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Deleting A Web Environment Record

Web Environment records, to which all Web Users are assigned, determine the Company and Branch which will process all Sales Orders and Quotes placed by a Web User over the web (via a Quantum VS eBusiness website), along with stock checking and other ordering details.


Note: For further details see Web Environment Maintenance.


To delete an existing Web Environment record:


1.      Either:


2.      The selected Web Environment record opens. See Viewing A Web Environment Record.


All existing Web Environments are listed in the upper table. Click Edit on the line of the record you wish to delete:




3.      Details of the Web Environment record are displayed:




4.      To delete the Web Environment record, click Delete.


5.      Click Yes to the 'Are you sure you wish to delete the Web Environment Record...?' dialogue.


NEXT: Web Environment Notes