Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Viewing And Completing Tasks

Viewing A List Of Tasks

There are various ways of viewing a list of Tasks. To view a list of:

Viewing My Tasks

To view a list of your own Tasks, click the My Tasks tab in the Finder:




Your Tasks are listed, showing the Priority, Title and Content, Start Date/Time, the user who created the Task, the Date/Time the Task was created, Due date, Status, and details of when the Task was edited, and who by.


Click on the Task number No. link to View, Complete, Amend or Delete a particular Task.


Searching For And Filtering Tasks

If there are many pages of Tasks displayed, use the arrow keys to scroll forwards/backwards through pages of Tasks.


You may filter Tasks using the following fields:


Make your selection(s), then click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar.


To view Tasks with certain words in the Title or Content, enter the word(s) in the Search Options field, then click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar.


Note: To view all Tasks again, ensure the All (or Any) options are selected in the available fields, and/or remove the search term from the Search Options field, then click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar.

Viewing An Individual Task

To View - or Complete, Edit or Delete - a Task, click on the Task number No. link in the:


The Task opens in a separate tab:




The Task Subject and content - i.e. the main details of the Task - are displayed, along with start/due dates and the Customer/Branch/Supplier the Task applies to (unless it is a General Task; i.e. not linked to a Customer/Branch/Supplier). For further details on field definitions see Creating Tasks.


The right-hand panels (created automatically) list additional information:

Completing Tasks

When you have completed a Task you must mark it as having been completed. To do this:


1.      Open the Task for viewing, as described above.


2.      Click Complete on the Toolbar - Sub Menu:




3.      The Complete Task window appears. Click OK.


The window is closed and the Task is marked as Completed.


NEXT: Creating Tasks