Quantum VS Help: Finder

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Using Quick Search

Quick Search provides a quick way to find/open a Customer, Product, Branch, Customer Part Number or Supplier Part Number record. To use Quick Search:


1.      Open Quick Search by:

Note: Although [F6] is the default Function Key used to activate Quick Search, there is the facility to change the key used. See Quantum VS Function Keys.


2.      The Quick Search window displays:



Click the Search drop-down and select the type of record you wish to find/open (e.g. Customers).


3.      Enter a search term in the field to the right. For example, if searching Customers, enter all or part of their account number, or their Short Name.


4.      Click the Search (magnifying glass) icon   Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif.

Note: Remember that this is based on the Sequence selected - see Changing The Search Sequence.


NEXT: Finder: Standard Search Method