Quantum VS Help: System Administration

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Multi-Currency Selling

The Multi-Currency Selling features in Quantum VS enable sales documents to display the currency used by the customer, at the most recently-set exchange rate, when dealing with customers who trade in a currency different to the home/system currency.


To enable Multi-Currency Selling:

See Setting Up Multi-Currency Selling.


When setting up Multi-Currency Selling, the CURR and SCUR Table Files must be configured with suitable values. See Defining 'Currency' Table Files For Multi-Currency Use.


To understand how Multi-Currency Selling works when all necessary conditions are met, see How Multi-Currency Selling Works.


Note: If you will be selling to Customers in a different VAT area to your Default Country, in a multi-currency environment, you will need to create/configure various records to apply the correct VAT rates on sales documents. See VAT Record Maintenance.


NEXT: Setting Up Multi-Currency Selling