Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Web Environment Maintenance

Web Environment records link a Quantum VS eBusiness website with the 'Quantum VS' Company and Branch which will process Sales Orders and Quotes - placed via a Quantum VS eBusiness website - for Web Users assigned to this environment.


Note: For further details see Quantum VS eBusiness Integration.


A typical Quantum VS/eBusiness installation will have one Web Environment record per eBusiness website. However, other configurations are possible. For example, it may be desirable to point multiple eBusiness websites to the same Web Environment record. It may be desirable to set up different Web Environments for each Branch within their Company, and/or to handle different types of behaviour for different types of Web User. For example, a company with five Branches might have ten Web Environments - two at each Branch to handle Account and Cash Customers differently.


The Web Environment also determines what happens with stock checking, such as what happens when an order is placed for a product with insufficient stock, and whether Web Orders are immediately parked, or pushed through the Sales Order Processing Cycle. You will need to create one or more Web Environments before creating Web Users.


This section covers:


Note: Additional files must be set up to synchronise Quantum VS and your Web User and Web Environment files with the Web Catalogue and Web Ordering aspects of your Quantum VS eBusiness website. See Web Environment Notes.


NEXT: Viewing A Web Environment Record