Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Web Environment Notes

The following applies when setting up Web Environments and Users:


Note: For further details see Quantum VS eBusiness Integration and Web Environment Maintenance.

Default Web Environment And Web User Records

The following records must be created to facilitate Web Catalogue and Web Ordering within your Quantum VS eBusiness website.


You will need to create:

See Creating A Web Environment Record.


You will also need to create:

See Creating A Web User Record.


Both of the above Web Users should point to a Dummy Host Customer Account which does not incur specific Pricing Discounts (i.e via the Quantum VS Discount Matrix or Special Price files). See Creating A New Customer Record.

Email Parameters And The 'quantumvs.ini' File

In some scenarios such as a credit breach, Web Orders will be parked automatically. Emails can be sent automatically, providing certain parameters are set up in the quantumvs.ini file which resides in the data directory on the Quantum VS server. For example: say the following text was entered in the quantumvs.ini file:


qvse_cc_email_subject=Web Processing - Credit Control Issue






In the above example, if a Web Order caused a credit breach at Branch 2 an email would be sent to JBond@edp.co.uk.


Note: For further details please contact Quantum VS Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk


NEXT: Web User Maintenance